@nikon133 Dude this is only the beginning of this consoles generation's life, take a breath, there will be thousands of games. I'm sure 1 or 2 are bound to be Insomniac/fun J&D style games. It's not Sony's fault they didn't pay the developer an absurd amount of money to advertise their phones in a game.
@deivis_sc Honestly I think Id is terrible in the graphics department. This game is not well detailed at all (like Skyrim) it looks pretty from a distance but everything is ugly, meshes are like a plastic toy, and textures are very low quality. I have Rage on PC and at maxed settings it's below par compared to even something like Arkham City or Crysis 1. Everything is shiny like porcelain, but lacks any definition. Not a good example of "next gen"
Driveclub isn't broken, it plays beautifully. It just doesn't go online almost ever, which sucks, but if that's ALL you care about then I feel bad, otherwise the singleplayer is more than enough to keep me busy till online's fixed or I get Bayonetta 2.
hoyholyhoy's comments