complaining about the voice acting??? wtf? the voice acting is fine. no not great, but its 50 times better than oblivion, ive played about 10 hours so far and cant say i have heard the same voice twice. unlike obilvions which only had about 5 voices lmao.
ilitar8's forum posts
5.1 headset???? ok im picturing that and its hilarious. as far as i know there is no such thing. 5.1 refers to surround sound and means there are 5 speakers and 1 sub. so if u have a head set that is 5.1 u will need a neck brace too haha. oh and sorry i dont know of any good headsets.
i dont care i will buy gta 4 demo or not
what if GT V... i mean GTA IV sells the demo for 30 bucks?
i have a similar question as the original post. y are all of my games off center? everything on the screen is moved to the left about 3 inches (52" screen) it cuts off a lot of stuff. its not the tv because it only does it to the ps3 stuff. but what i really find weird is that i DONT have a black edge. seems that if the whole image was off by that much i would get a black bar down the right side, right?
yeah what about my question though?
47 out of 55 is what all 60gb ps3's start out at. i guess they rounded up... and that other 8gb is taken up the the operating system and other random crap. i would do like was already mentioned and download the latest patch. shouldnt take more than a few minutes with a decent connection. if it doesnt work then, guess ull have to buy some ps3 games
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