@rasterror: Get in line mate, America has oppressed all races. You think poor white Irish men were treated good? What about the poor whites forced to work in the coal mines of the Virginia's. How bout the poor Asians who help build the railroads? What about the poor whites who fled from religious persecution of the Catholic church? All people have had their share of harsh times, thats the whole reason we founded America, to come together in harsh times.
@LpcWarrior: So your point is he can sit if he wants and we can make fun of him if we want. Cool, cause thats exactly whats gonna happen. Kaepernick dont stand for freedom, he sits for it. Team player right there, im sure teams are lining up to trade for this awesome benchwarming QB now. His teammates must be so proud too for his support.
@dexda: No, what im saying is they took the old 3DS XL frames and used them for the n3DS XL frame. I thought i had made myself clear. But yeah, would have been molds i guess that they modified.
@dexda: Yeah, but to add buttons, they just ordered some and drilled a hole. To give you changeable plates, they got to throw away lets say 20million frames, and then order new ones. That n3DS XL with changeable plates might come out costing $229.99. A $30 mark up just for the plates since had to dispose and take lost on so many.
Then Nintendo release n3DS Mario 3D Land Bundle with changeable plates for $150 and get made fun of.
@dexda: Problem is they already did the XLs before the n3ds come out. So all they did was take those parts and turn them into n3ds XL. The changeable n3DS i think they just made for Japan cause over there they are big on that stuff and 3DS sells like crazy in Japan.
So yeah, they could turn n3DS XL to changeable plates, but i think would cost them cause theyd have to change all the frames.
@CallMeDuraSouka: O, i might buy Nintendo stuff like crazy, but i dont collect 3DS's, hells no. Its for people who like science type stuff. Instead of just plain colors, or game art on the covers, here we have a Cosmos. I dont defend everything Nintendo does, i dislike the NES Mini and will not be buying. Also many things i dont agree with Nintendo on and constantly voice my opinion, yall just dont see it much cause i bitch straight to Nintendo.
But stuff i complain about, yall probably never deal with, so would be hard for people to understand if i did complain. Also Nintendo fans cant complain much, cause our voices get overheard by others. We tried to complain about NES Mini having 3ft cords...we got no where cause the whole gaming community praised it as the coming of Christ.
Its not Nintendo fans that are the problem mainly, its the media and the rest of the gaming community that we have to live with.
iandizion713's comments