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imakillaholic Blog

Boring Rant, Boring Day, Boring Life.

Yes, this is my second blog in one day. I'm in this monotonous mood - itching to write, yet I don't necessarily have anything to rant about. I apologize in advance if this is out-of-order and unorganized.

Tonight is the last night for my current roommate/best friend to be staying at my house. We both have to wake up bright and early when the cocks crow, load up all of his belongings and head on our departure for nearly four hours. Eight for me, however. I am not looking forward to it the slightest bit. Though I am an enthusiast when it comes to the means of travel - seeing the city lights and countryside - this will be a long and uneventful tedious trip.

The upside to this situation is: going out to eat. I think that is one of the greatest assets when it comes to long distance traveling. I've been craving a good roadhouse because they serve wonderful light snacks beforehand; bread and peanuts. The mirth is setting sail in my blood vessels just thinking about the delightful aroma.

It's weird to mention, but I miss Kati beyond belief right now. She's currently in her last class of the night, English. She gets out at 9:45. I'm sure none of you care about my love life, so I won't pester with an ample amount of descriptions. I'll keep it in paucity. One last thing, we get alone time tomorrow night! Thank goodness! I hope I'm not too tired for her, that'll be a shame. She might end up putting a fork in me and being done with the relationship. Just kidding, she won't ever do that.

I've played a little bit more of Darksiders today while Kati was in class, and this title is looking up. The combat is repetitive - but I'm growing more in-tune with its story and my constant collectible findings. I'm playing on Apocalyptic mode, but it still seems slightly easy. The game feels familiar due to its borrowing of the wide spectrum of your typical hack 'n' slash game, i.e., God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, but it still has its innovative moments that are rewarding, such as throwing an enemy in the air and backhanding his entire guts to shambles; collecting souls and manna as a result. Hopefully, the developers can produce a better looking sequel.

Well, this was a boring blog that I'm sure nobody will read nor comment on. She won't read this, but hurry up and get out of class Kati! Once again, I leave with a memorable quote that takes aim to my heart.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where were rich food and wine in abundance, an obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. The hospitality was as cold as the ices. - Henry David Thoreau, Walden, Or Life In The Woods.

Relationship Advice.

In these modern times, our world has been degraded; it's also superficial. I could talk about pop-stars, adequate dressing - because it's nearly impossible to dress modestly; or at least pick out clothes for your son/daughter. I could even speak on morality. Too many magazine columns or people in general say, "Relationships are tough." I disagree, however. Relationships are easy. The only reason it has the mirage of being tough is due to lack of integral emotions. Feelings must be mutual and tentative; and you also must listen and learn, respecting your significant other's emotions; understanding them inwardly.

For me personally, I attempt to live out my love as my Maker - loving my wife [in this case girlfriend] as Jesus Christ loved the church. Please don't mind this form of preaching; it is not my intentions. God wants us to share our love with one another, for God said, "Man should not be alone." From God's perspective, love is kind, patient, not envious or boastful, it rejoices in truth and not iniquities - thinking no evil and endures all things. Too many of time, people want this commercialized romance, like the fanatical high-school drama-club television show "Degrassi." That is not love in my sight - constantly feuding over insignificant problems.

Listen, nobody is perfect; therefore a perfect relationship cannot blossom. Nonetheless, you can do your very best. As for us, men, we need to start being more generous toward women and their emotions and sensitivity. A woman's heart is precious and should not be broken. Relationships are meant for growth - physically and emotionally; and support. It's a procession of being there for each other through all situations. Thankfully, I can say that I have that.

I consistently hear from counseling managements that arguing is "healthy" for the relationship; it'll build each other up mentally. That is true in some lack of sense. But guess what? Bickering can also destroy it. Being rude toward each other and frolicking over mindless disagreements is pitiful. At one point or another a couple will have an argument, but when so, uncanny words that are inappropriate and untrue may fly out from the tongue that cannot be tamed. This should not happen, because love is not easily angered.

