@dpclark .. no. If you're going to describe it by comparing it to other, existing games, you're better off saying it's the mixture between a jRPG (FF, CT) and a game like Dust: An Elysian Tale.
Hahaha, fantastic video description. "This year, he travels to the land of Falskaar to deliver gifts to all the good little boys and girls. The gift of death."
@Maverick6585 To be honest, for a game that drew inspirations from the Thief series, I find it more likely that Dishonored be better than the new Thief than otherwise. One of the better stealth games I've played recently.
@jflkdjs 8 is a great score, why should it have scored more? He criticized it for its lack of length (and, as has been discussed before, a flawless game doesn't get a 10: the score doesn't start at 10 and go down as flaws are exposed).
@Bobbafet3 That's relative. Not that I like playing the age card (but I will anyway), but it's something you get some perspective once you're older. That seven you thought was mediocre in Math, during high school? Get that on a Calculus 2 test and you'll probably pin it to your fridge. 7.5 is good, bordering on great.
iHarlequin's comments