Lol the sony fanboys are still flaming. be careful, its probably your fault theyre making the xbox1 better :) well this is a triumph, microsoft actually admitting their mistake
That is cool that they give half of the DLC for free. at least watch the entire video if ur gonna bash on it. So if you buy the DLC with game modes, those game modes are free to everyone so it doesnt stop you from playing with friends. I still didnt buy this game since I heard it was really buggy on console, if they treat it like a PC mmo where there are regular free updates I would buy it.
@IndremaLover thats what I'm banking on, I want the public outcry to be huge so Microsoft gets it thru their head. thats what happened to Sony's PS3, and now they've straightened out their priorities with PS4. so Flame on sony fanboys! M$ will release a cheaper, slim, and less draconian xbox1 version a year after - quote me on that ;)
yeah DA2 was crap but i like the party system. the levels, dungeons and monsters were super repetitive though, they shuddve gotten nailed for copy and paste bs. ill likely also buy DA3 when its in the discount bin too lol
@rylsae @Toysoldier34 halo will always seem worth it, just like Halo 4 seemed worth it then it turned out not to be anything like classic halo. but ppl bought original xbox for halo1/2 and xbox360 for halo 3, so ppl will buy xboxone for halo 5/halo2anniv/halowars2? lol
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