Men, please understand that girls do not comprehend our sense of humor. It's okay to joke around with one another, but you have to put yourself in her shoes for a minute. They are emotionally unstable and remarks concerning their looks, weight, clothes, and even hair [anything revolving appearance] will instantly trigger an offense because it effects their self-esteem and outlook on "they aren't good enough for their husband."

Your wife [or girlfriend] wants to be involved in your life - even the humorous jokes that entail with it. We men must treat out women with the upmost respect and like the princess and queen she is, because if she is willing to be with a self-indulgent race as "man," then that's an honor.

Nevertheless, women - provide for your man. God says that men are the providers and the wives of the husband must submit. A lot of men [hopefully] are doing what they should: working, paying the bills, providing shelter and a roof over the head, so women, do jobs around the house. Provide a warm meal on the table, clean and adjust the house. A man loves to come home from a hard day at work, relax and have a good solid dinner.

Now men, stop assuming that you're stronger than women; you're not. Having physical power does not control mentalities. Treating women horribly whereby the girl is too scared to leave the relationship on account that the man might harm them physically is down-right immoral and wrong. Stop trying to control the lives of each other. Clingy is good, but there is a limitation to such. It's nice to frequently ask questions or even call to check up and say "I love you" throughout the day [it's a fantastic blessing that everyone deserves], but don't shower with meaningless questions such as, "Where are you at this exact moment? Who are you with?" We must have a sense of freedom and an ability to trust.

Now this is something important [this goes for both parties]. If you are married, be proud to wear that ring around your finger - because you should. The reason it's a circle is because a marriage is not supposed to end in divorce; the circle of the ring symbolizes an everlasting love that never ends. Also realize: your significant other will not be able to satisfy all your needs. Now, some may disagree with me due to religious beliefs and/or own personal opinion - but from my point of view, when God took the rib from Adam and made Eve, which was symbolic for how women and men are meant to be by our sides through all given situations [and Jesus Christ got pierced on the Cross in his lower ribs]. Ever since God took the rib out of Adam, guys have had something missing from them ever since, therefore women [and men] must look past each other's faults and indifferences - and put Jesus Christ in the center, for He fulfills all desires.

This is a matter of personal opinion - each person may have his or her own technique of living out their relationship. However, this is how I try to live out mine, and I hope people can all learn something valuable from this - and I would love to hear anyone else's insights! Have a great day!

My Day Went Like This! Darksiders. I Love My Girlfriend.

Good evening, GameSpotter's! Today has been a long and tiresome day. Me and Kati had to wake up at 7 A.M. and take an hour long drive out of town, to a college and pick up a few books for her class that started later that evening. On our way, being groggy, I surfeited myself with unscrupulous jokes. Although she is my girlfriend, I feel as if I'm practically married - because we're unwaveringly comfortable with each other; but that's a good thing!

As we made our way into the campus parking lot circling for an open spot to park in, I noticed a logo sticker placed upon a windshield that stated "Life Is Good." I couldn't help but to concur with that statement. Kati and I have this interesting game that I'm unsure of its produce, but it's called "11 Favors." Obviously, the title states itself: we can each ask each other for eleven favors; no chains attached. You guessed it, she made me carry her schlepp of books. Women these days, right?

Afterwards we headed back home immediately. She gets mad because I constantly fulminate her driving - and I have every right. She may read this blog, but that's okay; she's a horrible driver. My life has been in a series of unfortunate events when I'm in the passenger side of my best-friend's ride [yes, that's a TLC reference!]. Thankfully, we made it home safely. She dropped me off at home because she had to take her mother to work. She said afterwards that she'd come back over.

