@Deadly_Nemesis It's been a thing since 2005. And thanks, I probably will. In the mean time, I will be enjoying my PS Vita and PS Plus, until the PS4 has a decent library of games, which is when I will buy that as well.
@Deadly_Nemesis @iBuzz7S As an "Xbot", I can safely say that I signed my soul over to Microsoft when I continued supporting the Xbox 360 after E3 2010, so not much to lose by having already paid off my pre-order for the Xbox One. :p
At the Xbox One reveal, there was an image of the agility orb on the screen. That gave many people reason to believe that a third Crackdown title would be announced at E3. Sadly, it didn't happen.
Here's hoping that Microsoft, well Phil Spencer, isn't BSing. I want a third, proper sequel.
Lucky for me, I already have a Vita. In fact, I have two. One for up-to-date stuff and the other, well I am still waiting for that jailbreak for homebrew stuff.
Anyway... If I didn't have one and the PS4 and Vita were to have cross-platform support, of course I'd buy one. Mind you, I am not a fan of Sony and I got a PS3 with the release of Battlefield 3, but ever since I have had the PS3 and Vita, I really have no complaints. With PS Plus in the mix, it only gets a lot better.
Though I wonder, will it be the same? Will PS4 games that are or may be available on the PS Vita, could you simply buy it for the PS4 and receive a redeemable code for the PS Vita? I wouldn't mind paying an extra $10 for that, as long as it supported cross-platform play.
OVER 500,000 daily average users and you are closing down the game? What does it take to please EA?
I guess all of this was just BS then.
500,000 daily users... 500,000. That is more than twice as much as what a copy of *insert title here* would sell and the publisher will push a sequel because of its success. Yet 500,000 to EA, they treat it like its the last 100 people playing the game online.
@jonzilla_basic Worldwide? I don't think so. Given past console launches, one part of the world has to wait a good 3, maybe 4 months before the console becomes available.
Well for this particular one, I was under the impression that, given what they did with Saints Row 2 and its add-ons, it would be worth it. $20 for ~3 houts of additional gameplay and no option to replay missions really did bother me. Mind you, it took 3 hours to unlock the achievements. Heaven knows how long it would of took had I just played through the missions/activities.
No comment for Gat. It's more right than wrong actually. Hopefully, Deep Silver heard all of 'our' cries and they do something to rectify everything done wrong by THQ. They got it right twice, but did something bad the third time. Online pass for LOCAL co-op? Yeah... I have a few words for that and I am responding to a moderator, so I'd rather not spell it out.
@nocoolnamejim Would be great if a season pass wasn't limited to North America. While I still regret spending $20 on a season pass for SR: The Third, I'd grab a CE if it included one, as well as some other collectible items.
As for your final comment, I think everyone would want Gat, seeing how they killed him off in the first 15 minutes of the last game.
iBuzz7S's comments