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Metal Gear Acid
A must for Metal Gear fans who can tolerate the slow pace of a strategy game.
This was the very first PSP game I picked up. I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear, and the fact that there would be 3 Metal Gear games on PSP (this, Ac!d 2 and the new one coming out) persuaded me to pick it up. All of the ... Read Full Review
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles
Shivering Isles is just what you'd expect an Oblivion expansion pack to be.
Shivering Isles is an expansion to the role-playing game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I've played every version one way or another, but I only actually own the PS3 version, so that's the one I plunked down the $30 fo... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
A solid strategy title, but it's lack of variety hurts its longevity.
A quick review... I couldn't resist the chance to snap up a next-gen turn-based strategy game. Before this point, my exposure to the Civ franchise has been brief, so I approached the game fresh. The game is good fun... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Portable 8-player Bomberman for $15. Genius.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Bomberman. It's always good for a cheap action-puzzler thrill, blowing up cute little men and monsters for the sake of glory. This game is, simply put, Bomberman Nostalgia 101... it w... Read Full Review
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Bomberman '93
Bomberman will always be good... but this game is maybe-too-worn territory to a fan of the series.
Bomberman will always be king. Ever since I rented Super Bomberman for my SNES back as a kid... I've been hooked on the addictive multiplayer and played many versions of the game. I had some spare Wii points burning ... Read Full Review
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Another great Legend of Zelda game.
Let's get right to it, shall we? How does Twilight Princess stack up? Is it a worthy Legend of Zelda sequel? The short answer is yes. There are a lot of things this game did right. The classic 3D Zelda formula shi... Read Full Review
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Swing Golf Pangya
A cute and functional Wii golf game with lots of content... it's certainly fun enough to overlook its faults.
It's not a perfect golf game, but the Wii controls are fun, there's tons of customization and unlockables, and the gameplay is simple enough and challenging. It really is an average game on the surface, though. The g... Read Full Review
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Warship Gunner 2
Ship-to-ship combat by Koei?! Sign me up!
Koei makes Dynasty Warriors, and I'm one of the wierd ones who has played a half-dozen of them. When I noticed they were making a new naval action game, I decided I'd give it a try. I'm really an RPG fan, but I love a ... Read Full Review
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Red Steel
This game would have been awesome, had the controls not been crap.
Red Steel was almost a great game. With a simple B- movie plot and some good settings for a shootout, this game could have been a kickin single player FPS. Indeed, some parts of the game are really good... and those ... Read Full Review
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Dungeon Explorer
The main appeals of Dungeon Explorer include the 5-player co-op, high difficulty and good music.
To put it simply, Dungeon Explorer is a clone of Gauntlet, the Arcade/NES fantasy action game. Even if you've never played one of the older 2D ones... after playing any action RPG you'll see that they have roots in game... Read Full Review
7 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Akumajou Dracula
I don't care what they say, Super Castlevania IV is still the best Castlevania game there is.
A Quick Review... After playing several of the GBA/DS ones, my taste for Castlevania has kindof gone sour. They abandoned the classic horror platforming action for RPG mechanics, Metroid-style adventuring and redicul... Read Full Review
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Ghost Squad
You are the GHOST SQUAD. Don't leave any fruit boxes behind.
Ghost Squad for Wii is a remake of the light-gun arcade game of the same name. In the arcade version, you equip yourself with a massive light-gun battle rifle, and after choosing a costume and weapon, battle through thr... Read Full Review
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Wii Sports
Wii Sports isn't bad for a pack-in party game...
Everyone gets this one with their Wii... a collection of five sports games. Using the Miis (simplified Playmobile-esque characters created with the Wii) up to two players can play Baseball or Boxing, and up to four can ... Read Full Review
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Super Mario Bros.
One of the best video games ever made.
This game takes me back to the time I was introduced to video games. It was one of the first I ever played... it compelled me to ask a shopping mall Santa for a Nintendo. Though he may have brought me SNES instead (to ... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Silpheed: The Lost Planet (Hot Price!)
A solid shmup... definently a great bargain bin find for a fan of the genre.
Fishing through the bargain bin, I happened upon this one... normally I'd have pitched it aside with the other generic "never-heard-of-it" titles, but the foily silver box made me stop and read. What's this? ... Read Full Review
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Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom hearts is a satisfying action RPG... with a premise like no other.
A Quick Review... Kingdom Hearts is a good game... at the very least, it's setting and premise are certainly unique. I was a big Disney movie fan as a kid, and I love how all the classics I saw in the theatres are re... Read Full Review
0 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
FFI&II on the go can't be beat, but it does have some problems.
A quick review... Dawn of Souls is basically Final Fantasy Origins (PS) on GBA. Which is nice, having these classics on the go is definently a plus. There's even some MORE extras that were added since. For both game... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen (w/Memory Pack)
It's hard to follow up a game like Ocarina of Time... but Majora's Mask does it.
The intro of my review HAS to mention Ocarina of Time. I can't help it. Sorry. This game is the second N64 installment, coming some time after the masterpiece. Could this game ever live up to the classic? I'll tell ... Read Full Review
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Senjou no Valkyria
This game slips under the radar and delivers a fun strategy game with lots of personality.
A quick review, since I haven't done one in a while... Valkyria Chonicles is a new turn-based strategy game by Sega, and it offers a blend of atmosphere and gameplay that hasn't quite exactly been done on home console... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Gradius Portable
Finally, an arcade compilation worth getting!
