[QUOTE="blade55555"]well I want to play at a high resolution. I don't mind paying more then 300$. I already have a 8800 GT but I want to play at higher resolutions and crap like 1900 by 1200 or something to those so gtx 280 it is thanks :).machine_B
But GTX280 perform better than 8800GT whatever the resolution is...
i would suggest Getting a Quad core like a Q6600 autocad and 3ds max would make great use of it perhaps a better gfx card... an 8800GT, it uses CUDA technology (helps with rendering and such). A list of cuda enabled gpu's http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_learn_products.html
If your buying a new PSU i would go with a quality one that would last you longer :P if http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139002 is in your budget go ahead with it...
Could be an overheating issue... crysis does put a massive load on your system so that could be why he can play cod4 and he is having trouble with crysis
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