In the meantime I went on my normal three mile run, and I got back just in the nick of time. She came over and we were tediously hungry, so we decided to go to Wendy's. That's right, as one of my favors, she bought the food. [I'm totally going to take advantage of these favors]! She then dropped me off home once again and went to her first day of college. Kati was really feeling lax in this situation - she did not want to go at all. Nevertheless, she went and enjoyed it. She only had to partake in one class, which was history in music. Her teacher assigned her some interesting projects that we're both going to do together. One of these projects relates to going to a concert and writing a two-page essay about the event. I'm incredibly excited about this occasion - just not the price of concert tickets/gas money. Too bad the teacher can't fund the money.

While she was at class, I decided to head to my local BlockBuster and rent Darksiders. I was only able to play about twenty minutes of the game before she got out of class and came over. It's an okay game. I expected more graphic wise - but the cinema is absolutely gorgeous. Being a devout Christian, the story-line intrigues me; and I find many faults, though it's not pertaining specifically to all the key points of the Bible - yet the developers purposefully created their own story-driven narrative, so I have to remember that. The combat also seems clunky which is a huge downfall, but I'm sure things will sprout once I have more upgraded weapons and abilities. Overall, I wouldn't dish out nearly $60.00 for this game, but it's a good renter to pass the time.

It was fun while she came over, but it's hard adjusting due to my best-friend who lives with me currently, but he's moving away Wednesday, because he starts college once again for his second year. I'm going to miss him, but it will also be more relaxing and meticulously private since I'll have my own personal room again - meaning alone time with Kati. I usually have alone time anyway, but I won't have to worry if someone walks in. Don't get any ideas fella's, I try my best to remain from all formalities of chastity.

All of a sudden, I don't feel like writing anymore, because my best-friend wants to go on a bike ride. If you want to know what the rest of the day introduced us to, it was the park, frisbee, and some supper that my mother made. It was wonderful. I hope all of you had a great day! I leave with a quote of how I feel about my future with Kati.

"I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor--such is my idea of happiness. And then, on top of all that, you for a mate, and children, perhaps--what more can the heart of a man desire?" - Tolstoy's "Family Happiness."

Meeting The Gf's Parents pt. 2.

Well, last night has overpassed, and meeting Kati's parents went over well [so I thought]. Parent's don't necessarily utter, "I don't like you" in front of their daughter - I'll find out the results today.

First of all, the handshake. You can tell a lot by a man's handshake. I had to time this one accordingly. This one was a pivotal moment. Her father is in my sights, my hand is ready to pounce; not for a face punch, but a well-firmed grip; not too hard, but enough to show I have control. Success. Part two: the holder. I couldn't hold the handshake for too long, three seconds was the maximum. Another challenge accomplished.

The conversations we held were interesting, and this was mainly due to our families knowing each other. The saying is true, it is a small world after-all. Kati's brother-in-law knows my brother, who used to be great friends in high school. Also, Kati's parent's know my father and my sister-in-law [and family]. It's a weird mixture, but it seemingly works.

Before I went to her house I talked to Kati and set my time limit for how long I was willing to stay and gab with the folks; 5 minutes. She said ten; I could manage that. As I'm sitting on the couch, I realized 45 minutes mingled on by. That is when we decided to depart from this horrendous outbreak.

As we're leaving, since I stayed longer than expected, I made Kati buy me cafe drink from McDonald's. Whilst we were in the car, I looked at her visage and said, "Listen woman, you're going to buy me a drink right now, or else." She was so terrified she had to. I'm totally kidding, I said please too. Once again, that was sarcasm at its finest. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice. Okay, enough with the jokes, however funny they may be.

We did end up going to our local Wal-Mart and "celebrated" with a delightful bag of Oreo cookies. We were also both in the mood for a horror movie, so we went to their Red-box. Obviously, they don't have any great choices to choose from, so we decided to pick out "The Collector." I was mildly interested in it - she was not; therefore the movie was turned off about twenty minutes in.

I'll most likely end up finishing the movie tonight. Overall, it was a great night. My nerves were shot, but I heard they heal over time; most wounds do, ha-ha. Thanks for all the good luck's, people!

