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irmeleeman5995 Blog

I...don't know what to say :-o

I beat Zelda...Already. Yes, already. I'm not bragging, I'm worried. My final time was 52 hours and something (it didn't give me a final count but I took what it was before and added it to how long my Wii said I played). It was long, challenging, and satisfying...until the credits started rolling and I wasn't ready to stop. It's said to take 100 hours if you do everything in it. I beat it in just over half that time.

But unlike Wind Waker, I didn't feel like I missed out on anything obvious. This felt pretty whole. In Wind Waker, everytime I play it I discover something outside the main quest that I never found before--the world is enormous. So I always know I still miss stuff :oops: But with Twilight Princess, the only reason I didn't feel finished is becuz I knew I beat it too soon to have done everything. I needed five more hearts in my life bar, which is 25 heart pieces (it's five for a heart container now) so that's certainly something, and I never found the bigger wallet to buy a *certain item* in a store. It was too expensive to fit all the money in the wallet you start with, and I never found a bigger one :x But other than those two things, I didn't feel like I missed anything. I tore all the dungeons to shreds, I explored the overworld pretty thouroughly (sp?), and I got a decent amount of heart pieces. So what did I miss? What makes the game so long? Like I said, it felt totally complete until I realized the estimated amount it should take is double what I took.

So I dunno. Usually what happens is I get caught up in the story and rush from dungeon to dungeon. In Wind Waker I always take the time to relax, explore, do side quests, whatever. I suppose the second time through TP willbe very similar, but I still missed the mark by a mile....

That all said, TP kicks some major freaking...(remembers Santa's list)...butt. :) I loved it to death. It was so fun and pretty and big...did I mention addicting? I dunno if I should write a reveiw over winter break or if I should put that off until my next play through. I'm leaning towards the latter.

In other news, I'm gonna start my way through Metroid Prime and Echoes so I'll be psyched up for Corruption. Am I jumping the gun on that one? We honeslty have no idea when it's coming out..:roll:

Well yeah. I think that's everything. Now, its time to decide what to put on my Christmas list. It won't be much this year, with my mom's cancer treatment being pretty pricey, the limit is a hundred dollars. So the maximum is two games or a game and something(s) else, or no games and I'll buy them with my own money. All I've gotten is the Wii, Zelda, and an 25$ SD card that was a steal of a deal (50% off). So that totals to 375 bucks, and my parents owe me a hundred already, so that means on 275 bucks are coming out of my wallet. I have double that. I also want some more Wiimotes and Nunchucks, but I'm realizing more and more that there isn't a huge rush on those. Not until I get some solid multiplayer games, anyway. So now the only thing I'm looking at is games. There have definately been some good games this Wii launch, many of which I have heard are underrated. Red Steel and Excite Truck I've heard are underrated, I don't know really anything about Rayman, but I hear it's good, Super Monkey Ball I don't see myself spending 50$ for, Far Cry isn't even out yet, Trauma Center looks good but doesn't look worth 50$, and there are also plaenty I will get that aren't out yet, so I don't need more games right away. So yeah, I'm welcome for some suggestions here guys :D

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Not much to say, but it's been a while.

Is it just me or do the Categories have basically no usefulness whatsoever?....:roll:

But yeah. So an update I guess...

Well school is going well, for the most part. Spanish was fun yesterday. We had to make a 40 by 40 inch posterboard about different classes in our school and make it look like a website. We were totally behind and it was our last day, so we fudged the whole thing and ended up having the most fun I have had doing anything schoolwise in a long time. You guys should see what we did to our mascot....(on the left a little ways down)

Anyways, that's basically school. Boring boring boring boring boring (every other day) lunch boring boring.

Gaming is pretty normal, aside from the whole revolutionized gaming experience called Wii. I'm now 45 hours into Zelda, got a sweet new item in this dungeon and it's almost beaten, I just can't reach this switch...It's the second dungeon from the end, I believe. I also have yet to use a guide of any sort :) My friend needed to rely on a guide for Wind Waker's entirety, and I'm gonna laugh when he finally snags his Wii and can't for the life of him can't beat this one...:P

Also, I've been smashing some peeps in SSBM recently. I love watching the Wii suck in GC disks. I also love how small the freaking Wii is, when it's essentially two consoles in one. I thought the slim PS2 was small, imagine how small the GC would be now if they remade it! It's nuts.

