EA is purposefully designing its games with microtransaction, subscription, and expansion programs to keep people playing, but the company wants to avoid "nickel and diming" gamers.
Yeah, but I'm sure it'll all change in a week or two, or six months.' It's not going to. The plan is that there are no transactions in this game.
Sullivan acknowledged that he can't say with 100 percent confidence that Need for Speed won't someday down the road offer paid DLC or microtransactions. But he stressed that there are no plans at the moment.
@jblp: Managed to force myself through most of it in PC even with all the issues. The game itself isn't anything special I agree. It's lost it's magic, when compared to AA and AC it's not on the same level.
@ChibiYosho: I bought SOMA for PC the other day, it's awesome. The story is great which I wasn't expecting. Not sure what the price is on PS4, but it's well worth full price. :D
These things are so over priced it's silly, just because it's called a Steam machine.... Put those components together yourself and it will be a fraction of the price, Steam OS is free so you can still call it a Steam machine if you so wish.
Already played W3 for over 100 hours :# Can't get enough of this game. Think I only paid £6 for the expansion. It's like the good old day before micro DLC was a thing. Any other dev would charge you £30 for this. Looking forward to the even bigger expansion. :D
hughesyboozy's comments