This article is definitely on point. Microsoft is giving short-term rewards to people with no patience while Sony is still getting ready to take out the big guns.
Ninja Gaiden 2 is going to be better than both DMC4 and can quote me on that. Those games do look impressive graphically, but I strongly doubt that they will live up to the hype surrounding them. Ninja Gaiden 2's gameplay alone will probably outshine those full games, IMO.
All of the consoles have their pros and cons. For me, it's 60GB PS3 #1, Xbox 360 Elite #2, Wii #3. Wii is a bit kiddy but does still have some great games. Xbox 360 Elite is a must own for me because Ninja Gaiden 2 is coming out next year... Otherwise, I could care less about it. I have a 250 Gig PS3 with Ninja Gaiden Sigma & all of the best PS2 games, so I'm definitely putting it to good use.
By the way, Halo and Gears Of War ARE overrated. Especially Gears, though. Their AAA ratings aren't based off of single player, infrastructure, or gameplay---it's the "wow I'm playing this online" factor that makes them high ranking.
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