Yesterday, in just a few short hours, I completed Helen's Dream in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. Overall, I feel Helen had better missions than Will, although Will's story was a bit better, mainly because he wasn't as selfish of a character as Helen. It was really interesting to see how each character's stories were connected. After beating the final boss, Wizeman, I went back and made sure I got at least a C ranking on each of the missions. Once I did that...
...I went back and played through the final boss battle again. This time around there was a bonus battle with Reala (one of Wizeman's followers) as well as an extended ending. Then, at night, I went back with Will and played through the final boss fight to see his extended ending and unlock some extra stuff.
Overall, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams provided a fresh gameplay experience unlike much of what's out there nowadays. The game is heavy on story elements, and that seems to be one of the game's main driving forces, even moreso than the gameplay itself. The soundtrack has some standout music, as well as some themes that are just a bit odd, but overall it's pretty good. The voice-acting ranges from impressive (Owl is a really cool charcter, by my standards) to somewhat dull (Helen is a very dry character, probably by anyone's standards). The graphics are artistically and stylistically gorgeous to look at. Although the game has two different quests to play through, it is indeed a very short game; but throughout its entirity, I couldn't help but feel that Sonic Team wanted to create a game that was mostly light-hearted. (The story, although a bit cheesy, is very nice.)
There is a little bit of replay value to be found in NiGHTS. I may go back eventually to try and achieve an A ranking on the missions. Also, there are collectible items called Dream Drops scattered throughout the levels, and I would like to obtain all of them, as doing so earns another unlockable. In addition to all of that, there is an alternate mode called My Dream. Here, you create a civilization with the different characters you encounter throughout story mode. I haven't tried it out yet, but it seems like the kind of mode I would really enjoy. I'll most likely give that a look within the next few days.
For now, however, I will focus most of my attention on Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, which I started a short while ago.
*Geometry Wars: Galaxies status: Two galaxies left!
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