@Celsius765: You mean they changed it? How could they. Intelligent Systems should be ashamed for trying to keep the game fresh and different from the amazing Mario & Luigi rpg series.
@Thanatos2k: Yet you just predicted the new one will suck and you havnt even played it. But, boo hoo, its not like the old games, its too different. We get it, now get over it. Its time to grow up and stop whining. Its shameful when an 8 year old kid can play Thousand Years Door and Paper Mario: Sticker Star and love both like crazy. Yet experienced gamers are too scared to even try.
@Thanatos2k: Its got Paper Mario: Color Splash coming. Then Zelda after holidays. Then NX will be here. Nintendo stated NX is coming in March and is a home console.
@metallinatus: O yeah, isnt that the cool Wii controller that lets you play them old Wii games off your tv. I forgot all about that weird thing. Its a cool ideal, but im not paying $299 for that.
Sweet, guess gonna be Mario Party, YOKAI, Pokemon, and maybe a surprise. Should be fun, cant wait. I think were all getting YOKAI 2, kids are crazy for the TV show and love everything YOKAI now. Its all YOKAI and Pokemon for them, thats all theyve been wanting for Christmas.
If it feels like the sonic games of old, then it still has the same issues, all speed, no heed. Sonic shouldnt be about speed and repetition, people dont like that in games. Also, that "Temple Run" style you experienced, was old school sonic when you had to do the run levels with the camera behind your head.
Give kids a sense of adventure with Sonic, encourage exploration and thought over speed and repetition. Kids these days like diversity, they dont want the same ol sonic, they want fresh innovation, what Sega use to be about.
Also, Skies of Arcadia and Streets of Rage, chop, chop.
iandizion713's comments