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irmeleeman5995 Blog

I type to you with frozen fingers

Hey Gamespot! Haven't blogged in a week or two, did you miss me? :P

School started back up last week and honestly I was not ready. Er, I guess the better way to say that was I did not FEEL like going back. Then again, who does? Two hours seeing friends and teachers and then I'm just thinking "Yeah ok, can I go home now?"

This week was exam week for us. Half days Tues-Fri, with two exams per day, if the respective cl@ss has one. Seeing as APMEH happened right before we went on break, I only had four exams. Geometry, English, Spanish, and Chemistry. Geo and Eng were both on Tuesday. Geo was a BREEZE, felt almost too easy. I double checked all my work and caught one or two mistakes, but most of the exam was conceptual not computational so there wasn't much room for error. Turned it in with plenty of time left and popped in the iPod while drawing a G36C in my boredom.

Eng was next and the longest exam of the four. There was one essay and one literary analysis about a poem, and of course matching, multiple choice, and short answer. It was fairly easy, english has never been very hard for me, but I'm sure I made some mistakes here and there, and the essays are a big toss up when it comes to how much my teacher likes 'em. We'll see though, I'm pretty confident.

Yesterday was just Spanish, and that was another uncomfortably easy exam. I finished and double checked every answer and am extremely confident in my grade. Didn't even have the speaking section like he told us we would. 'Nother time to pop in the iPod for...50 minutes...o_O

Today was chem, and that was meh. I feel like I did alright, but not 100 percent material at all. No less than a B, so I'll be happy with my grade. Not too bad.

On that note, I got back my APMEH exam. 90!!!!! I was overjoyed. I hadn't anticipated such a good grade. Definitely happy with that.

That's school as of late. Gaming's been AWESOME since I finally was allowed to move the 360 onto the 52inch HD. It's glorious. I had some fun in Ace Combat 6, which looks BEAUTIFUL, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, which looks very very good, and Halo 3, which looks very awesome too, and it's always great playing it in widescreen :D I took a load of screenshots in widescreen, and I'm not done yet, but you can see what I've got here. Hm. Link isn't working. Here's the URL.

Other than that, haven't had too much quality time with it for gaming, but I have been watching some good ol' TV, most notable is 24 :D I watched the first 2 of the 4 that have aired so far, and it's wonderful. Other than that, I watched three hour long episodes of a special on BUD/s, the first phase and most famous of SEAL training. The next or last 3 segments tape late tonight, so I'll have some more to watch over the weekend, along with the second two 24s :) It's sweet. Here I am reading all this crap about SEAL training but I haven't really seen any of it in length, but I've now seen three hours and it's NUTS. My first thought was "...How am I even gonna last a day of this?" By the end, though, I was stoked, and I am so psyched for that total hell.

That's...yeah ok that's sort of weird, I know :P

"Speaking of that," says you, "how's the training thing going?"

Pretty good. I'm doing 100 push ups, 200 sit ups, 10-15 chin ups of three different s-tyles each, 50 leg lifts, and 4 minutes of...I don't know the name of it. Lay on your back and hold your ankles six inches off the ground. That one. I do one minute of those at a time, though, I'm not good enough to hold that for four minutes ;) However, back to what I was saying, I've consolidated all of those excersises into just 2 stints in a day. When I started I did all of that over the course of the day in five segments, then I brought it down to three with a short fourth one to finish off the tail end, and now I'm down to only two separate sessions a day. My goal is to be able to do all of that in one sitting. Once I can do that, I'll start increasing the amounts of everything I'm doing. Making good progress on that.

Running is the other big thing I've been working on. At first I could BARELY run a mile without stopping on my treadmill, and even when I did the whole thing without stopping it was still like a ten minute mile. I was not only furious with my awful performance, but was utterly puzzled as to why it was so bad. Convinced me and treadmills just didn't roll together, we parted our separate ways and I started running a route outside each night than runs me 1.3 or so miles. I could do that no sweat, which confused me even more. At any rate, after 2 or 3 months of this, I've worked my route up to at least 2.5 miles, if not a little more, but I haven't done anything to really measure it out yet. The route was my initial goal though, so I'll increase the length of my route soon. (Turns out? The treadmill has been stuck on incline the entire time; I tried adjusting it but nothing worked so I figured the switch didn't work anymore. Nope. Mom had the same puzzlment I did with her walking, and she figured out it was stuck on incline and managed to change it. Go figure, right?)

Anyways, that's why my fingers were thawing out. Today...I don't even know how cold it is. But it's the coldest it's been in Maryland this year, er at least the coldest I've felt running all year. Windy too. Holy crap it was windy. But yeah, that's that.

Other than that, no news from the front. I guess that does it for me...

Until next time, I've been an irmeleeman5995 with fingers thawed out, and that's a mouthful to say!

Well, 2008 draws to a close, and here's my final word

That's very weird to say. I'm used to 2008 being top of the line, state of the art, but in less than 24 hours 2008 isn't going to be the year we're in anymore. That's so very strange. Anyway, let's begin shall we?

2008 saw me finish the second half of my freshman year in high school as well as my first half of my sophomore year. It has been easily the hardest year chunk of school I've experienced so far, although that's more or less a no brainer; school always gets harder right? I learned a lot though, and I got more prepared for the rest of high school with AP and Honor's cl@sses this year and as of now, one AP exam. I know what college is going to be like only on a much larger scale, and I'm less excited than I've ever been for college right now :lol:

In between those two chunks of school was a summer. It was a good summer, it had memorable moments, but like other summers that I have, I find it gets increasingly hard to remember the in between details. I remember the hilights, things like filming lacrosse tournaments and all the fun that entailed, and I remember the movies...WALLE, Dark Knight at midnight, Wanted, Iron Man, some quality flicks. We went to California for vacation too, saw my aunt get married and saw a lot of awesome stuff, particularly Yosemite National Park.

The beginning of the year (it's so weird, I keep thinking the beginning of this year was the beginning of school...anyways...) saw me turn 15 and the most notable thing was I got an airsoft gun (pictured here with me playing yesterday, with an orange tip covered in black tape and a nifty see through clip like the real one that I also obtained yesterday). Since that fateful January, I have spent more money than I care to count on ammo, accessories, a sidearm, and worst of all, I plan on spending much more :P It's been a great hobby and a really fun way to practice what I hope to do for a living, and the funniest part is, I think and plan and play from experience with things like Rainbow Six tactical games :D It's definitely worth it, and it's way better than I ever used to think it was.

The next signifcant thing was Brawl, which was one of my most anticipated games of all time. I have yet to log a ridiculous amount of time with it like I generally would, but Xbox Live kinda bumped it out of the picture. I still adore it though, and I'm actually glad I didn't chew it to pieces because it means whenever I return to it, be it for a day or for a month, I still have stuff left to do.

