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hunt270 Blog

Hey Guys!

Wow, It has been so long since of been on here. Hopefully people will see this. I have to say I have really mised this place, the community, and your guy's awesome andconstructive comments. If you would like to see any of my latest stuff, check out my new gameing website. And if any of you don't want to click the link, I'll try to post my stuff here as well.

Leaving Gamespot

He guys, sorry to tell you this but I am officially leaving here. I have started up a Nerd website with some of my "colleges" and will be posting there from now on. I will hopefully put links up on here to my reviews and posts and will check back here occasionally. I thank you all for your support over the time I've been posting here. You guys are the best. Feel free to check the site out. I'll post the link when it's actually functioning, it's just a crap theme right now.



Games Update

Well, I bought GTA 4 yesterday after borrowing from my friend. hopefully I will finish it at some point. I also got Monday Night Combat on XBLA today. it is an amazing game and I am rather good at it if i might add. So that's whats new with me, what about you guys?


Nacho's....please?: An Update of Life

So life is pretty good since my last post. I went on vacation for a while and realized that I really like video games....and technology for that matter. Haha. So I am hopefully getting Starcraft 2 this week (yah!). I won't be satisfied until Diablo 3 though....

Stuff I'm working on for your viewing pleasure:

-Just cause 2 Review

-Batman : Arkham Asylum review

-some other reviews

-My Gameing Company

-My World at War Zombie Mod/ possibly a stand alone game....gonna be sweet.

And I think that's it....Stay frosty!


Starting a Game Company

So i'm starting a game company, small at first obviously. I am the Lead Designer (my dream job) and probably a tester. Assembling a team is my first priority. I think I have a programmer but i need a level designer and everything else. I'm hopefully going to design levels and start to learn programming. If anyone has tips or wants to be part of the new company feel free to message me. I already have ideas for the game and a story, hope it works out...



This movie is probably one of the best movies I've seen since the Dark knight, maybe even better. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and many others. This movie shocked me. I knew it would be strange but I didn't know that I would absolutly adore it. I reccomend all to see it immediatly. I saw it at the 12:01 showing and was blown away. I wasnt even tired after. things were racing through my mind. I undertsood everything that happened, perfectly, yet lacked the words to explain it to others. So go see it right now, and tell me what you think!

Summer Games and Fun

Summer has been going great so far. It's a little too hot for my liking and I often sweat sitting at my computer (from the heat, I'm not that out of shape). Games have been good. I bought Batman: Arkham Asylum and beat it within the next day or two, very fun and very entertaining game. I simply couldn't put it down. Hopefully I'll write a review, I've been lazy lately so I don't know yet. Well, I'm off to do great things, so long,