So yeah. Oh and, where is all the hype for Wii games? Now that the Wii is out everyone's to busy with Zelda to hype games like SSBB, SMG, and Corruption. These are all games that will be in the background for a long time, and simply take our breath away when we finally play them. That's how it always works when I play Metroid Prime or Wind Waker after a long time, and it takes me by surprise everytime. I'm also gonna play Metroid Prime 1 and 2 again after I beat TP before Corruption comes out.  Metroid....Metroid...where art thou?

So yeah. That's basically the blog post for now. I still haven't found anymore Wiimotes by the way...:evil: :x

Sooooooooooo yeah. Take it easy fellahs. Fellas? Fellers? Fellaohfkgsnbs? Yeah...that one...

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Friend List first clean out, and some other stuff.

First off, I keep seeing people on my friend list cleaning theirs out and I decided it's time I did the same. Some people just don't do anything, and rarely even log into GS. So goodbye those of you. Any of you reading this are safe, as well as some exceptions who I know can't be on often like GamingOtaku with college :( So yeah, just heads up.

Also, I'm 28 odd hours into Zelda. It gets pretty tough in spots, but every hour it gets better. Plot details are still now unfolding...

Aside from that, I'm very pleased with this game. The thing that continues to take my breath away (sometimes literally) is the game's epic scale. From Castle Town to Hyrule Field, everything in the game is enormous and makes OoT look small. So far, I think this game has finally dethroned OoT as the quintessential 3D Zelda game. And I'm not just saying that.

Also, one thing grinding my gears lately is all these GS tournaments I see going on. They are all for PC games I don't have or 360 games and I don't own a 360:!: The one that made me think of this is FEAR for 360 tourny. It's at the top of my webpage right now. The reason I'm so mad is cuz I just started playing it for the PC, and feel like I could take on the world. (of course, I'd prolly fail miserably but that isn't the point) Only, wait, WRONG CONSOLE. That's so annoying. The DS online play wouldn't exactly work out with online tournies becuz it isn't server based like PC online is. And the Wii? Well, we'll find out soon enough...:roll: :? :D So that rules out any online tournies for Brent :(

Well I think that's it. I always say that, but I always end up forgetting stuff..! So don't yell at me :cry: :lol:

Well yeah so...

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

It's here. Wii. Thanksgiving. And other stuff if it comes to mind...

Well guys. It's been a while. However, I'm gonna jump right into this blog to keep it nice and short and sweet. Er, as short as possible. Let's begin, shall we?

First, Thanksgiving, becuz it'll go faster :D We drove to my grandma's for TG today, and boy did it rock. I played DS on the car ride, and that thing really gets me through it. Hunters and MKDS never seem to get old. We got there and watched the Parade, then the dog show after it. Some freaky lookin' dogs on that show, and one that looked suspiciously like Nisha :shock: :wink:

And of course, my grandma is teh roxxor cook, so we ate like kings. Turkey, yams with pineapple, mashed popos, greenbeans, cranberry sauce, stuffing with sausage, cornbread....the list goes on. I could barely walk after I finished eating XD

And then there was the ride back. With my iPod Nano being practically dead, I didn't pop in the earphones until about halfway back home. One I did, the should-have-been-dead Nano lasted me until I literally walked in the door :o Nice huh? It's cuz I just put it on the playlist and let it go. When you don't push any buttons or manually hunt through your songs, the battery lasts a LOT longer. So I literally turned it on and left it going without touching it :)

But enough about Turkey Day. We're all here (or rather, haven't been here for days) becuz of the Wii. The story of my obtaining it, my initial reactions, and my thoughts and closing comments lie ahead. I'll try to be quick...but...

So my brother works at Hollywood video, and usually closes. On Saturday night, he closed at midnight. At my request he went to Wal-mart to see if any Wiis were left after the nerd herd came in. Turns out, they weren't opening til seven the next morning. So he comes home Wii-less and tells me to go to bed. I shrugged and said okey dokey, and went off to bed.

So guess what my kick-ass brother does?