Next I went to Guatemala with school on a missions trip, which was a marvelous experience which was very enlightening. I plan on returning again this year, so that's something too. Definitely a year hilight for me, and again, I almost forgot it because I associate it with last school year, even though it was still 2008 :P

Right after Guat came R6V2, which was a highly anticipated game which I had tremendous hopes for, and it delivered. It had very similar gameplay to its predecessor and only made the changes it needed, and it took the time to polish graphics, AI, and everything inbetween to produce something not only very stable but also very immersive. It was a fantastic game until it got a minor update later in summer, where it became a BRILLIANT game. They added more ranks, a new gametype to further intensify matches, and the only complaint I had with the original package was addressed--they added Calypso Casino back into the map list, and better than ever. Great job Ubi, you officially created a Vegas fan's dream.

So wait now we're in summer. I already covered that o_O Moving onto school then.

School this year has been a drag. It's been hard and pretty boring but I have some good teachers and good ****ates around so it's been tolerable. My grades have been good, not excellent, but I've been happy, especially with APMEH. I've been doing really good in APMEH. But yeah, I haven't been grounded from weekday gaming this year because I never really brought it up. I'm sure if I had asked dad he might have considered it, but it's irrelevant--I've been working too hard to abuse games on weekdays (which I never really did to begin with).

Soccer this year went really well, as most of you remember. I played a ton and started most of the time too. I lasted on the field for unprecedented amounts of time (that is, for ME) and I had some of my best games this year. I played goalie for exactly 0 minutes, but I was content playing sweeper where I do the most good. However, in a disappointing replay of last year, we got to the championships against the same team and lost. Again.

So that's the basics. Lately I've had an APMEH exam and that's about it. School's school. Speaking of school, I also took Driver's Ed this Decembet and almost got my permit to drive two days ago, but due to me lacking a form I am unable to get until school starts, I am as of now unable to drive.

In more list oriented stuff:

I played a lot of Halo this year. A lot.

I finished up Assassin's Creed.

I got and played a TON of Far Cry 2, and am still working on it.

I made significant progress in Phantom Hourglass but have still to this day not beaten it.

I got into a lot of Xbox games that I haven't bought yet like Battlefield Bad Company and The Force Unleashed

My brother has but I have not yet played Dead Space

We replaced our laptop, and the new one's great

For Christmas our main TV and my parents' room's TV were replaced with gorgeous HDs, with FiOS TV and internet to compliment them.

I read and saw Black Hawk Down

I read the latest Inheritance book, Brisingr, and was utterly delighted with it

I read but never finished Catch 22

I saw some movies I haven't mentioned yet like Tropic Thunder and Deja Vu, both of which were phenomenal

I read the book Lone Survivor that finally tipped me over the edge and sent me into a career path with the Navy SEALs, which I have begun and still am training for.

THAT, my friends, is just about it. Am I missing stuff? Maybe. But it was another great year with ups and downs, a good summer, money earned, things blown up, people shot, soccer games played, airsoft kills scored, friends made, dogs walked, and of course, talking to people here on GS and on the Writers' Lounge :) Thank you all for making my year that much more interesting, and whatever you do, don't stop :|

Until next year, I've been irmeleeman5995, relieved that ILF extended the nomination dates on the Best of the Year of Writers' Lounge works, and looking forward to a New Year, and that's a mouthful to say!

Merry Christmas '08!

Happy Holidays guys :D Hope they're all going well. We've been hanging out, eating, spending time with family, etc. Probably even more so in the rest of the day to come. We just opened presents and ate some nice gooey cinnamon rolls, and now I'm here killing time before we go to our cousins' house and see our uncle who flew in from San Diego.

So far break's going good. I was actually very sick on saturday, I'll spare you the details but by midnight I had all the flu symtoms and thought I'd be dealing with it for a week :( The next morning all my symptoms had either gone down or gone away, so that was a relief. I was still tired from not having slept and I was drained, but I felt a lot better. 18 hour flu...weird:roll:

Now I've been watching movies, catching up on stuff I DVR'd on Military Channel, etc. I started the Splinter Cell Double Agent campaign FINALLY seeing as FC2 is still being on the sped side and I still refuse to play Dead Space until I can do so in HD, which I could starting today my dad gave me the greenlight to game on the new HDTV! I'll get around to it, probably not today though.

Anyways, on top of the 52 inch HDTV we just got for the living room, my mom bought a 32 inch LCD for her and dad's room, so that was a neat Xmas present I guess. Josh got a hoodie for Salisbury University, where he just got accepted to go next year, so that was that. Kyle, being the audiophobe that he is, got but didn't get super wicked crazy headphones that play reaaaaaaaally high quality music, which, paired with his super high quality music files, will make him quite happy. However, he still needs to get ear molds for the headphones themselves, so he doesn't have them yet!

Meleeman got three presents. One was a handy little workout thing from Josh. It latches onto doors so you can do pull ups on it and such, or you can plop it on the ground and do an assortment of pushups and that sort of thing. The second thing is this tshirt, which I was planning on buying myself but dad beat me to it :P The third thing...alas...was not the MK23 like I had hoped, or the hoodie I showed you last blog either. Turns out it was an iHome, built in radio, clock, charging station for iPod, and, duh, speakers for playing said iPod. Nice ones by the looks of it, too.

As much as I've wanted one of these for a while, and as much use I could put it to in daily life, I just don't know if I want it. Obviously I was bummed that I didn't get the gun, but when mom talked to me about the iHome she was telling me how she basically didn't know what I wanted, and once I told her how I gave the list (of two things..) to dad, she threw in that she was not buying me a gun, so I think she had known about it and for whatever reason said no...Whatever the case, she said she can return it for something else, which I might do but at this point for what?

Regardless, that's what's up with me. No games, no movies, no gun. That's all out of my pocket, which wouldn't be such a bad thing if I didn't burn almost all my funds buying people stuff and becuz my mom told the extended family members NOT to give us stuff this year, due to the economy and all. I have this list of like 20 movies and games I want and they weren't gonna be too big a hit until I realized we weren't getting extra money to bolster my I'm holding out on most of those, too.

Anyways I hope you all have Merry Christmases (believe it or not I'm actually getting better at typing that word :lol: ) and I'll talk to you guys later:!:

Until next time, I've been a roasting on an open fire irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say! (and truer than you know >.> )

Heya GS, another long time no see type thing

What's up guys? Not much is going on with me, which is new for a change. Er, which is to say, not a whole lot in between blogs that I have to catch you all up on.

First and foremost, Thanksgiving. How awesome is that holiday? I had like three Thanksgivings over the course of my break :D It was good time to relax and catch up on some stuff I wanted to do. With Christmas Break coming up (which I will from now on refer to as xmas, it's just so much easier to type, I always mix up the letters for some reason), I'm even more excited.

Normally mid-terms come after break, but our AP Euro teacher wants to have it before break. I totally agree with her on that one. This week I have full days Tues, Wed, and Thur, with a half day on Fri. That day's a brunch thing and a talent show...always awesome. Thurs is the mid-term, so I've been brushing up on that cl@ss's material. Other than that...

...I've been in driver's ed :shock: :o I know right? Meleeman's finally driving! ...Ish. I don't have my permit yet, I'd rather learn how to drive before doing it :P However, some of you are probably saying "He didn't drive already? Huh?" I was eligible to get a permit in Maryland in October, and I'm finished DrEd on Friday, so I'll get my permit sometime over break. Me, behind a wheel? I've long since dreaded this day...