Meeting The Gf's Parents.

Ah, meeting your girlfriend's parents for the very first time is always nerve-wrecking. Now, I'm usually very good with parents/adults - I give off the persona of maturity. It is never reassuring when someone tells you, "Just be yourself." It's hard because you want to gain respect from the father - who, in most general cases, won't be satisfied with the man that his daughter is with. What makes matters worse is, they are going to be asking a plethora amount of questions such as - "Where do you work?" Now that's where I'm in a tight bind; I'm currently unemployed. I've job searched plenty throughout my town - filled out applications, called to check up, and still haven't got employed anywhere. That's not entirely my fault. Nevertheless, I have to be blunt and straightforward with them. I have about an hour left until this meeting takes place. In the words of George Costanza [Seinfeld], "Hi, my name is George, I'm unemployed and I live with my parents." It worked for him when he said this, so it should do the trick for me.

Short Blog.

Today has literally been one of the greatest days of my entire life. While everyone was at school, me and my wonderful girlfriend decided to spend the day out of town and at the beach. Don't worry, we're graduated, so we're not skipping school.

Before we went, it was hectic for us because we were unable to find a local Wendy's [I eat there every day for lunch]. Finally, after thirty minutes of searching, we come across one at the very end of the town--right before you depart on to the highways. It was completely ridiculous, but it was also a great blessing because it was raining. Nonetheless, while we were eating the rain stopped and the sun came out with a side dish of humidity; that made the beach water extremely gratifying.

At the beach, hardly anyone was there except very old people who, in my mind, felt intimidated of us, due to our affection and intimacy [hugging and kissing in the water]. Two hours went by roughly fast. Afterwards, she surprised me with miniature golf. Now, I'm highly competitive; it's in my man-hood and blood. However, I was able to simmer down because, well, it always seems "appropriate" and more gentleman-like when in front of a lady. I still tried real hard, and she beat my by one point.

On our way home, we held hands the entire time. I'm not entirely sure on what's significant about this small yet vast interlock; perhaps it's the energy between partners, combining emotional attachment to one another. Nevertheless, it's one of the best feelings any human being can possess.

We then arrived back home in our town and we were starving, so I took her to a fish restaurant, and it was so good. The only downfall is that I used to work there and everyone knows me, and when I was paying, this old lady who attempts to be nice [she has that peculiar tone that makes every word she says sound incredibly rude] started pestering me with a bunch of "life" questions; i.e., "Where are you working? You better go to college." I know she was simply being curious, but I personally felt as if she was trying to "put me down" in front of my girlfriend.

After that wonderful occasion, I took her back home and we laid down on my bed and talked, napped, and other things. Overall, it was a great day. Thumbs up to life.

Dead Space pt. 3.

Good news, everybody! I have officially beaten Dead Space. I'm a late bloomer, I know. All I can say is hallelujah, and the ending is very rewarding and satisfying--with a welcoming gift of, "Holy crap, I just pooped my pants." Overall, I rate this magnificent horror/thriller: 9.0/10.

The Man Behind The Mask.

I don't like to hide who I am via an international website; i.e., Face-Book, MySpace, and even GameSpot. Therefore, I figured I'd give everyone a glimpse of who I am. Enjoy.

Yes, I am usually this happy when it comes to ordering food, and eating it as well. Don't mind the giraffe shirt. I know, it's mildly gay but the only reason I had that shirt on was because, before I went out to eat, I was at the zoo with a few friends and was accumulating in deep sweat, so I willingly bought a twenty dollar shirt in order to change and look mediocre. Great times. Oh, and in case you are wondering, I destroyed the chicken alfredo that wonderful day.

Personally, I think this picture is a lot better. It was taken during one of my photo-shoots. No, I am not a model, although I could be one; I'm real handsome, just kidding, ha-ha.

