I understand his (McShea's) complaint. There are solutions to regenerating health: health that doesn't regenerate. Amazing, right? If you've ever played Counter Strike, or any other of the several dozen games that don't let you regenerate health, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's idiotic of a company to market a game as realistic and then take the LEAST realistic option for one of the main factors in a shooter - how health is handled. So EA wants to make an arcade shooter? That's fine: just don't market it as something that it isn't, all the while trying to appeal to a (fake) sense of duty/respect to soldiers. Arcade vs. Realistic for health regenerating, arcade is what the developers opted for.Maybe a dead-is-dead option isn't viable for a multiplayer shooter - it would be boring, is what Greg thinks. But again, want to approach it to realism? There are ways: you die, you have to wait until either side (a common mode in several games) to win entirely (wipe the rest of the team, complete the objectives, etc.). Again, arcade prevails as their choice - infinite respawns.
And now you have the only thing they did take the realistic route: aesthetics. Everything looks, sounds and even feels like a warzone. That's a point for them, but let's face it: aesthetics is shallow - barely considerable - when compared to the core of a game: the gameplay. McShea's irritation isn't with games that take on an arcade approach to warfare - it's with how they were passing an arcade game as something realistic. I can't argue with him there; he's right. Greg cites several times that they have to make a compromise between maintaining it fun and keeping it realistic - and they didn't honor that compromise. They just went with arcade gameplay and slapped pretty graphics with the real uniforms/boots/locations/weapons/etc.. He's just calling things out as they are.
I always thought KoA: R was too empty to be a single-player game and just perfect for an MMORPG. This will most likely be an improvement, specially if they manage to fit the awesome combat along with more classes and races :).
The guy raging at the ME3 ending is fantastic :lol: . 'Here's the writer of this series, writing the ending to its game' *shows dog taking a crap* :lol:
@SHEETBIKE It's a Daedric artifact called 'Dawnbreaker'. You get it for completing the daedra Meridia's quest. And yes, it looks awesome (and it glows brighter when near undead).
@Gryphes2k Yeah.. except my country is one of the most ethnically diverse in the world, and we don't have any issues with that. I don't think you'll find a single case of people being denied their religious rights here :/. But w.e.
@Gryphes2k we would rather you abstain from your racial slander. Great video, I always end up finding a mod I enjoy that isn't endorsed much (aka I don't see it when I browse the nexus/steam workshop), pity we have to deal with comments like yours. Concerning the video, keep this weekly thing up. Very nice :).
iHarlequin's comments