Why? I dunno. I like the prospect of driving myself alone to places, but I have always thought I would be a bad driver for reasons best explained in the recently learned phrase "space management". Obviously it takes time to get used to, but I've always thought that I would misjudge the shape of the car and graze, bump into, or back into things. Time'll tell, eh?

In other news, I went to my first **official** airsoft event...last Sunday it was. I honestly walked out a bit disappointed, for various reasons. There were a few big ones I'll relay to you:

1. I performed very...substandard(ly?). I rounded up a total of 4 kills in almost twice as many hours. That's a JOKE, especially since two of my kills were "shared". I didn't die too much though, and that has to be attributed to me playing smart even if my gun wasn't on that day. And being a windy day it was pretty hard for anyone to get kills. One thing I struggled with was being forced to wear traditional, bulky paintball masks. It impeded my ability to aim, which is why I have opted for goggle, helmet, and balaclava kit when I scrimmage my team.

2. The weather. Fancy that. It was cold and windy and chilly and all, I loved it. Problem? It stopped snowing right as we played!! I was super disappointed. It was funny though, whenever wind blew snow off trees, the flurries always looked like white BBs. Scared me more times than I care to admit :P

3. Hy holster broke :( The thing that hangs down, strapped onto your leg, holds your pistol in it. Yeah, in my ungainly boots I tripped on a root and toppled over, landing on my holster (I felt like SUCH an idiot). I lost a pistol clip in the process and a crucial part of my holster snapped in the bitter cold; turned it brittle and stuff. It's unrepairable as far as I know. Good news is, I'll have little use for the pistol mag becuz I'm replacing my pistol this xmas for a better version :D More on that later.

4. The really only other big one was the fact our team didn't stay together at all. We tried, but we always inadvertently got split up and would meet back at the respawn later going "Where have YOU been?" I particularly got split up alone numerous times, ironically but also expectedly, it's when I performed the best. I reaaaaallly wanna do what Sam Fisher does once I "outgrow" my career in SEALs. Always wanted to, and boy I enjoyed my solo work. I almost single handedly took on the entire "castle" without being spotted...which means nothing to any of you but it didn't work anyways so who cares :P

So that was airsoft at the second annual "Battle of the Bulge", which might be familiar to any WWII buffs out there.

Aside from airsoft and school (and DrEd >.>), I've been reading Rainbow Six. Did I tell you all this? I think I might have...I could go look but whatever :P It's really good, but thanks to all the aforementioned things, I haven't cracked too far into it yet...yet.

That's about it except for the Xmas List I suppose. Well, here you have it.

Tokyo Marui MK23 Gas Non-blowback airsoft pistol. Fancy way of saying it performs like a real gun--my current MK23 pistol is very good, but you rack the slide back to prime each round before firing...very disadvantageous. This gun is a gas operated one, so you just fire round after round until you're out of ammo or gas. It's also SUPREMELY crafted, very finely detailed, and comes with one of, if not the only true, sound dampening silencer in all of airsoft. If you REALLY care, then I could tell you how the real gun is one of the most accurate, reliable, powerful handguns ever built, a Navy SEAL trademark, used by Snake in the MGS games, and is one of the largest handguns used today. On that note, the large size paired with the square flashlight unit calls for it having its own unique holster, so I'm buying one of those anyways :) Good thing, seeing as I broke the other one at BoB:?

That's...basically it. There's some smaller things, movies, games, and CDs, but those are all things I plan on buying myself...oh how could I forget this. DEVGRU is also known as SEAL Team 6 (or Naval Special Weapons Development Group, hence DEVGRU). They're active duty SEALs who are also handpicked to develop future technology and weapons for SEALs, the Navy, and the armed forces in general. AND it's a sweet hoodie :P

I guess that's all for now. You all take it easy, and if I don't post again before Xmas (I probably will post on Xmas Eve or depending on my schedule, the day before that), Happy Holidays to you all! Although, I hate being politically correct, so I WILL throw in the Merry Christmas! (just so you know I had to concentrate just to type that word without mixing up letters :P)


Hey. What's up guys...jeez I'm really tired. But I can't put this off anymore or I'm never going to write it!! Haha :P

Yes, indeed, that's the problem. It's been too long. I haven't even talked about FAR CRY YET. Oh boy is Far Cry great..oh well, let's begin, shall we?

I guess to start out, I'll talk about soccer. Soccer ended a few weeks back. We finished the season with two losses--both to McDonogh, our rivals. We lost to them in the championship last year, but this year, despite our inability to get it together when playing McDonogh, we beat all the teams that beat them, so it looked like it was in the bag. Playoffs started and we played St. Paul's. They were the team we went into OT against and just barely came out with the win. This time around, the score went 0-0 until OT...then Double OT...then penalty kicks :| Thankfully, we won in PKs...but that was a REALLY close call.

So the next game was us against McDonogh, at our field this time. No sucky fields ruining the championships, and one final shot to freaking drive that team into the ground. Things started to shape up like our St. Paul's game as the score stayed 0-0 until OT...then Double OT...then PKs again. At this point, I'm thinking two things. "This is way too close, we should have already scored and the game should already be over," and, "If we lose after all this in PKs I may just kill somebody."

Well, unfortunately, we lost AND I didn't get to kill anyone. :cry: I still don't know why it happened...the St. Paul's game, Jared (our goalie) blocked two shots and one went over the net, and 4 of our guys made their shots. McDonogh, though, Jared blocked none of them, and I think our guys scored 2 of theirs. Trainwreck, really...

Since soccer's over, I've had a ridiculous amount of free time after school, which I totally need, because class is starting to get unbearable as of late. Homework out the wazzoo, that is. We're on Thanksgiving break now though, so I've had some time to chill and ignore HW for the time being. More on that later though.

There's other stuff going on around here, too. We got FiOs, for those of you who don't know, that's Verizon's new phone, TV, and internet service that uses underground fiber optics. Internet is BLAZING, phones are phones, and TV is pretty awesome. The DVR isn't as good as Tivo but who is?, and we get a TON of channels we never had before. The biggest one is by far the Military Channel, which is something I can turn on randomly and always be interested in whatever's on :P Weaponology and Future Weapons are easily my faves though, but who can know? I haven't seen everything there yet :P

With soccer season done, I finally started doing something very important :D My SEAL training :o That's right...meleeman wants to be a Navy SEAL...what, you look surprised :P You knew that was coming didn't you? But don't you worry...this is no phase, I'm not going to lose interest. In fact, every day that goes by I only get more psyched for it. I've thought really long and really hard about it, it's a hard committment and an even harder performance, but it's like, what I was born for. After learning all this stuff I have about the SEALs, I realized it's the only thing I can see myself being. 

The gym comes soon. It's one of the highest quality gyms in the state, and it's like five minutes from my house. It's expensive though, and with the economy tanking, my parents are no longer sure it's on the menu, and if it is, it won't be for a while. Until then, it's me running on the treadmill, doing pushups, situps, and lifting on our machine at home. The gym is crucial though, mainly for the pool, which me and my friend Steve will be spending an hour in each day, among the other things. Our training is gonna be about the same length as soccer, which is depressing because all my freetime I wanted so bad is gonna go out the window, and the homework loads are only getting worse, not better. The committment's hard even now :| But that's there, not here. I'll keep you all posted on the progress...right now I'm just trying to get my endurance back where it belongs on the treadmill and to find a good amount of sit ups and push ups to be doing consistently before I make anything higher and set higher goals.