Well, that's me. I'm most likely not what people expected. Nonetheless, in the words of the infamous Popeye, "I am what I am!"

My Testimony. Please Read.

Telling a life experience will always toy with people's emotions. The idea of someone overcoming a situation is always remarkable and achieving. That being said, I want to share my testimony with all of you (and yes, it has a basis of God!).

During my early teenage years (13-14), I was consistently overweight. Also facing the realization that, "Hey, I have to grow up and become an adult soon" was hardening, though I was still mildly young. I kept it a secret, but if I wasn't out skateboarding with a few friends or going to a local metal show, I would cry for the reason of not feeling "apart of the crowd," and was too judgmental on my own personal exposure.

A few years roll around of the same vigorous routine (Now 2007), and I was at the age of seventeen. I hit my most disgusting peak in my weight: 300 pounds during the summer time. I was flabbergasted at my appearance, and I also wanted a girlfriend, but I was extremely insecure to talk to women due to my weight issue. Therefore, I would go to online dating sites and get my "fulfillment" there. I was dating girls who lived in other regions of the world; states; you name it. That way I could have a sense of belonging and still hide my appearance at the same time--double standards of incognito you could say.

During this time of warm breezes, my brother's friend, Chet asked if we wanted to attend a local Bible study. At the time we didn't have anything planned so we gave this charade a whirl. That was the day when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior: June 27, 2007. However, I "believed," but I did not obey His guideline. Thus, causing a backslide in my faith.

After summer vacation it was the beginning of my junior year of high-school. The first week was an absolute disaster--my house burnt down by an electrical fire. I lost everything, including my first dog, Blackie. We had hardwood floors in our kitchen (where the fire was taking place) and she was afraid to walk on the floors because she played "slip and slide" while attempting to make it across the other side. She decided to stay where she was and not get to the back part of the house, and you can get the picture from there. Not very "Van Gogh" at all. She was the most amazing black lab you could ever meet--vastly protective and loving.

Once that occurred, I missed school for nearly four months. Two of those long painstaking months were spent either in a motel with one bed, my brother's apartment, or a place my family refers to as "The Dungeon." It wasn't frolic on any notion. Finally after months of refusing to attend school due to depression, I had enough coping to head back. Stress was eating me alive, causing an ulcer of downtrodden because of the ample amount of homework assignments that I previously missed. I couldn't handle it--and my father began to become terribly ill with heart problems and constant high blood-pressure. That is when I decided to put a fork in high-school and drop out. Dropping out, though, I was determined to make "something" out of myself without this form of education (diploma). Little did I know, that failed miserably.

Thankfully maintaining my weight of three hundred pounds, the next school year I decided to enroll once again for my second trip to junior-high. I had an escalating/cascading degree in my grades, randing from A's to F's. Genetics of high blood-pressure were sweeping me off my feet, and this was also due to my overweight. Still being heavy set, I was self conscious and people would constantly make fun of me because I liked the band "Chiodos" and wore a jacket referencing that band. Also, I had shaggy hair, so my new name became "The Fat Emo. Kid." That wrecked my self esteem wholeheartedly because not only did I feel as if everything was falling apart (again); I recently was rejected by a girl at high-school (this was my first attempt to have a girlfriend with this uncanny weight). This all took place during the fall-early winter time (October - November).

Something had to change. I knew that starting drama and "standing up" for myself wasn't going to lead to positive results. I was merely a latch key for friends. That's when my brother decided to hit the gym. I tagged along and immediately became a workout fiend. In one week I lost five pounds. I was feeling fantastic. By the end of the school year (May) I lost 160 pounds. I was light as a feather. I will admit, however, I became anorexic because of my accumulating addiction to weight loss. At the time it was worth it because nobody called me "The Fat Emo. Kid" any longer.

