Cloud saves? I didn't even think we were supposed to have internet now. That's what many people said when "net neutrality" was repealed months and months ago …..
Michael Myers would be about 60 now. I am 52 and couldn't kill anyone after 8:30 because that's my bedtime. I couldn't chase anyone over 60 yards without doubling over to catch my breath. The early stages of arthritis would make it really hard for me to grip that knife firmly. Without my glasses over that mask I don't think I could see well enough to stab someone. I would probably have to stop to pee while chasing someone. No killing anyone around 4pm....that is the early bird special at the diner. I guess I would just sit on my porch and kill anyone that wouldn't get off my lawn.
@NorseLax09: Great work! Now find the number of Chicago murders that are committed with LEGAL guns. And if you think NPR is not biased you are as delusional as FoxNews viewers.
@NorseLax09: lol @fact checking. Obama is driving down the road and sees 10 puppies drowning in a pond. He stops and swims out and brings 2 to shore, swims back out for another, saves it, swims back out for 3 more and saves them, swims back out for two more and barely makes it back to the shore where he collapses from exhaustion. Unfortunately the last two puppies drown. The next day CNN reports "Obama heroically saves puppies!" while FoxNews reports "Obama watches as puppies drown!". Both are factually correct but influenced heavily by their bias....which all news stories from national sources are now......even NPR.
@NorseLax09: Yep...any where else other than cable news......and the major networks.....and major newspapers …. and websites.....other than that, say at the Possum Holler Tribune newspaper, journalism is thriving.
@NorseLax09: Stricter gun control like Chicago where gun laws are among the most strict in the nation yet ten times more people are murdered every week than were killed during this tragedy ?
LOL @ gamers trying to blame the gun used.....but get so defensive when someone suggests violent video games may lead to violent acts. NEITHER guns or video games are to blame......just the person committing the act.
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