The Gradius Collection is, as the name would imply, five seperate Gradius games on a UMD. This package really succeeds for the following reasons: Gradius has always been among the best of arcade shoot-em-ups. This ... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark was the ultimate console FPS in it's day... and it's still better than many.
A Quick Review... Everyone remembers Goldeneye... the game that made console FPS good. It had a wonderful single-player game, coupled with an addicting multiplayer deathmatch. What makes Perfect Dark BETTER than t... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time... the greatest console game in history? That's about the size of it.
A Quick Review... I have seen few finer games than Ocarina of Time. This is the game that turned me into a Zelda fan. I always thought the 2D games were a little average... but this is where the series came into i... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Gauntlet Legends
Guantlet Legends is the ultimate party game.
A Quick Review... Guantlet Legends is way more fun than it should be. It's really just a bare bones action RPG stripped down to the arcade level. Players each choose one of four characters and four colors and run ... Read Full Review
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Field Commander
This game comes off as pretty average to me.
A Quick Review... To put it simply, this game borrows a lot from Advance Wars... to the point of being a ripoff. They play almost identically. This could have been a good thing, as the Wars gameplay is timeless. Ho... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
FFTA did a lot of things right... and it's a must-play for RPG fans.
A Quick Review... Well, Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game of all time. Naturally my hopes for this game were nausiatingly high. Did FFTA become my favorite portable game of all time? Not really... but it is... Read Full Review
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Final Fantasy IX
There's a soft spot in my heart for FFIX.
Final Fantasy IX is kindof a special game for me... it really was my way of entering into the RPG genre. Before this game the only one I'd played was Super Mario RPG. This game got me hooked... I couldn't pull myself a... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Choro Q HG 4
Heh... I fished this out of a bargin bin for $5, but my curiosity was not rewarded.
This game is terrible. At first it is unclear what you are supposed to do. As a cute little car, you apparently must drive around town and talk to other cars. They usually (and by usually I mean ALWAYS) only say a o... Read Full Review
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Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
Final Fantasy X is still the best PS2 game.
A Quick Review: FFX changed the classic FF formula once again, but the result is quite simply the best modern-day RPG I've played. What's good? Most everything. The graphics were spectacular for their time, and s... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum)
Of those worthy enough to remain in my collection, FFVIII is among my least favorite.
A Quick Review... FFVIII is kind of a love hate game for me. While it's a darn-pretty PS1 game with some great cinematics and a story that works well... the whole experience becomes somewhat deflated due to the bizar... Read Full Review
3 of 7 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy VII
It's a classic... RPG fans are obligated to play it.
A Quick Review... FFVII is a landmark game for a variety of reasons. It's Final Fantasy's classic gameplay and flair for characters and plot, mixed with 3D graphics and a healthy dose of sci-fi. Battle system play... Read Full Review
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Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy XII met my rediculously-high expectations.
Final Fantasy has been my flagship gaming series since my PS1 days. I've since went back at played them all, though some more than others. I can't get enough. When this game came out, I was right there at the midnight... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
The best handled strategy game to date. Different from its predecessors, and better.
Advance Wars is the venerable turn-based strategy game series that Americans have luckily been given the portable iterations of. With extremely tight, addictive gameplay, multiplayer support and customizability, each ga... Read Full Review
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Greed Corp
What GreedCorp might lack in variety is redeemed by its interesting concept, low price and surprising tactics.
I bought GreedCorp on a whim out of boredom, waiting patiently for the first true A-List strategy game to appear on next-gen consoles. Though GreedCorp does not pretend to be that game, it is a solid offering more or le... Read Full Review
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Dungeons & Dragons Tactics
This portable RPG is far from perfect, but it gets the basics right and is a lot of fun.
A quick review... D&D Tactics is a TRPG for PSP based on the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons rule set. Those familiar with the 3rd edition rules (through actual pen and paper play to Neverwinter Nights, for example) sho... Read Full Review
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Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII is my favorite in the series, and one of my favorite PS2 games.
A Quick Review... I've been a big fan of the Three Kingdoms story since I played Dynasty Warriors 3 on Xbox. I like strategy games too, so I fell in love with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Rot3K) games in colleg... Read Full Review
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Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
If Final Fantasy XII weren't due out any day now, this would already have my vote for RPG of the year.
Valkyrie Profile 2 is a great RPG. I played the original on PSP... and this game compares well. This one is quite a bit more straightforeward than the original, as you don't have the whole sending-Einherjar situation t... Read Full Review
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Bladestorm: Hyakunen Sensou
Bladestorm is an overlooked strategy/action RPG hybrid that delivers loads of medieval mayhem.
Bladestorm brings some unique concepts to the real-time strategy table on consoles. Being developed by w-Force and released by Koei, it's easy to tell what to expect in terms of style and no-nonsense gameplay. I won't ... Read Full Review
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Despite being fatally flawed, Oblivion still somehow manages to be an excellent RPG.
The Elder Scrolls games have always been right up my alley. My love for games of this type started back when I got the demo of an obscure abandonware title called Amulets and Armor. The first-person exploration, huge d... Read Full Review
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Time Crisis 2 (PlayStation2 the Best)
A fantastic arcade game plus a few small extras. Mix in a couple GunCon2's and it's a must-own for arcade fans.
Though I've spent my fair share with this one in the arcade, I've only recently picked it up for PS2. With all this talk of new light gun games for Wii and PS3, I could wait no longer... I grabbed the disc and dusted of... Read Full Review
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