I guess the only other big thing is Break. Our break is 9 uninterrupted days, unlike most of yours, so that's awesome 8) Thursday we're having dinner at my dad's parents' house, but Sunday night we had "Fakesgiving" with our cousins, because yesterday one of them flew down to Florida to see his girlfriend and wouldn't be here for real Thanksgiving :lol: That was cool, anyways. Played some Xbox on their HD projector, watched the 24 Redemption on said projector, etc. Oh, and of course, we ate a TON ;)

That's basically it :? I think the longer I wait to blog, the more stuff becomes insignificant and I'm forced to really only give you guys the bare essentials :lol: I might remember other stuff in the future, but I'll close for now saying:

Sorry I've been inactive, I've been frequenting the unions and profiles but not really posting anything :(

I'll return later for impressions that are lonnnnnnng overdue on Far Cry 2, the book Rainbow Six, final impressions on Brisingr, and perhaps writing updates :shock:

Until next time, I've been a guard post scouting irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!


Here's a basic update, which is long overdue

Ahhhh, I'm finally here after like two weeks of nothing. And for your sakes, I'm staving off the final SEALs blog till a later date. For now, on with the usual.

School is getting worse by the day. We took the PSAT's the other day. Math frustrated me in parts, but as a whole, it was a joke. I was like "Wow why am I even here?" And I don't even find out what I get as a score until December. By then I'll be thinking, "When did I take the PSAT??" :P

Other than that, the quarter is drawing to a close. Everything is just getting aggravating. Nothing is hard. It's just annoying. Homework, tests, quizzes, and projects. It's unavoidable and it eats up time like you wouldn't believe. Well...I say this being probably the youngest person of anyone who reads ignore that statement, I'm just rambling :lol:

Soccer's going awesome. It's been a while since I updated you, so I'll spare the details. Basically, we've only lost two league games...both playing our rivals, McDonogh. They're the only team to score on us in league games, with 3 goals between 2 games. The thing that's ticking me off is when our coach reports them losing to two other teams in our conference, one we've beaten twice now, one we beat the one time we played them. What's that say? WE SHOULD BE WINNNNNNNINNNNNNNG

Movies news, hmm...I saw Appaloosa. That was REALLY good. Definitely reccommend it. I also recently watched Italian Job and Boondock Saints AND Casino Royale...all I had seen before, all I absolutely reccommend as well.

Books. BOOKS!! Brisingr!!!! I'm a hefty chunk of the way in now. It's very good. I like how straightforward the plot is. The author didn't articificially extend the length of the book by needlessly drawing out events that should--and thankfully did--end swiftly. I greatly appreciate that. He's a Dragon Rider and the Luke Skywalker equivalent of the Eragon universe!! He should totally just kill those stupid Ra'zac. Which...he did...very easily. So, thank you, Master Paolini.

Music, not much new. I got the new Offspring album, Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace. It's really good. It's a very rare occurence in the's not emo or cocky music. It's spiteful music. Very refreshing, and great to listen to before games. I also got a lot of the Killers' stuff recently. They're so awesome! I love the singer's voice. The dude sings such a variety of music, and it's all uncompromisingly awesome.

Gaming is at practically a standstill. Even though I'm permitted to play on weekdays, with soccer and homework, I haven't had much of the time. I'm in the middle of a playthrough of MGS The Twin Snakes, however. For the first time in years, I'm actually gonna WATCH all the cutscenes in the I'll take more like 15 hours to beat it instead of like 5 :D My brother Kyle recently splurged on Dead Space's special edition, which we were both gonna split at Xmas time. It's a sweet game, but didn't really come off as "Day 1" material, you know? Well he changed his mind. I'm gonna play it soon, although I might end up not touching it for a while. Far Cry 2 is fast approaching, and he is lending Dead Space to some pals so I might get it once I'm done with FC2 and Dead Space has come full circle.

Writing has been at just as much a standstill as everything else. I mean dude, it took me like 2 weeks to get 300 pages into Brisingr! Normally I'd have finished it in no more than a week and a few you can imagine that writing hasn't been anything. I've been meaning to sit down on a Saturday and just transfer the written progress to the laptop, but with chores, HW, and airsoft, I haven't found the time!

Airsoft has been going awesome. I finally completed my least for now. I know wear, each Sunday when we airsoft, the following.

Woodland Camo BDUs (full)

Black military boots

Fingerless gloves (intended for bike riding, of all things)

A black tac vest

A black drop leg holster

An UnderArmour balaclava (black)

A MICH tac helmet (black)

And some really sleek and awesome looking airsoft goggles

We take a lot of pictures of ourselves during games, so eventually I'll get some good ones and show you all what I look like. Everyone tells me I look like I walked out of R6V :P And I DEFINITELY DID NOT model myself as closely as I could to my in game not ;) (It worked, aside from the woodland camo and not black camo)

Our adventures of late have been pretty awesome. I'm actually getting kills in game now, and I'm getting a lot more comfortable playing. I'm not as freaked out and I'm more "jacked in". My breathing is a lot more controlled, and I think more clearly and make a lot of important decisions on the fly that reflect good tactical thought process. It's SO fun to airsoft like we do. It's so serious and's too much fun.

At any rate, that's about all I've got fellas. See, if this had been two or three entries as the events were happening in life, there'd be a lot more detail. But I kept procrastinating and now you all got a short blog. Lukcy you, right? :P

Until next time, I've been a sore but willing to go for anything irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

At sea, in air, on land (part 2 of 3)

Yay, meleeman's back with his second SEAL blog! Don't all jump up and read it at once :|

Meleeman's note: As with the first one, if not more so, this is way too long for me to read through and proofread. Sorry lads, but you'll manage, right?

So in the last entry I detailed what makes a SEAL a SEAL. They're definitely some of the most impressive soldiers in history, and now that you all have a good understanding of that, I can in good conscience detail the narrative that the novel focused on.

In 2005, Marcus and some other SEAL operatives were in Afghanistan. They were just there to be there; just doin' what they do best. The story, though, is found in one mission, or rather, one target. His name was "Ben Sharmak" in the book, he didn't reveal his name in the book, but I think you can actually find the real name here. I think Ben was still alive when he wrote the book, but has since been killed later.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Ben Sharmak there was the target. He was a very important, high up Taliban individual. I have since lent the book to a friend, so I can't be certain, but I think Sharmak himself was the one Marcus mentioned for being a notorious explosive user, constantly targeting US Marines in his attacks. But aside from his deadly explosives, he was also just plain ol' high up and important. Their mission was to get ahold of him and capture if possible, kill if not. Pretty straight forward, right?

