"Woooo guys, this is not cool , there were underpaid exploited kids under 16 at this factory, for us it's only okay to exploit and underpay kids from 16 up" - Every company
@pimpman5000 @DarthLod So using your reasoning you wouldn't argue if there were special seats at the movies where people can pay more to see all the extra scenes ?
@Beaf13 @ziproy I think it's kind of obvious that the main target of lego games are kids, but they are still fun to play. I think the Mario Galaxy games were actually more childish that th past lego games
I'm glad they finally put voice acting in a lego game, I just hope they make gandalf say "You shall not pass!!!" . I might actually get this game because it sound great and I miss some good old non online co-op and I had fun playing lego Indiana Jones
I don't know if it's just my thing, but when it comes to horror games I'm never scared of allucinations. It's like I know that the character can't really get hurt and I just wait until I can do stuff again. They should come up with some new horror experience, zombies and mad people with chainsaws are getting old.
Also in GTA4 if you bump into someone smoking you can lift his cigrette up with LB and throw it at him and do some (small) damage. Or if you keep running over a guy you can kill him (if took me like 5 mins). Or if you stay a the strip club long enough in Tbogt you get a 3way private dance. Or if you drink again and again you pass out and wake in a crazy place. Or if you give a punch to a guy, and then let him beat you up in front of cops they will arrest him. But why would I do that ? Why would someone waste time like that ? Just because
Lumines and Rez are 2 great games and I still have both (though I like lumines more), and even though they are fun and are good games I don't think this guy has much fantasy. I don't know what he would be teaching since his only concern in a game seems to be "if stuff happens make a sound".
Even though I play a lot of games I rarely blend with them, I just want to have fun, and if it means shooting a granny in GTA IV with an RPG I just do it and lol the hell out of it.
So they basically copied everything in cod ? Weapons unlock, Killstreaks, skills and moar. I just hope it doesn't get to a point where everyone is OP, I remember in reach some people were max level within a month from the release.
ilantis' comments