Unreasonably long wait? No no no, I literally cannot get into online on MCC. Yeah, so much for Playstation having bad launches, my Xbox has done nothing but piss me off from the day we got it. I hate Halo campaigns so the only reason I bought this is completely wasted until they fix it. At least I can actually play Driveclub off AND online. I thought this was supposed to be MS's biggest release and it's completely broken. I mean, AC has some bugs for me on PC but I can still play and enjoy it. Sad Xbox is just a huge waste of money so far, hopefully there's more exclusives that'll get me to think otherwise because MCC and Sunset Overdrive are not cutting it.
@nl_skipper @rabih55555 Also, like you would know what most people want.. Personally, 60+ fps makes me nauseous and dizzy. That hurts my eyes, not 30. It's all subjective to how each individual sees and interprets information. Don't just assume that everyone else needs 60 fps to enjoy a game, that's ridiculous.
BEST AC game I've ever played. I was never a fan of the series (and yes, I own all of them (because of my brother)) but this one is simply something entirely different for me. The world is SO alive, more than any game I've ever played, you can go into many buildings, there's huge crowds of people, tons of things people do to add immersion, on top of that the protagonist is finally someone who's likable, there's character customization (KATANAS!!!), co-op (which I'm a huge goober for) loads of missions, the story doesn't wreak, the parkour is improved, the combat feels more challenging and less arcade-y, and the graphics. Oh, the graphics are absolutely breathtaking to say the least. I'm running it on Ultra (max) settings too and it runs buttery smooth on my 780, so talk about "bad optimization" is USER error, not Ubi this time, which is definitely a massive surprise, actually much better than AC IV. Got it for $45 too at G2A, I'd recommend actually playing it before knocking it because this one actually does something refreshing for the otherwise stale series. Definitely would give it at least an 8 personally, 7 seems a bit like he's trying hard to not enjoy it.
@Gravity_Slave Also, if you complain about how DS is too hard you're doing it wrong, it's not unfair, in fact it's one of the most fair games out there, that's what makes it so unique and hard. It isn't pretentious or forgiving, it's a real challenge. If you think it's unfair, you should just stick to My Little Pony adventure or whatever you kids like to play these days.
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