I say this as someone who looked past it's Xbox exclusivity and embraced it with open arms, expecting it to be yet another one of the amazing Insomniac games I'd come to know and love over the years. This was one of the most deeply disappointing games I've played all year. I had such high hopes for this game, thinking it would be the reason I would give my Xbox a chance, but it didn't turn out like I hoped.
-The traversal is downright tedious insanity as they force you to be constantly grinding, rolling, wall running, etc just to be able to take on a wave of enemies when I simply at times just want to stand still for 2 seconds to catch my breath - it just isn't possible.
-The close quarters combat is clunky at best with a questionable auto-aim system that sometimes has my leaping all around attacking entirely different enemies only to find myself get completely slaughtered by the horde.
-Constant cussing that adds nothing of substance or comedy to the narrative, but instead a bunch of piss-poor voice actors reading off horribly written dialogue that sounds straight out of a teenagers diary or something.
-Horrible faux-punk soundtrack (which sounds like it only consists of like 3 songs) makes me want to rip my ears out. That isn't real punk, that's cheap, banal, imitation trash. There are a few sections in which the music is actually some sort of EDM, or dubstep style music that actually fits the game's tone much better then the rest.
-The game is shallow, with an 8 or so hour story (full to the brim of fetch quests) and even more optional fetch quests, it gets boring quick.
-Multiplayer is a sloppy mess. You just find a group of way too many people for one simple survival and practically sit back as about 3 of the do all the work while you wonder where any of the enemies actually are. Give us a 2-4 player co-op and you'll get me.
I do need to say though, that even through all this trouble, it turns out the game isn't terrible by any means, it's just not what I would have wanted from such a great developer. What's so sad is that this is still one of the best Xbox One games out right now, and that isn't saying much. (I don't count Titanfall because it's not exclusive, otherwise it beats any XO game by miles) Wait for a price drop if you haven't already. I'd say personally its a 6.5/10.
And no, I'm not a fanboy. I love games from all consoles, have all consoles (and PC) and love anything worth my time, simple as that. XO just happens to not be one of those things at the moment.
I fail to see how f2p equals p2w. There's Archeage, Blade and Soul, Guild Wars 2 (b2p), and "newly" free Tera to name a few all of which totally fantastic and cost 0 to access every bit of the content which is the complete opposite of p2w. Get your heads out those a$$es, mobile game f2p is totally different from mmo unless we're talking DCUO.
hoyholyhoy's comments