@capsulegraph: have fun paying x4 of what the game is actually worth..lol.they are just going to keep milking and milking you while you over pay for a game.just wait till ff7 launches with its chopped up story.they are going to make a killing off of ps4 owners...lmao.
to each their own.if you like being rripped off thats you.go right ahead.they will laugh all the way to the bank...
its been in alpha to long.they need to stop milking the cash shop there and move in to beta or just release it.all they need to do is fix the shooting mechanics.its kind of funny how a game based on shooting has bad gun play...lol.it just means they are milking the cash shop.no one will play it on pc when it launches because they have already played it for 4 or 5 months and moved on.i guess then they will move it console.
@CallMeDuraSouka: you really think people are going to watch it on cable?its watched on twitch for the most part.watched whyle they play as well.espn will lose me as a sports viewer.esports need to stay on twitch.i dont feel like watching nerds battle other nerds.
it wont last long on espn.most people who watch esports use their pc,phone or console.and when espn sees their numbers drop from their regular viewers it will be gone.they are just doing it to try it.when they see the.most people watch it on twitch while playing it them selves.thats why it will fail on cable tv.
i can tell you i dont watch esports but i watch espn.if i see esports on espn i WONT WATCH ESPN.i dont want to watch NERDS BATTLE OTHER NERDS.........pass bye bye espn.
@vitaminbp1: people have the wrong impression of this games due to lack of real game play footage.all we have seen is their scripted game play.this game is nothing like destiny as they are trying to compare it to.destiny is way better.its also a fps not a rpg cover shooter mmo that this is.
think gears of war type game play but mmo style.most people think its going to replace day z or arma 3 which its not.gears of war is not for me i dont like cover shooters.destiny will still be better then this game.they are trying to compare to different types of games.a fps and a rpg cover shooter mmo.
i still think its not going to due well.i still mite check it out tho.also keep an eye on twitch for beta game play unless you download it and play your self.to me it wont be big at all.i just dont think a RPG cover shooter mmo will take off.
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