got my original at launch, but got an elite a few years back, got a 250g hdd but there aint much more to say
i-rock-socks' forum posts
i know disgaea aint multiplat but, i cant play a game as time consuming/grind heavy as that on a tv anymore, it needs a vita release like 3 did.
so when it gets boring, i can atleast watch tv at the same time.
other than that, defense grid, command and conquer, and others that escape me atm.
i bought my fat model 3-4 years ago pre-owned and i never had any significant issues.
it used to play blu-ray movies with distorted choppy image seemingly randomly (resetting it til it didnt happened fixed it, it happened as soon as the blu-ray started so if at the beginning didnt f*** up, it would play perfectly), but it hasnt recently. and aside from 1-3 instances were it froze randomly (aside from fallout 3, which froze all the time) i never had any issues with my fatty, i love it, didnt like the slim (fewer usb, they dont have the sd and other card slots *i think* and they cant play ps2 games if i remember correctly, or atleast some like that, maybe it was physical ps1 games, i dont remember)
Thanks for the answer, but that still doesn't solve the issue. Sony really expects people to have to scroll through their download list in order to redownload something?Jesus. My download list is pretty damn huge! There isn't even a search function on the download list! Way too much hassle. But thanks for the reply anyway. At least it's somewhat of a solution.[QUOTE="hiryu3"]PSN has been doing that. Since you downloaded it before it assumes you are just buying the activation. Just go to your downloads list and get it just like you would if you wanted to redownload a demo or purchase.burgeg
my download history has like 400 things and i never found it to be an issue. and even if ya have thousands, its ordered by when it was downloaded so its not like u have to go thru all of ur downloads blindly looking for w/e it is you need.
stop making moutains outta mole hills
i beg to differ from everyone timeshift was a great game the mere ability to rewind fastforward and pause time at any given time was an amazing innovation by sabre interactive.....
one neat feature doesnt make a game good.
timeshift's time control was "neat" at best, game as a whole was less than "blah"
if you like it, thats ur opinion and ur not wrong in liking it, u are wrong in saying its a "great" game; for instance, no one could deny michael jordan is a great baller, but people may not like em, where as no one could deny christopher reeve would be a horrible baller (although it may be more entertaining to watch), even tho people may like em if he stepped on the court.
i like em doesnt = great
to be fair i dont remember much of time shift, but i do remember not liking it, and i dont think superman will ever try an take up basketball, but the point stands... even if... nevermind
*only slightly trolling*
the term great is subjective too, buddy. Saying something is "great" is an indicating that you believe it to be above average. For example, if I were to say "Max Payne 3 is great", I would be joking, but if I were to say that "Dishonored is great", what I really mean is that I enjoyed it for some reason. There isn't anything more factual about that term than there is about his opinion. Now, if he were to say "Everyone thought Timeshift was great", then he would be wrong because that is factually inaccurate. Learning is fun, huh?what u really mean? well someone needs to learn how to saw what they mean... let me try ur way tho.
"your stupid" but what i really mean is i respect you and your point is valid.
and the only reason saying anything is "great" is unsually subjective is because people like you are too stupid to be objective. what i mean by liking something doesnt = great is just that.
timeshift was a poorly constructed game, dishonored was a very well constructed game; i dont really like either but i can say that timeshift wasnt great, where as dishonored is, technically.
great usually means "of high quality, or first rate" not "i like it"
but i guess ur monkey-based interpretations could be considered valid too, in some ways. but i dont like the world u live in where nothing is "great" unless the monkeys feel it is and where no one is objective, because no one mentally can be.
being called on ur idiocy is fun, huh? great middleschool arguement tho, i bet ud get an A if this was one.
i beg to differ from everyone timeshift was a great game the mere ability to rewind fastforward and pause time at any given time was an amazing innovation by sabre interactive.....
one neat feature doesnt make a game good.
timeshift's time control was "neat" at best, game as a whole was less than "blah"
if you like it, thats ur opinion and ur not wrong in liking it, u are wrong in saying its a "great" game; for instance, no one could deny michael jordan is a great baller, but people may not like em, where as no one could deny christopher reeve would be a horrible baller (although it may be more entertaining to watch), even tho people may like em if he stepped on the court.
i like em doesnt = great
to be fair i dont remember much of time shift, but i do remember not liking it, and i dont think superman will ever try an take up basketball, but the point stands... even if... nevermind
*only slightly trolling*
Bethesda did not make the game, they published it. The game was developed by Arkane Studios :| dont call *******s on their ****, that aint cool hes just overwhelmed, after a nap and a juicy juice, im sure he'll be on his game[QUOTE="RageQuitter69"]
I haven't played any of the games, but I can safley say that Dishonored was given a higher score because it was made by Bethesda, a game (that wan't made by Bethesda) can be loaded with bugs and get sh!t on by critics, but a game can be completley broken and unplayable and get 10/10's if it was made by Bethesda *cough*Skyrim*cough*.
i can understand it may be inpractical for most games or technically difficult.
but still, some more games should support it and some games that dont, should be a no brainer (like disgaea 4, that grindfest would be 1000x better if i could play it while watching TV, like disgaea 3:AoD)
get a game that comes out the same day, but isnt the focus of the midnight release?
like the dishonored midnight release, can i pick up my copy of xcom? or will they either not let me, or they not have it yet?
Not sure, my suggestion is for you to call and ask them first.
not a bad idea
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