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Christmas 10 Days

-10 lords a leaping

-#10 top Favorite games is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

-I have 10 games for N64 (as many as I could find)

-10 is a great number. 10 x 10 = 100 = life is good

(I tried searching for more stuff about 10 on the interwebs but it just came up with a bunch of top 10 lists)

Christmas 11 Days

My on going countdwon starts today. Everday that I count down, make sure you comment. I will also name random stuff having to do with the number. So Merry Christmas, and have fun!

11 pipers piping

#11 on my top games list would have to be Star Wars Battlefront

Self-Awarness In Computers. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

HAL: I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.

Self-Aware computers have haunted movies, books, and minds of people scince before the dawn of man (not really). Where did it all start you ask? These crazy machines were first imagined by Keith Laumer in several of his books (as far as I researched, this is what I came up with, sorry if it is incorrect you fact checkers:)).

After this, the first main one you might recognize would be HAL 9000, from 2001: A Space Odyssey. He was an amazing antagonist in this movie.He just is so creepy and really sells the movie, not to mention its Stanly Kubrik. HAL becomes self-aware because he finds out Frank and Dave are going to shut him down because of a communication error. He also says how (as most self-aware computers say) humans are "endangering" the mission and that they can carry out the derective with their "perfect", yet to us corrupt, minds.

Another good one is Ash (Ian Holm) from the movie Alien. He is the ship's Science Officer who is revealed to be an android under orders to bring the Alien back to the Nostromo's corporate employers. His demise is unfortunetly, soon met. Other androids appear throught the series including a good self-aware computer named Bishop.

Skynet. I'm sure all of you have heard this name before. Skynet is the self-aware super computer who is controlling the army of machinees in the Terminator series. This computer also really has it out for John Conner, the man who will bring about it's destruction. This thing also really hates humans. In order to explain, here is an excerpt from the skynet link above:

"In the Terminator storyline, Skynet was originally installed into the U.S. military mainframe to control their arsenal. Shortly afterward it gained sentience and the panicking operators, realizing the extent of its abilities, attempted to shut it down. Skynet perceived the attempt to deactivate it as an attack and came to the conclusion that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. To defend itself, it came to one conclusion: Humanity must be terminated."

The one thing I love so much about these computers is their voices. The deep or high solemn voices that contain no emotion at all. It is great to here them say things like "death" and "I'm going to kill you" You can almost imagine emotion, or in some cases, the reason why the have none and how the truley are cold hearted killers who think "humans" risk and endanger missions. Isn't it funny how almost all of the machines kill their "invincible" creators.

To us, the seem not all that far away, humanity has to start becoming a little careful when it hands it's entire weapons arsenal to a crazed computer. In the end the things are down right creepy. Some are Good, some Bad, and some very very Ugly (Portal anyone?)

The Weekend

I love the weekend. Unfortunetly I have a project to work on, not much though. I also went out to a shopping center and then ate at Red Robin (great burgers). I also bought a Quantum Physics book, the topic intreges me, especially the multiverse theory (anyone read timeline? That's what got me interested)

Have a Great Weekend!


Breaking News: An Epidemic Has Occured: Seek Shelter Part I [Click for Story]

Well I hope the title caught your attention. That's right guy's, another zombie article ( I just find them facinating). In this one, I will discuss the survival of the fitist and the most realistic situations possible (no "living dead" here).

So, your watching the news...SUDDENLY *read title*. What do you do?!?!


First, try and find where it happened. Is it located near you or far away. Near you? Skip to the next section. Far away? your in the right joint. Okay so it hasn't quite hit you place yet. Try to collect weapons. Guns are good, but swords are better. remeber, Blades don't need bullets. If you happen to be stuck with guns, CONSERVE AMMO!! If you got some fashoned swords/pipes/anything'll do, your good to go. Next, Try to find some non expiring canned goods. If not, look for canned goods with far away experation dates. You also want lot's of water, this is gonna be one harsh hold-out. And finally....Get Somewhere....NOW!


For those of you skipping the above paragraph, get somewhere safe quickly. For the preparers, get somewhere too. A Mall/school/public building would be your worst choice, too many entrances and too many people. A good place to g is a house or building with one entrence on the main floor (two at most) and now windows on the main floor. Also a escape route via underground or roof, I don't think zombies can climb ladders. The best place i think is either on a ship or an island. Barracade everything. You can leave 2 or 3 windows open for scouting and sniping (only if you have a rifle or you can always bring back the cross/bow).

Part II tomorrow. If you would like me to go in more depth about certian aspects, feel free to leave a comment or send me a messgae


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family, friedns, heck even you guys. Also video games, and good writers.

have fun! Don't eat to much....
