@mastermetal777: while ur welcome to ur opinion i can safely say most games do not animate ur hand covering their mouth. if they did that i wouldnt have a problem with em.
i-rock-socks' forum posts
i play a lot of games, and ive noticed that everytime you backstab a person in any videogame the person being stabbed never seems to mind. no matter how brutal the attack the attackee never seems to yell or scream or make any attempt to inform his bodies "hey guys, im getting murder just thought youd like to know"
most games that use stealth are guilty of this but atleast some games have an excuse, you cant scream while being choked in mgs, and i think batman covers their mouth when hes manhandling iirc. but most games just seem to not even attempt to explain why the guy getting stabbed to death decides to just keep it to himself.
i just watched a video of the order 1886 and it was guilty of this.
no one getting stabbed to death wouldn't scream their heads offs, but developers don't want everyone you stab to alert everyone else and their too lazy to have your character cover their mouth when their doing the deed, so instead they are just silent as Hindu cows as they get brutally and horrifically stabbed (or however) to death.
it just irks me. anyone else notice this or anything that gets on ur nerves while gaming?
i wouldnt recommend either, i highly doubt urll play both versions of ssb and unless u really want mewtwo id say get one or the other. and i wouldnt recommend get 3 amiibos cause their stupid cash grabs.
buy another game altogether, i recommend monster hunter 4 ultimate, but thats just me.
Dr. Robotnik from Sonic and Mr. X from Streets of Rage are my favorite villains.
the one man on earth to own a gun
you should check out DC universe online (since you brought up World of Warcraft) it's a MMO
and free
not necessarily the best villain. whoever was ur fav
my top goes to kefka from ff6, theres power in that laugh :)
followed closely by kain from the legacy of kain series, voice (along with everyone else in that series) is like butter
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