@GamerNerdTalk no one bought Bioshock: Infinite for it's multiplayer, because there was no multiplayer lol. never heard of vanquish, spec ops i heard was a good story but multiplayer was dead. and MoH...well yeah everyone knows that was a travesty.
lol does anyone buy shooters for its story anymore? The only one that still sorta clings to singleplayer before multiplayer is Crysis, but even then their SP mode is falling off.
As for microtransactions, they work, but in a cheaper model. They made League of Legends millions. Worked well in TF2 when it went free-to-play.but to buy a $60 game and then some, not for extra content like DLC expansion but for aesthetic puposes lol thats a laugh
Halo 4 is a bad game, not because it only has 50k people still playing it daily, but because there are 450 million other copies not being played lol People bought halo 4 because of bungie, stopped playing because of 343. They're still adding content, but its content that should have come on release day. Like the fileshare, came 2 months after. Rankings, came 5 months after. It's certainly the last halo game ill ever buy as long as 343/m$ runs the show
@senseless_dj i totally agree. its being overhyped, im already tired of hearing of Destiny so much and still knowing very little about anything in the game lol I think they're jumping the gun, no one wants to immerse themselves in the story unless the core game is good.
For anyone looking for a harder rpg, just buy Dark Souls, it still has a healthy online community on consoles. I'll be interested in DDogma 2 but I won't be supporting this Dark Arisen DLC ripoff lol they have to learn sometime to stop these practices, because I don't want to buy DDogma 2 and have to buy it again when they make a DLC for it.
@CaesarIIII @insanem0nk for a Massive Multiplayer online, it should seem they should get the most buzz, how massive can a mmo be if no one is buzzing about it. i havent seen much livestreams or beta reviews or even ads. maybe when the show comes out. i am rooting for it lol i just think studios underadvertise their games noawadays, they invest $500 million into game development, it would seem wise to invest a little more into commercials lol
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