He turns around and goes back to Wal-mart. He takes blankets, a chair, and money and stands in line for six hours among crazy fanboys in the freezing cold. All without me knowing or even askinghim to. Then, when they open at seven, he gets the LAST WII IN THE STORE. That was definately God smiling down on me. And my brother being awesome.

But yeah so, when I lazily walked down the stairs the next morning at 7:30 and a Wii is sitting on my kitchen table, I thought it was too good to be true. Did he hide it from me last night? Was it just a display box from Hollywood or something? Was it a bomb? I circled around it without touching it. It looked real enough. I picked it up. Felt real. So I went upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door where my brother (his name is Kyle) had just gotten out of the shower. He opens the door, gives me an ear to ear smile, then closes the door. I rolled my eyes and went back downstairs. Later on, he told me what he did and I tackled him with love :D I'm so freakin' lucky...

So here I am, five days later, and ten or so hours into Zelda. I have beaten two dungeons and I just arrived at Zora Domain where I stopped to write this blog. I'm in love. The controls are sweet. The graphics are wonderful. I love the way Link looks, he's my favorite of all the Links. The story is very cool and still very covered up for the most part. I know the basics, sure, but what exactly is Midna up to? I don't trust her.

Anyway, I'll just talk about new things here. On Midna's subject, she's pretty funny and I like her character. She can pretty much do anything when we're inside Twilight, and aside from that I can call her up like Navi anywhere else. It's so sweet, cuz she's actually your shadow. So anywhere you call her out, your shadow disappears and forms Midna. It's wicked.

Controls are sweet. I like the Wiimote aiming for stuff, the slightly modified item system is perfect for the controller. Also, making Z targeting and the shield button the same thing makes things real simple.

Combat is new and the same at once. It controls similarly to the other 3D Zeldas, and the only real difference is using the Wiimote for your sword. You still stab and vertical slice the same way, and side dashing and back flipping is still here. Although, don't dismiss aiming your slingshot, boomerang, bow, and more with the Wiimote. The Wiimote adds never before seen accuracy and involvment with the gameplay. I'm in love with it.

I could talk about Zelda forever, but now isn't the time, and I'll review it one day, so nouse talking so much about it here. You'll all play it soon enough, and don't fret about the controls, they make the game that much better.

So more about the Wii. I love everything about it. The menus are controller by a pointer that tilts with your hand? How cool is that! The functions divided up into "channels" is interesting. I can't wait for the Wii Ware to go up, and I'll definately get some VC games soon.

I like the Mii channel. It's fun to make Miis for my friends and people I know, and then let them be themselves in Wii Sports as they bowl, box, play tennis, and more. Which brings me to my conclusion and closing statements.

The Wii controller design is simple, inviting, and new. People instantly wanna try it when they see it. When they first pick up the Wiimote and Nunchuck, they're surprised at how light both are. They take a little bit of adjusting to at first, but now they're just as familiar to me as any other controller. That said, I've shown it to tons of people, all of whom wanted to try it.

My cousins love Wii Sports and theWiimote/Nunchuck setup, my mom had fun with Tennis (it's the hardest of them all in my opinion and she said she'll get better). My friends and I all took turns golfing and bowling with my single Wiimote (six places around me are all cleaned out of them so I haven't gotten any more). Even my friend's mom played bowling with us.

So what I'm saying is, Nintnedo's strategy worked. They've succeeded in wrangling in new players to try something that used to intimidate them. I think they're on to something here.

Anyway, that's a really really long blog for you all to read. Sorry it was so long, but I had lots to say :oops:

Other remarks:

I saw the new James Bond--wicked. I love Daniel Craig for the role.

I wanna see Happy Feet.

I need a Wii case so I can be comfortable taking it places (last time I wrapped it in a sweatshirt and put it in a tote bag).

And I really wish I had some more Wiimotes.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

And I love my Wii.

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Well, this is it folks.

This is it. By week's end, the next generation will be upon us. PS3 and Wii will storm the world, and the new gen will begin. The Wii will be mine. My mom just informed me I can't pick it up midnight. WTH not? It's not a school day, and if I don't get it Saturday night then by the time I go Sunday I fear for the worst. The Target by me is getting an astounding 193 Wiis, so worst case I drop by and make them a lot richer. IDK. But yeah, so this will prolly be my last blog post before the Wii is realeased, and for those of you who don't know, I'll post my hitlist here.


