@fabulousvut: Yeah, lets blame Nintendo for people making careless decisions. Lets blame Phone providers, internet providers, cable providers, everybody but ourselves. Genius.
@davillain-: In all fairness though, he did deliver what he promised. He promised Wii U would feature the best third party launch lineup Nintendo has ever had, and it did. But too bad thats all it had. Its had zero AAA first party for a whole year. Pikmin 3 was the first one they released for Wii U, it was a horrible time to be a Nintendo fan.
Just give us a AAA Nintendo game at launch, dont wait till a year later to finally release one like yall did on Wii U. Sure Wii U had great third party at launch, but that was it, it only had third party.
@Hvac0120: Yeah, i rather stick to PC gaming, i play the same games online for free. Samsung might have apps, but they dont charge you monthly to use apps you pay for.
Pretty smart, would have been silly just calling it Rocksmith 2016 or Rocksmith HD. Then when you make Rocksmith 2018 you can call that remaster same instead of being stuck with titles again.
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