I FINALLY got around to renting SCIII. I figured, PS2 exclusive my butt, it'll be on GC (the best for fighters, I hate the PS2 controlls :x) and Xbox in a few months and I'll get it then. Fast Forward almost a year later...
It's pretty slick. I really hate the PS2 controls though. They're almost identical to the GC ones that I'm used to, except the block buttons aren't the same, and X should correspond to A (not B), O with X (which it does), Triangle to Y (which it does), and Sqaure to B (not A). Instead, Square is really A, and X is really B, which is only a problem becuz they switched around the shoulder buttons too, making blocking and grabbing harder then it needs to be. On GC, the shoulder buttons were both block, so I'd just use R and A or R and Y to grab, and guard impact was a snap, too. But since X is block instead of Square, throwing is really difficult. I never played SCII on PS2, so I don't know if it was the same way, but either way GC layout is the best.
I don't know if that made sense to you, (it'd be easier if I had a compare and contrast diagram or something), but I'll move on.
Graphics are nice, but lots of recycled animations from previous iterations. I love custom characters, my only beef was the lack of much clothing to make your character unique. But lo and behold, you unlock more as you go along. I was gonna say, it's cool and all but not much to choose from...>.>
But yeah. I also like all three new characters which is a plus, usually you like 1 or 2 of new ones...but what happened to the voice actors? A lot of the voices are different from SCII and they're worse...:roll:
More as I get more into it and get used to the less-than-perfect controls. Man I wish they had this for GC:!:
Anyway...be sure to read and recommend my reviews, and PM me with FCs for MPH and MK and maybe not Starfox Command, after reading the import hands-on I'm starting to think Nintendo really needs to take a hint. here are more then enough games that use the touch screen and Dual Screens, and frankly there aren't enough that utilize the four buttons that I was so happy to have...
We really want a straight up shooter Nintendo!
Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!
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