its funny how dice is the only dev that cant hit at least 900p on xbox one the only one.the real issue is the frostbite engine.and its only battlefront games that cant hit 900p or 1080p.i stopped playing their game since bf4 on xbox one.if multiple devs and acheive 900p and 1080p and dice is the only one that cant i think we can see what the issue here is.
the game looks great,runs smooth and is fun.its a nice change of pace from the cod or battlefield.but other wise its only fun for about an hour or so.from what i have seen maybe to many game modes.lets say down the road you like drop zone and if no one is playing it you wont be.thats an issue i see down the road.
its because of windows 10 and dx12 on xbox one and also backwards compatibility.they wouldnt say that about just a dashboard update. i love the console that always improving.
@mikemurphy80: to be honest it looks like it was made for console.if you watched the console verson and pc version you will notice the dialow is in the same layout as the xbox one xyba interface looks like it was made for consoles controller as well.i have watched both versions and thats my guess.
@Mochan: expect dh to be op in wow for the whole expansion.expect to see 10 or 15 in bg's.ecpect to see 2 dh in arena 2v2.they are going to be op no one will play rogues or feral druids because of the see invis thing.IF i come back and i mean IF ill make a dh take enchanting/jewel crafting for ledgendary weapons take sockest so jc will be op and boost him to 100.
was watching bliz con streams of the sh and they are insane.even if they are toned dowm they will still be op.their mobilty is insane and dps is great.there will be lots of complaning from other class about dh at launch.
hvd2222's comments