Sounds like a very simple, too good to be true objective. At least, that's the impression I got. Is there really just a target elimination mission that is ever so simple? I asked myself. Apparently so...At any rate, here the military is in the treacherous mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush, trying to get ahold of good intel on Sharmak's position. There was 2 or 3 false starts for the mission before the final go, due to information flaking out; as in, no longer accurate because of Sharmak moving around.

At long last, however, the mission was finally a go. The four SEALs, being Marcus and his buddies Mikey, Axe, and Danny, were put down at night time high in the peaks of the Kush. It was dark, windy, and rainy. Perfect, right? :roll: They were forced to trek through the unkind terrain about four miles to their position. Their goal: take up an auspicious firing position in the mountain cover, take out Sharmak with one of their Mark 12s, and retreat safely. The issue posed was that Sharmak commanded a force of estimated 80-140 men with him, and if anything went wrong, or possibly even if it went right, the four man squad would have to deal with them. No worries, though, right?

The problem was, a group of three Afghan shepherds found the poor SEALs in those mountains. Not good, right? The men were then posed with a terribly tough decision. The harsh and militarian decision was to outright kill the three Afghans, one of whom was a boy of maybe 17. That's what they all wanted to do, and what they knew was all but the only choice. But the rules of engagement in all their wisdom would see them tried in the US later for murdering non combatants, and it would almost certainly condemn them all to death or jail. So, as tough as it was, they knew they couldn't kill them.

Then again, why not call HQ? If they sanction the termination of the civilians, then the soldiers can't get in trouble. Or maybe they'll just tell the SEALs what needs to happen? Either way, it couldn't hurt.

After trying the radio continuously, though, the four man squad could not manage to raise HQ at all! I wish I had the book now to quote it, but the radio man (Axe I think) said something along the lines of "It's working fine, there's nothing wrong, it's just like no one's there." The SEALs were furious. Hung out to dry doesn't quite cut it, you know? In the backs of their heads, they all knew what had to be done. They had to let the shepherds go. They didn't make the decision easily, but it was potentially die here in the mountains or potentially die in the US. Not much of a choice, right? So they took their chances in the fight.

Now, before I go on, a few people have asked me why they didn't like, tie up the shepherds or anything like that. That's actually a very good question. I have zero idea, and Marcus mentioned nothing of the sort in the book. My guess? If they thought of it, there probably wasn't a way to. *shrug* Would have worked better than what they ended up doing...

The shepherds were left on their way, and the SEALs at least excercised some intelligent strategizing here. They fell back, taking up a prime defensive position to counter the onslaught that was going to close on them in the coming hours. It's good they thought of that, you know? Better than sitting there and hoping for the best.

The other question asked to me was, "If they're sitting here on a mountain, staring at the town through sniper scopes, how did they even get challenged? They had like every advantage." Truth be told? They got taken from behind. The Taliban snuck up behind them, coming all the way around the mountain from the other side. This was, in my uneducated opinion, was the final kiss of death for our valiant troops. They went from being huddled up with a good defensive position on top of the mountain to being flanked from behind from even further up the mountain. Height advantage? Bye. Element of surprise? Reversed on them, at best. A fight ensued, and it's arguably the only reason I'm writing this blog.

There's those events in movies, books, and games that just seem to good to be true. Perhaps within the realm of possibility if all the circumstances were met, but what are the odds of that? A fight that just could never happen? A battle never won in reality? They're pretty prevelant in entertainment. It's cool to see something awesome happen, becuz it's the stories that never happen in reality that are cool to see elsewhere. This was that fight. I swear it was like a story of four stranded SPARTAN IIs in Halo's universe.

The final body count for the Taliban wasn't revealed in the book, but Marcus's rough estimates made on the battlefield put the total Taliban taken out at maybe 90, out of 140-160 at the start. (Again, I'm sorry if that's inaccurate, I can't confirm that, but I'm pretty certain that was his estimate.) The SEALs were just untouchable. They opened up with M4s and their Mark 12s (which, for the record, fire on semi auto, so they were practical in a combat scenario) at the tidal wave of Taliban soldiers who continued to round the mountain side and filled in the gaps of their fallen allies. Even when the SEALs were literally out in the open calmly moving to cover amidst thousands of bullets, they managed to tag countless enemies each, while remaining unscathed. The Taliban guys are very untrained, and more or less won battles from sheer volume of fire, not precise shooting.

That fact alone is what let the SEALs perform so well in this terribly lopsided fight. It would be like standing there with 150 guys shooting at you with their eyes closed. You gotta be careful, but the amount of people you can get all depends on how well you keep your cool and shoot true. And because of the SEALs' intense training, that is exactly what they did, even when faced with such staggering odds. It's not like they stood in the wide open forever, though. They quickly and steadily began descending the mountain, going to cover, taking out enemies, moving down, etc. Their goal, and only hope of living, was to totally descend the mountain and fall back onto flat ground where they very realistically could combat the entire enemy force and win. Or, even better, fall back into the town itself, shack up in a building, and have a turkey shoot. Even with the endless supplies of RPGs being launched at them, a few inches of solid wall could save them from a lot. So, amidst chaos, confusion, death, and bullets, the four men managed to formulate their loose plan and begin to carry it out.

Of course, they didn't just sit down and take their situation without attempts to call in backup. They took up some cover in a cave, or maybe in some rocks, to establish connection with HQ, hopefully to call in some helicopters with enough firepower to level a town. Unfortunately, there was no response again, with the mountain landscape interfering with the signal. The SEALs decided to make a brave move; to use a cell phone to make a call to base. The bravery is found in the fact that in order to do so, they had to break cover, which spelled nearly certain death.

Murphy took up the task, running out into the fray to make a telephone call. Thankfully, he got patched through alright, and desperately pleaded for any support they could get, saying that the SEALs were dying out there. He even got shot in the back during the call. He got up off the ground, picked his rifle back up, along with the phone, and continued to fire his assault rifle one handed while completing the phone call with uncanny calm. The conversation ended shortly after, and then Murphy was shot again in the stomach. He fell onto his back this time, and within moments, multiple Taliban soldiers had approached him and unloaded more ammo into him. If he hadn't already died, he was certainly gone now.

Meanwhile, another one of their teammates, Mikey, had been shot, five times (I think). One blew his thumb off, there was a few elsewhere, and finally he got shot in the neck. By that point, he fell down and wasn't moving. Now, as with a lot of soldiers, SEALs are strongly compelled to retrieve bodies of their fallen in combat, only, with the SEALs, it's basically a rule. They're dedicated to the grave. Marcus went into the fray this time, with the rocky mountain walls surrounding him doubling the lethality of the bullets coming towards him, serving to ricochet rounds even after missing initially. However, despite the chaos, he went out and began dragging Mikey to safety. This is amazing.

Mikey swiped Marcus's hand away, picked up his rifle, got up off the ground, and began to fall back while firing, on his own. After four shots, one of which was in the NECK! These SEALs are insane. So they took up more cover and resumed repelling the never ending waves of enemies. By now the body count is astounding. The SEALs are taking out an unholy amount of the Taliban cannon-fodder.

Pardon the memory failure, but I forget what bridges the events, but somewhere along the line, the valiant Mikey is shot, once more, for a total of five times, in the very base of the neck. This shot downed him for good, although when I read that, I still wasn't too sure he was out of the fight yet. After four times, once in the neck, and he was still fighting at full capacity? Like I said, entirely too good to be true. Only, it is true.

