I was on the fence just like you i didn't wanted to upgrade to win 7 just for a game, Besides I love XP, for me it's one of the best OS there is, if you have a problem with it most of the time is very easy to fix
having said that, I wanted to play just cause 2, I read from some people that it was a great game so I wanted to play it, and decided to bite the bullet and buy win 7, so I did and you know what?, it's the best thing I ever did, this OS works great, granted I had to make a few adjustments but it's customized just the way I like it, so far zero problems with it, I still have XP on another PC but my main PC has win7
like other people have said i like the fact that it automatically recognizes your hardware and then prompt you to download the right drivers for it, the user interface is great (I never used win vista) so the interface is kind of strange for me but intuitive, the performance in GTA IV was better in 7 than it was in winXP
I thought it was going to suffer a frame rate hit with gta iv on win 7 but no, for me it works better on 7.
So I really recommend windows 7 man, try it.
PS. I never thought I would say that LoL.
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