One Nintendo Wii

3 extra Wiimotes

3 extra Nunchucks

A memory card

Twilight Princess

Soon after/Christmas:

Far Cry: Venegeance

Red Steel

Any other games that happen to float my boat (I have a lot in mind but I'm waiting for the dust to clear to pick out the good from bad)

Not including my birthday in January, and Christmas and birthday money will prolly be stowed away as my account suffers severe displacement, if you catch my drift.

So yeah, I couldn't be more excited for this dang thing. I just have finally come to terms with the fact that the thing is finally upon us. It's sunken in now. But this is the bad part. Cuz now I'm gonna SNAP!!

I just think back. Over the last five years, my taste for gaming has really been shaped into what it is. So many memories I won't even begin to spill them onto this thing. It would take months to journal all the memories I've had of the last five years down. Halo, Metroid, Zelda, Spinter Cell, F-Zero, Starfox, and some new ones like Far Cry, FEAR and God of War. It's been swell guys. But what am I getting nostalgic for? The crap isn't going anywhere guys. We're back to square one. Welcome the new memories, folks. Cuz here it comes over the horizon.

"Begun, the Console Wars, have."

I wanted to end it on that note. But I decided that left sort of a depressed and nostalgic feeling to this. But this is actually a very celebratory time. The calm before the storm, as some people refer to it. I just know I'm gonna hole up in my basement with only my trusty Wiimote and Zelda.


But that's in five days. So I'm really quite ahead of myself. Well, I'll still be on and looking for upcoming Wii and PS3 reveiws, as well as keeping up with your guys' blogs. I won't post any more of my own for a while...but yeah.

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

F.E.A.R., Far Cry, and uh......uh.........Wii!!!!!111!!11!!11!!!1eleventyone

Shooters starting with F are taking over, I tell you!

Or at least, they're my main method of entertainment.

I popped in Far Cry Instincts the other day and played through half the campaign in one sitting. I love that game...The graphics are so awesome, the guns are fun to play with, and the powers are beyond vicious. I still need to get the original though!!

In other shooting games that start with F, the acclaimed F.E.A.R now sits in (on?) my computer's hard drive. My brother borrowed it from a friend, and I haven't played it until today. It's still running as I write this, and lemme say, it lives up to all expectations. AI is great, sound is atmospheric and disturbing, graphics are great even on the lower settings, guns are nifty, slo mo is my best friend, and it's down right FREAKY. I was on this platform and walked to the edge to climb down the ladder. As I turn around and begin my decent, the freaky girl appears from where I was just standing, frightening me breifly but my spirits settled as she vanished almost as fast as she got there. Relieved, I slid down the ladder and turn around. THE FREAKY CANNIBAL GUY IS RIGHT THERE. It literally made my shout outloud :oops:, the first time a game has ever done this. :lol:

Of course, in the split second I spent shouting, my mouse had moved to his head and I shot my pistols five times where his head had been :twisted:, before he too vanished. Since then, the hallucinations have been becoming more frequent and more terrifying....but nothing that got me to shout :wink:

Well, Wii comes out in eight days. I can't bear it! After all this time, years, it's finally here. It's too good to be true. I don't want it to come, I love looking forward to it!! But I know as soon as I have it and I'm playing it, I'll kick myself for being such a loser :P

Well, I guess that's it. Back to F.E.A.R you say? Gladly 8)

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

P.S. Did anyone watch that On the Spot with the Wii? I started watching while they played Wii Sports Golf, then Boxing, becuz when it's live you can't watch it from the beginning. Then they went to Excite Truck, which I watched, then I disconnected from my router for no apparent reason >.> when they started playing Super Monkey Ball I think....

Then they went onto Twilight Princess when I finally reconected, and then I stopped cuz I want my TP experience to be pure and unspoiled, if it isn't already :) So what did I miss, and is it worth going back to watch?

Another week, another sleep over

My pal Christian spent the night the other day, shortly accompanied by my friend Nathan (one of four) :roll: who couldn't spend the night and showed up late after basketball.

So we made the rounds- I let them play basketball, we played Battlefront II, and watched Family Guy. With Chris, we played Nightfire multi, Agent Under Fire and Nightfire single player, as well as some SSBM.

