some people think uou can just uninstall GeForce Experience after you downloaded the they not think nvidia thought about that?.this will a a forced allways on thing.i will be getting amd for my next card.
well it will be then next esport.thats for sure you can waste you money on skins or cases or what ever you esports turds like.i hate have fun wasting you money on
games are ALWAYS optimized for consoles over their 8-10 year life need to up grade you own pc over these steam machine and you will save money.these steam machine have a LIMITED up grade path.pc's ALWAYS have to be you self a favor bet a console or build a pc.
didnt they say mods were pc ad xbox only.they didnt say it would come later to ps4.they made it sould like xbox only..i didnt hear anything at the e2 reveal i watched about ps4 mods.if they bring it ti ps4 ill just wait for a steam sale and get fallout 4 cheap.this game i not on my A list right now because of the lies.
i doubt it mods are windows based how can they work on a linniux console system.i can under stand pc to xbox one mods due to win 10.but not ps4..ill believe it when i see it.
i guess you extect people to have this stuf just lying around
add another 400-500 on to that no os?$90 no monitor 100-150 at least no keyboard mouse $50 no speakers or head phones $50 im tired of these posts 400 pc to beat ps4 when thy lie and dont include the rest of the stuff its more like 800-900 all tired of these lies by pc gamers
add another 400-500 on to that no os?$90 no monitor 100-150 at least no keyboard mouse $50 no speakers or head phones $50 im tired of these posts 400 pc to beat ps4 when thy lie and dont include the rest of the stuff its more like 800-900 all toghter.. tired of the pc gamer lies
hvd2222's comments