[QUOTE="linkin_guy109"]sad but true, and eachone sells more and more, its crazy, same with assassins creed, i think yearly releases r bad for the business COD games are on what, all three consoles plus pc? So between BlOps and MW3 releases, the install base on PS3 and 360 both went up by 12-13 million, Wii went up by... I have no idea, 10+ million? So just consoles, the potential market went up by 30 millionish since the last game came out.if it wasnt for the new map layouts you could very very easily switch black ops or modern warfare 2's multiplayer with modernwarfare 3's multiplayer and people wouldnt notice initially, and that is a very sad sad sign
ianuilliam's forum posts
Might not be smart to release the console in the same window as all of those non-kinect Microsoft exclusives.ActionRemixYou, sir, owe me a new netbook, for making me spew drink out my nose all over the one I was using when I read that.
[QUOTE="VERTIGO47"][QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"] So why release it?ForzaGearsFace
Just to see if casuals can lap it up like they did with Wii Motion Sensing. At the end, Sony realized the core gamers are too valuable for its survival.
Really then why does core games sell better on the 360You got official ltd numbers on all PS3 and 360 games (exclusives and multis, would be cool) released in the past, say, year or two? Hell, I'd even settle for just (official) total worldwide software sales, but alas, MS doesn't release that info, so all we have is data for a handfull of games, when the publishers release platform sales on specific games, and guestimates from VGCharts (which, btw, have PS3 as having higher total software sales than 360 for 2011, so I assume we won't be using them, right?)[QUOTE="racing1750"]No one cares about move or Kinect.dRuGGeRnaUtPeople on these boards need to learn proper english: "none of the nerds on SW care about Kinect... But most of the rest of the people do". - Fastest selling electronic in history says different. - not for people on these boards, but for many, the kinect has been fun. I speak of kinect only because I am yet to actually use the PS move.Fastest selling electronic in its first 60 days. After that, it slowed down. A lot. 8 million at 2 months. But only 10 million 7 or 8 months later. I wonder if it's still the "fastest selling electronic device in history" if you compare first year sales, and not just first 2 months? Seems like the title was given a bit prematurely, IMO.
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Yeah... same thing was said for the past year about Gears 3 outselling every PS3 exclusive combined in 2011... What's Gears 3 up to now? 4 million? What's the combined total for 2011 PS3 exclusives so far? 8 million? And you believed them? I mean, it would be no surprise when Gears 3 outsells any single ps3 game this year by a good amount, so that's where the cause for jokes/exaggeration comes from.No, it typically went like this[QUOTE="xhawk27"]
The funny thing is that Halo 4 is going to outsell every PS3 exclusive game combined in 2012! :lol:
Lem: "PS3 owners don't buy games... their exclusives never sell as well as 360 exclusives."
Cow: "Yeah, cause PS3 owners get like 10-12 exclusives to pick from ayear, 360 owners only get like 1 or 2, so it's no wonder those 1-2 sell better than any one PS3 exclusive."
Lem: "Now way, brah, Gears 3 will outsell all 2011 PS3 exclusives combined!"
Cow: " :roll: "
it sold well, has a bunch of games that support it, and more coming. Not great but decent. I don't see how kinect is any better or worse just from a support standpoint. I do think that move is a much better productGunSmith1_basicSeriously... just because it isn't crammed down your throats doesn't mean it "died before it even hit the sales floor," and also, not making 80% of the consoles exclusives require the purchase of an expensive peripheral does not mean they aren't supporting it or they've abandoned it. I haven't heard much in the way of numbers for either lately, but the numbers from a while back were 10 million Kinect, and 8 million Move. If move is dead, does that mean Kinect is hooked up to a respirator in the ICU?
Yep... about the same number of high scoring exclusives... and it only took it 20% longer to achieve it. :oit has almost the same number of high scoring exclusives as the ps3 does. :?
Yeah... same thing was said for the past year about Gears 3 outselling every PS3 exclusive combined in 2011... What's Gears 3 up to now? 4 million? What's the combined total for 2011 PS3 exclusives so far? 8 million?The funny thing is that Halo 4 is going to outsell every PS3 exclusive game combined in 2012! :lol:
Piracy. Its exploiting the system to allow other people to download and play dd games/dlc that you buy off PSN by giving them your account info/pw, letting them sign in to your account on their PS3 and activate/download anything you've purchased (also giving them access to spend any funds on your wallet, change your pw. etc). It's no more a "feature" than downloading cracked torrents on pc is a "feature."I don't even know what game sharing is.
The vast majority of those PS2 owners had no allegiance to Sony... It's not like Sony had 100m fanboys eager to buy the next PS no matter what. Of the 200m+ "next-gen" systems bought, the VAST majority made their choice based on some combination of price, availability, and actually comparing features/games... and not based on any kind of loyalty to a particular brand name. Being too impatient to wait another year when there was already a next gen console, or not wanting to take that $600 plunge for a PS3 when there were Wiis and 360s for $250-350are much bigger factors to most people than what the brandname on the box is... so yeah, the fact that PS3 has outsold 360 the pretty much the entirety of its life, despite those issues is a positive, and testament to the fact that it is actually a great console, with great games and features consumers are interested in.i'm going to just disagree with that, though its not hard seeing asthough you just made a load of generalizations with no evidence to back them up. If we take 2007 for example, the 360 obviously had price and games in its favour, it even had Halo 3 released that year, yet the PS3 still comfortably outsold it. you could argue people were buying the PS3 for games releasing in the near future, but what games? GT5? MGS4? Killzone 2? GOW3? how many people who brought a PS3 for those games would have done so because they enjoyed their previous installments on the PS1/2?[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
Hmm you're listing the disadvantages Sony had to over come and the advantages MS had, but thats not the full story, Sony launched their console off the back of a huge brand name in Playstation, think about that for a second, it was always going to be very tough for a similar console to compete with the Playstation brand. So yeah Xbox had a 4Q headstart...PS3 had the 100m existing PS2 owners!
Are you suggesting Japans console sales have nothing to do with brand loyalty? :|
brand loyalty in gaming isn't just about the name on the box or an allegiance to the consoles manufacturer :| its the games and quality people associate with it from previous generations, especially at the start of a generation when a console offers little in terms games and is highly priced.
you seem desperate to make out the PS3 somehow had all the odds against it going into this gen, because you think it makes the console look like its done better, which also seems to be your main aim on SW, for some reason.
I'd say Japan's sales have more to do with MS not understanding the Japanese market as well as Sony, and failing to appeal to Japanese gamers' interests as well as the PS3 did than just brand loyalty.And I actually agree with you somewhat... about people looking at previous gens quality and games... I went with PS3 at launch by looking at Sony's track record of pumping out a lot more new quality first party IPs than the other guys, so I guessed that the PS3 would end up with more and better exclusives, and actually comparing features and prices (a 360 that had all the features I was interested in of that $600 PS3 would have cost me significantly more than $600). I wouldn't call that brand loyalty, especially not with the "blind fanboy" implication that that term has around here. It's making a decision based on the games and features... which is what I said.
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