@GameYakuza @insanem0nk thats a nice article, but frankly its wrong,. the top selling games on console all have multiplayers. mostly shooters, minecraft has no story, the only high rated one is skyrim, and might i remind you that Elder Scrolls Online is coming out soon lol so it doesnt look like multiplayer is going out the window after all. there are a lot of series that are ruined by multiplayer i agree, i dont think darksiders would be one of them.
there isnt enough buzz or advertisement for Defiance for me to think its going to be successful. I mean, there's a tv show but the game releases tomorrow. the best case scenario is that the success will come late and ppl will hopefully buy the game after 3-4 episodes of the show, and hopefully the ppl who bought it on release will still be playing by then
if they would've added coop or pvp to this title, it would be so much more popular. singleplayer only games are becoming a thing of the past, you either rent it or just gamefly it, no need to buy it anymore unless you continue to replay it, and there's only so many times you can replay the same story (unless its a REAL rpg with diff classes/races). and for those that are saying, if they add pvp the singleplayer will diminish, well guess what, you might not have a game at all considering the present state of limbo
postmortem indeed. they keep updating the game after the population is dead. they shouldve made all these cahnges when it was like 100k daily, now its less than half that. its too little too late imo, shouldve focused on the basics like making the multiplayer lobby have fair and even teams before the game starts, and gun balance. thats so basic to every FPS, how dd they miss it
Thinking of buying this game, but im wondering if they made any intention to also add a title update with the DLC, possibly addressing the main issues with the game like more accessible fast travel and AI? I really wish they added coop or pvp, it just makes more sense with the pawn system
it has a lot of disconnect and online issues, PC MOBAs have it good because they have dedicated servers, but console MOBAs will never succeed until they invest enough resources for it.
insanem0nk's comments