They were not all digital downloads, some were DVDs DLC (ie Oblivion goty), and btw I already knew all that, but when you delete them from the first console you have to be connected with the same account on xbox live to start them.
@slayer1090 I deleted the last part of the comment which I didn't tought necessary, since it was implied that some people used to spednd much more in the game, and 40 hours is more than average, but since you ask it was "I know it might not be a lot for some, but the time I spent in the game was enough for me to create everything I wanted, so for me it was enough". Pity you if you keep playing without enjoying.
Just a note: don't quote people for things they don't say. It was just a joke and personally I really liked playing some games with "dated" graphics for the first time, and as a matter of fact I played Castlevania SotN on 2007 and it's one of my favourite games (although the graphics are quite superior to 16-bit games). Keep in mind I'm from 92, so many of you "ye ol gamers" will hardly understand what is like playing such (for me) old games. For many of you games were awesome then, for me they are awesome now, it's the circle of life *put raibow here*.
As like Tom Mc Shea said on Quoted for truth this statement really is like a giant dump over the developers of the last 6-7 games. For me any Final Fantasy sequel, up until at least FF X (basically the last I played), can be arguably said it topped it's predecessor. They had all different and intriguing stories, and the game itself just kept getting better and more enjoyable. But to me if they are going to fulfill this statement now, seeing the last games of the series, I think is going to be a looong wait. I mean, a couple years ago when a new Final Fantasy game came out the shelves all hell would break loose, now it feels like just a game as any other.
ilantis' comments