Then, Marcus and Axe fell back even more, sticking to the original plan. They were still a considerable distance from the bottom, but it was their only shot. At this point, Axe is holed up in some sort of cave, and Marcus was out doing something when he returned to the cave to find Axe with a wound in his head.

Unfortunately, the four had taken an unbelievably nasty spill down the mountain (the first of a few, actually). Basically, they came to a miniature cliff of sorts, and they had no choice but to jump off and roll down the almost sheer mountain side to a flat spot. Marcus equated it to a ski slope, only they were tumbling, it was rocky surface, and they were going break neck speed with no way to stop (that's the kicker). When they all crashed at the bottom into a heap on top of each other, Marcus had thought that none of them should have been able to live through it. And, like I said, there's a few more of similar ordeals later.

AT ANY RATE, during the spill, Marcus had actually lost his medical supplies, among other things (his helmet!). So he had to sit and stare hopelessly as his brother in arms Axe was suffering from a wound that was basically beyond repair. He said in the book that even in the best medical care in the world, he probably wouldn't have lasted an hour. But Axe was as defiant as any of them, and while he was bleeding pretty bad and couldn't really fight at full capacity, he had his pistol ready and was ready to go out fighting. It's that kind of determination that makes these men so incredible.

They didn't get much time to do any more damage because an enemy RPG struck ground just mere feet short of their position. Marcus was literally flung into another tumble by the blast, and Axe was, to his knowledge, killed in the explosion. It was revealed later that Axe had emptied his pistol clip when they found his body, meaning he had in fact lived on even longer and taken the fight to them until his last breath.

Meanwhile, Marcus's rocky trek down the mountain left him face down in a massive ditch, and curious enough, lacking pants. Better to get your pants blown off by an RPG than to die.

But yeah, like I said, he was face down in a huge ditch, to the point where when he first regained his bearings, he thought he might have gone blind cause he couldn't see. Then he realized he was upside down, and the hole was deep enough where he went unnoticed by the Taliban. They totally didn't see him. Eventually he climbed out and began a slow crawl to a rock formation in which to shelter himself. He barricaded himself in, and he was protected on all sides, save one, where he obviously looked out with his sniper rifle (which, in a series of miracles orchestrated by the guy upstairs, was still right with him through all he had done). Anyways, he waited there for, I dunno, eight hours? Just sitting. Waiting.

By now, he was parched, and had no water whatsoever. He said that his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth, so he couldn't speak even if he had a reason to, and he guessed that trying to detatch it would rip skin off the roof of his mouth in the process.

This just keeps getting better and better. How amazing are all these circumstances? The fact the SEALs were able to accomplish even half of what they've done so far is nothing short of a miracle, but also an undeniable testament to their training. However, it's not over yet, as Marcus is eager to prove, and he continues to do some amazing stuff solo next.

First thing he did was take out a Taliban soldier who had been patrolling the battlefield, looking for Marcus, a few hours after the battle ended. Marcus lined up a shot and blew his head straight off. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed!

So, Marcus happily shot two more Taliban guys who got too curious. It was great, he got one in the head again, and double tapped one in the chest before he could scream. I think he deflated his lung or something crazy like that.

After a little while longer, he decided to get back on the move. However, one thing Marcus was quick to tell us was how his large profile made him a less than prolific mountain climber, and he frequently would slip and/or fall in the mountains. Now he was pretty badly wounded, exhausted with no water, and lacking pants. He crawled on all fours all over the place, and that didn't even help that much. Not to mention, all the aforementioned things made him easier to track through the mountains than a bear leaving Reeses Pieces in a trail. He actually made note of a group of Taliban who he was certain were tracking him at their leisure, possibly even using Night Vision Goggles stolen from Russians a few years prior to spy him from afar. They were basically toying with him.

That was a mistake.

He lures them into a trap, placing himself behind a small outcropping of rocks that offer ample cover to take them out from a distance. Here's how Marcus stands at this point. His back is killing him, which is because of what he later finds out was three cracked vertebrae (OW!). He also has a large gash on his forehead, and whenever it gets opened back up, it bleeds right into his eyes. He tore his right side rotator cuff (something in your shoulder) and he was also shot in the left leg, high up, near the glute.

This happened when Marcus finally found a source of water. It was a waterfall, maybe thirty feet high, and at the bottom was obviously a pool from which he could drink. He found this at the top of the falls, though, and when he began his descent down, the Taliban guys tracking him shot him, right in the leg. He began another long, paaaaaiiiiinful journey down the mountain side, trying to slow himself down from what would surely this time be death. He ended up safe though, but he had lost all his ground, his water source, and now he was shot. Time to start over.

After much more arduous climbing, however, he was at his rock formation, eargerly awaiting payback from what he figured was a two man, sniper/spotter team. He finally got a visual on the one with the rifle, and silently dropped him with a shot to the heart. So far, this is just more insane performance by a critically wounded man who has every advantage stacked against him. He did all this while shot! But it's not over yet.

Little did he know, the two man team was one of three, and the two remaining men were right behind him. Behind him, and actually a little ways above him. They didn't know where Marcus was hiding, and when Marcus finally heard them and located their position, he took action. In one swift movement, which he recalled took maybe a second, he had revealed a grenade, ripped out the pin, heaved it at the spot right in between the two men above him, and rolled around to the opposite side of his rock cover in time for the grenade to annihilate the two Taliban intended for it.

Is that not insane?! To call this guy my hero would be like calling the Master bad example.

At any rate, he eventually finds his way to water. But for the life of him, the man cannot stay out of trouble. Upon finally taking some water in, he's stumbled upon by more Afghanis weilding AK47s. Just his luck right?

....By now, some of you might have noticed this is reallllllly long, and that I said part 2 of 3 instead of 2. That's because I took a lot longer with this than I anticipated, and by now I doubt any of you are still reading it. If you got this far, congratulations, and I think you just got influence gained :P But yeah, uh, three times is the charm, right? It'll be up sometime soon. And, my normal blog update will be as well, with info on soccer wins, airsofting adventures, and probably impressions of Brisingr which I still haven't started :oops: Anyways...

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, saying the NFL is lame, and that's a mouthful to say (and gonna get me shot)!

At sea, in air, on land (part 1 of 2)

Greetings Gamespotters. Brent bashfully....wishes he could keep going in his introduction with clever alliteration. Eh, I'm not a poet, who needs alliteration? :P

In the past few blogs I've been mentioning a book I've been reading. The book is called Lone Survivor. It's about the only SEAL in a team of four who survived a mission gone wrong in Afghanistan in 2005. I told you all how insane I thought the book was and that I considered writing a full blog on it. Well I'm donewith the book, and I decided I'm going for it.

I'll go in the order the author Marcus went in as he wrote the book. He started by setting up the situation in Afghanistan, what they were doing, why they werce there, introducing his teammates, etc. He also loosely outlined a lot of nuances to Muslim culture, and, more specifically, the Taliban and al Queada that are so hated in our country, yet it seems no one knows why. 9/11? Sure, but it goes much deeper than that, and Marcus makes it very clear why he personally prefers shooting them first and asking questions later, and why many others do as well.