We had a good time, and we actually got some sleep :o. I had church today, and I'm in the tech booth, so we needed a decent amount of sleep so I could actually do my job :D

So the James Bond games are going well. I beat Agent Under Fire in a little more than and hour and a half (I pretty much butcher that game to pieces) :lol: , but the game isn't what it used to be. The auto-aim makes it hard to get kills becuz inacurrate guns (:|)+no aiming at head(:x)=hard to kill people. The manual aim is done with the left analog stick, so it's hard to aim with that bugger too. But its still a very enjoyable experience and it still entertains me to the last level.

Nightfire is one I have come to appreciate a lot more. Its minor control differences mean the world to me, a hardcore shooter fan. The manual aim was tweaked too, it's done with the aiming stick, but it doesnt matter much becuz I can also TURN OFF THE *#$!&^% AUTO AIM!!!!!!!!!!!

But the sensitivity it a bit higher so I still use the manual aim a lot. Also, I think the game takes itself a bit more seriously than the first. No falling into giant unorthadox pits of lava :), no grossly inacurrate guns :|, no short cut reloading animations :roll:, and even tinier things. I think it's just a better made game. I'm still stuck on the @#$% level where you're in the Pheonix compound and its all a giant sniper field...

I've died in the same place three times and I'm getting fed up with it.  

Anyway, that's all from the front.

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

It's time for another blog!

*Clears out cobwebs*

Hey guys! It's time for my blog once again. What's that? "irmeleeman has a blog? That must have been years ago..."

Indeed, it has been FOREVER since I updated this heap. Anyway, on to the meat and potatoes of this here soup.

So in news, Ben spent the night for the first time over here. We ate good stuff, played Far Cry Intincts (Xbox), God of War, SSBM, Halo (co-op, Xbox) and Time Splitters 2 (co-op and multi, Xbox). Also, we watched some Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and 8th MS Team, becuz he hadn't ever seen ANY OF THEM!!!!!!! :o

Anyway, we had a good time. In other news...

Ben got a 360 a little while ago, and his Republic Commando from his Xbox didn't work on it, so he gave it to me for free! I'd borrowed it from a friend before and never beat it, so I've been playing quite a bit recently and (I restarted from the beginning) got to the end of the second campaign. I forgot how excellent that game is...

My brother also re-rented God of War. Today (actually just a few minutes ago) was the first time I'd played it since the re-rental, and I was t3h slaughtered :cry: I'm at the Rooftops of Athens and I'm fighting those whacked out crazy monster dudes who like swim around underground and spin around like ballerinas....:? They're fun to fight, until I go up to the roof and start fighting waves of troll after troll. Everything I've tried hasn't worked, and I've gotten killed more in this extended fight then I have in the rest of the game combined :? :lol: I'll figure it out.

Also, Halloween was cool. The moon looked amazing...I went with my youth group and only four of us showed up, so it wound up being like 7 leaders and 4 guys 8) It was pretty smurf. And, if you're wondering, I went as an Army guy. Just slapped on some fatigues and a hat. It was cool. Oh, and my friend took a bag of potato chips and cut eye and mouth holes in it, and put it on his head, and took his shirt off for a bag. He got some interesting looks :lol:

I think that's it...

...But as usual, it won't be. I'll add more later...?

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Freedom Fighters, God of War, some updates, and a question

Gaming has been pretty bland as of late. BFII is still having it's moments, and I have decided I am just re-flipping-diculous at that game. It's official. I am just amazingly inhumanly good at BFII. I thought I'd let you guys know :)

So yeah, for some reason, I had this urge to play either James Bond: Agent Under Fire or Nightfire. No reason why. I just did.

So this is where my brother Kyle comes in. Free rentals urge for James Bond= Happy Me. Well to make a long story short, no James Bond games were found at the store. Oddly enough, I can picture where they both were last time I was in there cuz I saw them...

So here I am, sitting in front of my brothers' Xbox thinking, what do I play now?

Then I turn to Freedom Fighters. Everyone I know who played it loves it, and I never once played it. So I thought I'd give it a shot.

