@xXxIRyanxXx @allienjoker23 New IP, has nothing to do with Halo. BF3 = very good BF4 = hilarious joke. That's like arguing Wolfenstein was garbage because Skyrim was superb.
@utterlyotter Maybe actually play Destiny before you make these claims. You can say what you want, but there are plenty of people (including me) having an amazing time with the game. I've spent easily 100+ hours already and have yet to find anything stale. Every gamer is different, and for anyone to base their entire points of view off of reviews is pathetically shallow and they should just stop playing games altogether. I could say Borderlands has stolen ideas from many games, but who cares, they're all the same at this point. Just stop bickering and play something else.
Great reviewer, terrible review. These arguments could be made about literally any game ever made. Dark Souls is just as repetitive, as is Halo, Borderlands and every FPS, RPG, MMO, etc. It's like he didn't even care to think about the fact that this is a growing game, with MUCH left to be added, just like any MMO would have. "Bullet sponge" bosses? What boss in ANY game isn't a bullet/damage sponge?? That's the point! Not the right person for the review, but I can respect his right to opinion otherwise.
Yeah I usually agree with Kevin but this is just stupid. By far runs laps around Halo it's not like that game had any story at all either, just blow up the aliens and destroy the halos. Maybe it's
more fun for me because me and the people I play with don't blow at it. It's like once a game introduces mmo elements it's somehow given a bad rep, as if similar missions are what this game is about in the first place. If you get to level 20+ it's all about pvp/strikes/raids not simple little missions. Respect for Kevin but he may not have been the best person for the review..
hoyholyhoy's comments