Througout his first few chapters, he alludes to the SEALs in a somewhat haughty manner. So what. SEa, Air, and Land? Big deal. They're just swimmers and parachuters. At least, that's what I used to think. I knew they weren't pushovers, but he refers to them like they're like the top 1 or 2 special forces team in the entire world. Acknowledging this as a bit of a hefty claim, he offered to clue us in as to why he feels entitled to call the SEALs nothing short of invincible.

He lets us in on their training. Oh boy, did I hope he would, and he does. Like four chapters' worth. Bear with me if I start to ramble. His training began at age 14. In his smalltown Texas area lived a retired Green Beret, one of the legendary warriors in the US military who belong to the Army branch. This ex GB took it upon himself to take people around Marcus's and his twin brother Morgan's age, 14, and train them to become special forces members, if that was what they chose to do as a career. Out of 12 trainees, only 6 remained after, like, 1 or 2 weeks. After that, though, they trained ferociously. Marcus himself learned talents like staying alive in the wilderness, became very talented at swimming, and also just plain ol' worked out. He trained for a long time, though I now forget just how long, but when he finally enlisted in the Navy (at 21 I think), he was pretty prepared.

So, now starts the official, military training. There was a week long boot campish training just for joining the Navy. It was in Colorado (much to our Texan's horror) and it was pretty basic, though frighteningly cold. After completing it, he was flown to Coronado, California, where every SEAL in history has gone for the duration of their training. It's Cali so it's nice, but the water is frigidly cold...always. The first thing they do there is Indoctrination, or Indoc. This is a two week training that is fairly intense but only a glimpse of what is to come. They started with 164 trainees at Indoc, and by the end of the 2 week course, 98 remained. The rest couldn't handle it, as few can, and dropped out voluntarily.

So, two weeks down, Indoc done. I could be incorrect in saying this, but after Indoc, I think you'reconsidered a Navy SEAL. Now you have to rough it through a bunch more stuff to see if you really want to be a SEAL. The next phase of the training is called BUD/S. Basic Underwater Demolitions/SEALs. The name doesn't apply a TON as far as I know, I think it finds its roots in the basis of today's SEALs, which were Navy teamsback in the 60s that specialized in locating and detonating bombs underwater to create safe passage. Which SEALs can still do, but I don't quite know how much BUD/S focuses on just that.

BUD/S is pretty long. It's hard to say how long because there are three phases to BUD/S itself and sometimes they're 'seperated'. But it's fairly long, 8 or so weeks?

It's also hard as any Olympic training. Indoc ends; BUD/S begins the next day. Before lunch? The 98 left over became like 64. Before lunch. On the first day. More than 30 people dropped out. It's INSANE. They basically make you do push ups and sits ups until you basically can't eat afterwards. Do you know how tired you have to be to not want to eat? Getting off the pavement took such effort that it was like mentally and physically straining. Much less picking up a fork and CHEWING...

...You know, I still don't feel like I've given that first day enough justice. They basically sat for four hours doing pushups and situps until 1/3 of their ranks quit on the spot. There are some of the toughest people ever, and it only took like four hours to get rid of them at BUD/S' commencement.

There's a lot of stories to be told of BUD/S. There was a guy who showed up to Indoc and didn't know how to swim (does he even know what SEALs are?) There was another whose physician told him never to submerge his head underwater. Then there's swim buddies, log excercises, etc. But the biggest, baddest challenge is Hell Week. Hell Week is infamous. Four or five weeks into BUD/S, Hell Week starts. It consists of five straight days of physical training. Five. STRAIGHT. Days. To paint the picture for you most accurately, I'll summarize Marcus's experience for you.

For one, the instructors knew that in anxious anticipation for Hell Week, no one would be able to sleep the night before. So they don't. They give the trainees a break, let them stay up all night eating pizza and watching movies, drinking beers (I think..), just hanging out. What the instructors did not tell them is WHEN the playtime would end and when Hell Week would begin...or HOW it would happen.

The instructors turned out the lights, busted in the only doors to the place, and started firing blank M4 rounds into the air. "Welcome to Hell, gentleman," said one instructor over the chaos. At any rate, the trainees all dove for cover, scared out of their minds. Well, I guess startled is the more appropriate term. Any of them who could think clearly knew there was nothing to be SACRED of, but it's certainly startling. One of them, however, wasn't thinking so clearly, and he ran in a panic out off the baracks into the ocean surf and tossed around wildly. End of your nerves, right?

The objective was to listen to a high pitched whistle that could be heard over the commotion, go to the source, and ring the bell. So, with much strife, the trainees did it. But that was just the beginning. Literally. They were forced to do the most physical training in one, week long period of the entire training up until that point, with little to no rest or sleep. By the end? People were hallucinating from sleep deprivation. One fell out of a raft into the San Diego Bay, and when he was finally retrieved after five minutes of rowing IN WATER, he still did not know he had ever moved. Marcus himself pointed out that if you, for example, had a thought of your mother sitting next to you handing you a forkful of steak, but upon looking to your left and right did not see her there, that you would in fact be perplexed.

It was utter brutality. Running, lifting logs, hearing orders incorrectly and doing the wrong stuff, all sorts of stuff to just pummel your body and mind into oblivion. Argueably the meanest thing the instructors did was tell all the trainees that the end of their Hell Week (Sunday morn til Friday eve) was not in fact the end. Basically, they were telling the trainees that Friday was Thursday. No one objected, how would the trainees know? So when the instructors finally told them they were done, no one believed them. They were bewildered. All in all, the 64 or so guys that made it through the first day of BUD/S was down to 30 something by Hell Week's end. 164. 98. 60 some. Then 30 some. Miles and miles of running. Obstacle courses. Swimming. Pushups. Situps. Frigid water, where the trainees are constantly told to "Get wet and sandy" to freeze them up and get lathered in coarse, annoying sand. The work is unforgiving. The strength and endurance required is unparalleled. This training is insane.

So, there's Hell Week in a nutshell. BUD/S ends (I think? It's very unclear to me) and more training goes on. One other anecdote from SEAL training is the pool competency test story, directly after Hell Week I think. Basically, the trainee goes underwater in a pool, along with two instructors. You all have SCUBA gear on, but a lot of good it does you. The instructors grab you and hold you underwater while basically abusing you. First thing they do? Rip your mask off underwater. While being held down and thrashed about, you have to reattatch your mask, and I think you have to do something to drain water out of it a certain way too. Then they take your airhose, connected to the tank on your back, and unplug it. Still being abused underwater, you have to reach around behind your back and reattach it. Last, they repeat this, but they tie a knot in the hose too! You have to untie the knot or else reattatching the hose will do nothing.

The problem arises when they tie knots that are just plain old tight. You know that shoelace that you accidentally tied wicked tight? Well that's bound to happen. They understand. You make a gesture underwater that says "It's too tight, lemme resurface and start over." So, they let you. But, but, but, the instructors judge whether or not they agree with your call. If not....uh oh. Marcus made this call during his test. The instructors did not approve. So he failed the test and normally would have been severely punished, but seeing as like 25 out of 30 guys failed it, he wasn't roasted. Just had to retake it.

