@tiffanystarrxxx: jealous of what pay to play backwards compatibility for ps2 and ps3 games?making a classic game like ff7 choping it up in to episodes to make you pay double for it?dont you know how much they will charge you for each episode.like $20-$30.if they chop it in to 10 episodes thats $200-$300 for 6hr episodes.am i jealous of that?..lol
jealous of now big AAA exclusives for a year?am i jealous of timed dlc that comes to xbox one anyway? nope.
i dont see how you ps4 fans put up with the ps4 and square.you know they are making this in episodes like mind craft story mode and other games like it.they are going to charge you $20-$30 for 6hr episodes.they are going to make a killing off of you guys/the ps4 may have sold more consoles buy sony and others are making the worst business decisions i have ever seen.
first pay to play ps2-ps3 games while bc is free on xbox one.nothing but indies coming out till uncharted 4.trying to hard to get exclusive dlc for games like destiny instead of making exclusives.i mean really what AAA exclusive is coming out between bloodborne and uncharted 4 none.i feel bad for you guys.
yes im necroing this.these sites like g2a,gmg is why pc gamers say pc gaming is cheaper.and sites like these is why 80% of games are multiplatform to they can make money.these are also why you have seen most pc games become online only.pc gamers dont care and will defend those sites to no end so they can get a AAA title for $30 on release day.this is the ugly side of pc gaming that isnt talked about much and it should be....again sorry about the necro.
the psx was horrible.it makes me glad i have an xbox one.greatness awaits?its still waiting..lolwhere to start ps2 backwards compatibilityis a pay service not free,street fighter 5 season pass for fighters that should be in the game to begin with,nothing but bad looking vr games,and tons of indie games.is that greatness?im an xbox one/pc gamer and i found this bad for $ony.it was just bad i want my time back..lol
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