@StokeMeAClipper AC Unity got very much obliterated by reviewers and gamers alike, ONLY based off of technical issues which can be sorted within weeks, even though the game itself is one of the series' best. This is not unfair, it's the cold hard truth.
@Gamer_4_Fun Harsh? It's too harsh to want a fully functional game? I can't even get it to start, you think I'm being harsh??? I PAYED SIXTY DOLLARS TO WATCH A LOADING SCREEN
@Jdzspace @ps4hasnogames Exactly. I'd say the same thing for AC Unity once it's fixed because under all those bugs it's the best AC yet. (agreeing with Jdzspace)
@ShimmeringSword @hoyholyhoy 4 last gen campaigns recycled (all of which I personally find atrociously bad) I actually got this game day 1 and have yet to be able to get the game to start AT ALL. I absolutely agree it's a good value, no matter what the series, but it's pathetic seeing people talking about Driveclub as a train wreck when I could actually play that game day 1 on and offline with no bugs whatsoever (other than server issues here and there), something that cannot be said about this game. I am also a PC gamer, well, I'm just a gamer as I own them all and I can safely say I've had FAR more enjoyment through my PS4 than on my dust collecting Xbox. Even Sunset Overdrive was a disappointment and Insomniac has made some of my favorite PS games :,\
God.. Gamespot is so desperate with this clickbait nonsense, we get it you guys like Xbox, but it's like all you do is put it on this high pedestal because it's the underdog (more like garbage) can't you just put both on at least equal ground and call it a day? Every post in the last month has been about how Xbox sells, performs, updates, etc better while PS4 is just made the buggy pariah, which is totally untrue.
@ldrambal1 @ECH71 lol after almost a year of waiting for GTA IV and years later with all patches released, the game is STILL horribly optimized for PC and runs like ass on high-end PC's. I don't doubt the same for V which is why I'm waiting to get it in the Steam bargain bin while I play on PS4. At least AC IV started terrible and ended up much much better, which leads me to believe Unity will do fine.
@Mercaptan It's actually the best AC yet, just buy it in 3 or so months when it's been patched up. Just because it has bugs doesn't make it crap as a whole, I normally despise this series and Ubi but I got a good deal on this one, said oh well and it turned out to be fantastic. Just wait on it..
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