@louixiii: Not yet, Wii U has sold 3.22 million in Japan and PS4 has sold 2.98 million in Japan. But still, as of right now, Wii U has sold more then both put together in Japan.
@Hvac0120: Yeah, i dont understand. I just want what the game is giving me, i dont want Sony's services. I dont want to pay the middle man. When i buy cable for my cable TV, i dont pay for Cable, Internet, and then Samsung for letting me use the TV.
@TheZeroPercent: How is Xbox pushing Wii U out the business when Wii U has sold more then PS4 and Xbox One put togethr in Japan. Sounds more like Nintendo is pulling the ol Ming dynasty tactics of closing its borders and cleaning house.
This reminds me of the awesome Pokemon GO Lets Play i watched in Paris. Me and my whole family got to sit together and enjoy the experience. Was magical. We saw real stuff, real people, real food, real talking. Its was all in real time too, it blew my mind. These things are great in bringing people together the grander things in life.
@TheZeroPercent: Its sitting at 69 right now. Not so bad considering all things and how hard the game is. It reviewed way less then i thought, game felt like an 8-9 to me, but still good considering 5 sites out of 22 gave it pretty poor and negative reviews.
Thats just how it goes though, for instance Jose from IGN gave this game same score he gave Kirby Triple Deluxe. And Peter from Gamespot rated it one point below Star Fox Zero and same as Justin rated Tri-Force Heroes a 5. And another game called Luigis Mansion Dark Moon that came from this same studio got rated a 6 on Gamespot.
Funny thing though, those games i stated id all rate WAY above what they got rated. Thats just how it goes with critics, cant everyone get it in the ballpark.
@TheZeroPercent: Cant be too bad, Gamespots is bout the lowest score. They have to pick all the low ones and ignore the higher reviewed ones. Would make them look bad, thats most likely why we dont have a review roundup.
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