This happened through the times of late 2007-end of the school year of 2008. Of course, not being popular, people decided to murmur and say, "He's popping pills." I didn't take offense to that because I was skinny and content. I was still believing in God but not obeying His commands--and therefore, I felt the urge to "have fun." I claimed "straight-edge" because I was, but I mainly did it to feel as if I had priorities and was "cool." Later that year in October 2008, I finally got into a well oriented church to see what it was all about. I began finally trusting in Him, reading my Bible for once, and life started to break out more clearly. Later that same month, I met my first girlfriend (name won't be mentioned).

Slowly growing in my faith, I backslid once again (due to my own fault) because I was with the wrong girl. For six tedious months, it was all about the alcohol and sexual interactions. We broke it off in the beginning of April (2009), because I found out she was cheating on me with one of my good "friends." The summer of 2009 rolls around and I was getting anxious. With my faith one, I felt as if I had an obligation to freedom. I now met another girl (name will not be mentioned). We were off and on during the summer, and during those mild break-up's, I was out partying, getting drunk, and living it up the way most people are confused about this wonderful zealous three months. The day we finally ended things, I felt incredibly lost. My heart felt in my stomach--and yes, I became Justin Timberlake and cried a river.

I constantly wrote these mindless blogs on MySpace that were disturbing (abstract and discreet). However, I never felt satisfied while writing them--no matter how substantial and well written they may have been. Ample amount of times I would say, "This can't be life, always upset and trying to reach out for more." Seemingly, it felt as if I had nothing, but God was still working on my heart gently as a Shepherd should, and I was unknown about it. I'm not entirely positive on what lead me back to God during August 2009, but I let all of my burdens go--put my meaningless struggles and so called "satisfaction" into the trash, and clung onto Matthew 11:28 - Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

My "friends" began to slip away, girls weren't much of a priority, and I came back to Jesus Christ humbly. I was picking up my Bible again, praying more, and all of a sudden getting a high amount of MySpace friend requests from various Christians and Christ following bands--I found it prominent and significant. I decided to text my very generous Youth Pastor asking to get lunch; he accepted the offer. Ever since then, my life has revolved solely on Jesus Christ (He remains first throughout everything).

It is now August 2010, and I'm very robust in my faith. I write devotions nearly everyday (and have written a book!), I have a fantastic church home, and I am now serving God faithfully in the ministry, and soon heading into the field of preaching.

By the way, I went back to school and graduated, meeting some of the most amazing Christian friends you'd ever come across. Although I'm a horrible Christian and sinner, I try my best to commune with God and spread the Gospel to everyone I can. I've never felt this close, personal, and intimate with God before, and the reason why is because I had a friend like Amnon (2Samuel 13), and I was only "believing" and not considering the mainstream idea of what Jesus Christ is about. (Note: It does not take good works to get into Heaven, and you cannot lose your salvation).

My life is one-hundred times better, and I'm genuinely thankful for all of His blessings. He truly blesses by the hundredfold (Mark 10:29-30). Many people consider me the small ideal of Job, and I would like to conclude that everything in life does happen for a reason. It may not happen on our time schedule, because it is all about His perfected time. Therefore, it might be in a year to ten years time, but everything falls into place eventually, because my house burning down lead to a more stable more, my father is doing better with his illness, and dropping out of high-school lead to weight-loss and a wonderful girlfriend who treats me right. Going back to high-school led me to amazing Christian friends and fellowship--graduation, college offers, and a deeper desire to write and spread His Word with a refreshed heart.

For all who do read this, please keep in mind: We all (including me) need to stop looking for the "big things" to happen, hoping that we're going to win the lottery or an incident in which something dramatic "changes our lives." God puts people in our lives for a specific reason, and although it can be very small to us at the time, it's actually huge, because He is All. The "big thing" already happened nearly 2,000 years ago, when Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sin, and rose again on the third day.

This is my testimony--and this is my amazing life. I am now depression free; stress free; hate free; and an extremely joyous person. A.W. Tozer once said, "Before God can use a person greatly, He must allow that person to be hurt deeply."