I found the controls to be a little unweildy, especially with having to click in and hold the left thumbstick to manually aim?  Coupled with the stupidly inacurrate pistol, it became a bit of a doozy to effectively kill anyone. :lol: But I liked the level structure, the concepts, how the game and missions progress, and I think it's a pretty well put together game. Frankly the only problem is with the controls.

Lastly in video gaming, is the gem that is God of War. Long have I sought to wrap my brain around this ethereal macabre action adventure game with gore and violence as far as the eye can see. Well, due to the lack of mindless James Bondage my brother finally picked this one up for me, and I dove right in. Here are my initial impressions:

Well, to start off, the game has wonderful taste. The more often than not creepy soundtrack sets the mood quite well, and its reliance on the Greek mythology and culture is a hand-clappingly exciting factor in the game, and plays a much larger role than I would have ever thought. The creatures, characters, cities, refrences, history, it all makes the game what it is, and it's very welcome. I knew that's what the game based on, but it's also what it thrives off of. Within the 1 and a half, maybe 2 hours I played it, I had already experienced two boss fights with Greek mythology creatures, the Hydra and Medusa, and enjoyably and grusomely slaughtered both. I had encountered three gods/esses, and earned moves that embodied their powers in mine. I had fought minotaurs as well, a nice addition. They are a sort of mini-boss I suppose, and it's cool to see some other mythological creatures that aren't as big (main) or big (size) as the others I mentioned. I've always liked Minotaurs, but I like killing them even more :twisted:

Woah, Nelly, slow it down and speed it up. :lol: :sorry: This is going on forever, and I still have other things to talk about. Well, I love the presentation, the controls are superb, the combat is as satisfying as it is gruesome, and the game made a good first impression and is calling me to play more. Oh, and did I mention those absolutely gnarly context-sensative moves? No? I didn't? *drools* They're crucial! :lol: That's a joke with me and Ben...

Anyway, I have a question for ye all (like all three of you) who read this blog. And that is: What should I be for Halloween? I haven't done Halloween lately, but I'm going to a friend's Halloween party and i should at least be festive and participate. Serious suggestions would be nice; something plausible, not "Vash the Stampede!" or "Bruce Almighty!" or "Link!". Hahahaha...Bruce Almighty...

*clears throat* Anyway, something I might actually be able to pull off. It can be something as simple as my friends who are going in suits as mobsters and carrying airsoft guns in their coats (of course, don't use that as a suggestion please :lol: ) but it doesn't have to be anything fancy at all. Just something other than myself...

Oh and, I put "some updates" in the title didn't I...well, at the time I obviously had an idea of some sort, but as of now I don't know who's pot I was smoking when I put that becuz I don't have any idea what I meant. Oh well. You'll all lose a bit of sleep tonight as you wonder..."What in God's green Earth did irmeeleman5995 forget that I now do not know...? :cry:"

Life stinks. It happens. And, becuz I haven't said this lately, I have MPH and MKDS and play them online when I happen to have a game with friends (I don't play random people online anymore in either for their respective reasons) so just IM me or PM me if you ever wanna play and I'll do my best to play :D I really love both games but man those hackers on MPH and man those dumb lucky noobz on MK...*sigh* Oh well. It's prolly time to hit the sack. Big day tommorow. Get to go the the Air and Space Museum. Yay! I guess. :? :|


Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

This will be uncharacteristically short. And 10$ says that's spelled wrong.

Well, I won't be on this site on the weekend, because I'm going on a retreat with my church. So, I thought I'd leave a quick update for my pals on Gspot.

In video gaming, Hulk was pretty sweet and I might by it someday. I liked the open ended enviornments and how huge they were, the combat system was very satisfying, and I enjoyed bashing anything and everything I could find.

Also for the retreat, I remembered to pack my DS and games :lol: Last time it was right after Hunters came out and I was gonna play my friends all through the 6 hour bus ride, and I forgot my DS on the charger :shock: Of course, then I got there and found out the cabins had outlets, and I didn't need to be charging it at all :roll:

So yeah. I suppose that's really it. Also, for you guys out there who like to ponder (me and RaveNvrMor3 do), here's something I thought of today in Bible class, when talking about getting things we don't deserve, or aren't worth. Then I thought, "Worth is only what me make it to be." It's interesting to think about. What something is worth is only what we (not necessarily us but someone) already decided. Think about it and leave some feedback.

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!