i couldnt care any less about all the tech words people throw around and everybody comparing ****ing specs all the time. But I do know how to connect tvs and controllers to a computer, and I absolutely love mods.
iBear-'s forum posts
Wow how do you manage to trip over a headset,you should get some help.Plus 360 has wireless ones too.genaroll
[QUOTE="Snagal123"]i do.I'm not sure i want to be shooting people with life-like graphics.
The only ones that really did that to me was OoT and half-life. OoT more so
Naughty Bear was a bit of a letdown, and so I do regret paying full price for it.
yea seriously man what were you tihnkin? lol
I was dissapointed with just case 2. I don't buy a ton of games (especially for full price) so i generally avoid this issue.
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"] Yes GAMERTAGS/PSN IDs have been useful, while TROPHIES/ACHIEVEMENTS aren't as useful in finding bandodgers.
I just hope someone can see that there's a difference :)
Well, I haven't read through this thread, so I haven't seen the argument as to how Trophies & Achievements alone can uncover ban dodgers. I def. see how Gamertags & IDs would help without thinking about it. Though, by discussing one's Trophies & Achievements, it automatically and immediately relates to Gamertags & IDs. They go hand in hand really. Especially in a discussion that can go in thousands of directions. If I took a look at your Trophies, siLVUR, I'll most def. see your ID next to them.
On their own, Trophies & Achievements can aid in determining who a "fakeboy" is. Say if 'Joey-GameBoey' decided to troll and bash the 360, all the while saying that he thoroughly plays the games that the system has to offer. Then later it's discovered that Joey-GameBoey does in-fact have an XBL Gamertag, but he has no achievements for it. Looks like he was lying. That's one example that actually has been put into use on these boards. I wouldn't say it can apply to each and every individual / situation though.
Given the methods, I think awards and IDs are really dependent on each other.
Edit: Changed the fictional fakeboy's name to Joey-GameBoey because it flows better :P.
Oh my...naughty naughty.
You are giving trade secrets away Eve. ;) I call them secrets because apparently yesterday, I was the only one in the thread that knew of this technique, and I have employed it numerous times here in SW over the years. I'm just glad it didn't come from me.
Also, remind me to cancel my Joey-Gameboey account. :P
You guys can't be serious. omfg. This ain't real life who gives a **** about this forum. this forum was make to argue like idiots at eachother, untill dorks actually put real meaning into SW.
compelling argument, i agree the wii does have the most longetivity
you can tell a thread will be poor when somebody puts a pretentious sigh in the subject
that douche thinks hes better than us!
Sales indicat marketing to a point but the product itself is important too. And Sony wants KZ to be big, they just don't want to spend the millions to make it happen which is reasonable because even a 250 million advertising campaign will not attract people to KZ/
lol true
I remember that stupid commercial they had with the bullet wizzing past everyone in battle. just terrible
ooo burn
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