@Pikdum What? These games are MOST popular on Nintendo dude.. Dunno what rock you're living under, but Xbox gamers would never go for a game like this. Hell, they cringe at the thought of even the most popular and well made JRPG's out there. Playstation is already filled to the brim and then some with great JRPG's and has From Software helping especially. MH3U was awesome and I guarantee the people who play games like this, Dynasty Warriors or the Soul's games don't care about graphics. Expanding would do VERY little to increase any sales or popularity since it's really just huge in Japan on Japanese consoles, just like the Tales series.
I thought it was a great list. I like that at least someone on Gamespot appreciates Destiny and what it's really good at, and Titanfall was by far my favorite FPS of the year. Expected Inquisition, but overall love the list.
Screw Blizzard. Money hungry piglets. 7 MILLION dollars for a little inconvenience? "oh we're too lazy to work out another patch, let's completely annihilate any future for these people and their children and their children's children, GO US!"
@acharis_frost @youre_a_sheep MS should be desperate since they're failing miserably to keep gaming a reasonable experience on PC and even their paperweight "console"
@Hobbes444 Not in the slightest. The Division looks to easily be the best Ubi game I've ever played. It'll undoubtedly have bugs, but I expect that and I still know it'll turn out better than what they've done this year.
@TeknoBug @CapnXtraObvious @hoyholyhoy Nah, Grid 2 was choice, and Dirt 3 was the best in the series for me (in terms of mechanics, but 2 had more fun cars)
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