Here the SEAL trainees are, 8 weeks into training their butts off, and they haven't even touched GUNS yet! Well, that's about to change. They stay in Coronado, but gone are the beaches. Out come the mountains, the forests, the wilderness, and the survival. They're taught how to read and make maps, navigate in the wilderness, track objectives, live off the wild, and that sort of thing. This is also where they get into the nitty gritty- room entry/clearing, demolitions, weapons training, extensive weapons training ;), that sort of thing. It's basically taking them, fresh out of being turned into ridiculous water operators, and turning them into one of the, if not the best ground fighting force on the planet. They can fend for themselves in water, now they can do it on land.

(It was pointed out that for SEALs, water isn't just a moot point, it's a sanctuary. While water is only a nuisance to most military forces, the SEALs rejoice in water. They're trained extensively in it. Diving for best streamlined shape, endurance swimming, treading water loaded with up to, if not more than 100 pounds of gear, holding breath underwater...everything.)

As far;and goes, they're all turned into ace marksmen, well versed in a vast array of guns, that sort of thing ;) That all speaks for itself.

They go on to do other stuff as well. SEALs learn crazy martial arts, and if I'm not mistaken, CQC, the moves Snake uses in MGS games. The ones that are so lethal that only miltary pesonnel are allowed to learn it. Those. They go to sniper school at the famed Fort Benning, Georgia, and they go to this equally famed parachute school whose name eludes me. Basically what I'm getting at here is they don't just get trained to swim alright, shoot ok, and parachute marginally. They go to where the Marine's most hardcore snipers train, to where the best High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) jumpers in the country learn, that sort of thing. The Navy SEALs aren't Spore, 5 mediocre games rolled into one :P They're all the best games rolled into one :lol:

So, I'm starting to sound really stupid forgetting some of these specific names and lengths of training phases, but let it be known that from start to finish, SEAL training can take up to 3 years before deployment; longer if you drop out and come back later to restart. It's brutal and instense, as I hope you've learned from my scanty overview, but despite the hardships, it turns you into one of the most disciplined, talented, and capable soldiers on this planet. To close on the training note, here's a list of "specialties" that a SEAL may end up specializing in one or more of:

  • Sniper
  • Breaching
  • Surreptitious Entry (note from meleeman: stealthy operation, basically)
  • Electronic and Media Exploitation
  • Technical Surveillance
  • High Threat Protective Security (PSD)
  • Advanced Weapons Training
  • Advanced Driving Skills (Urban/Rural/Security)
  • Advanced Climbing/Rope Skills
  • Advanced Air Operations: HALO/HAHO/Jumpmaster/Parachute Rigger and Packer
  • Diving Supervisor
  • Range Safety Officer
  • Instructor School
  • Leadership School
  • Foreign Weapons
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle / Precision bombing Operator
  • Language School
  • Advanced Special Operations

Sounds good, right? Yes, yes it does. Can you imagine what sort of things you learn in specialized DRIVING courses in the Navy SEALs? I can...oh boy I can...

OK I'M DONE FOR NOW. That's part 1 of 2 of meleeman's SEAL blogs. I'll do the second one later.

Gaming is speeding up. Still no TFU for meleeman, but he recently got back into Halo 3 with some pals. They added THIRTY achvmnts to that game. I though it was 15! Anyways, it's cool becuz half of them all focus on getting stuff in the second map pack released, and the other half all focus on the unreleased Mythic map pack! I was like "Wah-wha-wha-WHAT??" Lol. I love you Bungie. Other than that, Far Cry 2 comes out...soon...I'm getting antsy.

Reading is speedy too. I finished Lone Survivor, obviously, and I now get to start Brisingr when I get around to it...can't wait :D

Movies, nothing, though I want to see Righteous Kill, Miracle at St. Anna, and the new Leo DiCaprio/Russel Crow flick looks pretty good I'd say.

School sucks. Spanish projects, english assignments, math tests, APMEH cl@ssess...I never get a breeaaaak. But, nothing too bad. No failing tests or whatever. :)

Writing is still ****fied. I've been busy (ya think?) and meant to start transferring the undisclosed project to the laptop today, but then I began writing this blog :) Got side tracked :oops:

That's all from the front! Good night/day to you all (that was for you Foolz3h :P What's the morning lookin' like down there? :lol: )

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995 saying hoo-yah to the Navy SEALs, and that's a mouthful to say!

So here I am, and boy do I need clever titles

*Spider-Man tone* Meleeman, meleeman, does whatever a...a...yeah I don't have any clever openers left either. Let's dive right in, shall we?

So, school. School's...fine. Been doin' fairly well on tests and whatnot. Got a 92 on our first APMEH test! I was like, picking my jaw up off the floor after I saw that one. We took a test in Geometry, and I feel pretty good about it. Which, unfortunately, often ends up boding poorly when I get it back. Then when I think it got botched to pieces, there comes the 95. Typical of biology last year, for example, but I haven't seen a grade yet so we'll see what happens.

Soccer has been...difficult. We played our first league game on Tuesday. It was our rival, McDonogh, or however you spell that godforsaken name. Last year we:

Beat them at home

Lost to them away

Ended up playing them, at their field, in the championship, and losing when we REALLY should have won. Loads of BS, I'll link you to the blog I covered it in way back yonder. Here it is.

So this time, we were ready to take them on. Our field. A good field. A nice field. And with a team that gets better by the minute. We had a tough game in our 6-0 loss to a public school team last week, but we were ready for anything after the practices we went through in between the two games. Here's a short portrait of the game for you guys.

First half, we dominated. No other word for it. Utter domination. We had the ball probably 85% of the first half. We just couldn't get the ball in the net! It was embarassing. We could have had probably 3 goals that half. Second half rolls around. A lot of our starters were sitting for no reason and never came back in. The rest of us were getting tired. Our offensive starters were all sitting. We switched a good midfielder with a good defender and they didn't adjust to their roles well. Just..a few things that shouldn't have mattered all added up, and we couldn't hold them off. Make a long story short, they scored a goal so miraculous that I thought it went over top of the goal and came down on the net outside. Nope. Right over our keeper's fingers and then right under the cross bar. I dunno how he did it, but the guy scored, and we couldn't give them any back. So, we lost.

1-0. I couldn't believe it. They knew we should have won. We knew it. Coach knew it. But whatever, we'll be them next time, right?

I think so. Becuz two days later on Thursday, we played the third best team last season, whereas McDonogh was second. We pulverized them, Baltimore Lutheran. 3-0 game, I think it might have even been more on a good offensive day, but we made some good goals, played smart and well, and we hung in there. Speaking of hanging in there, I started and played all of both games :D Big change from last year. The bigger change is that I'm actually playing really well:!: Last year I just didn't deliver solid field work, but I'm growing into the defensive role and it's working out fine now.

I haven't been watching many movies lately, but I saw Inside Man a few nights ago for the first time in a long time. I really enjoy that movie. I also forgot how long it was!

Gaming is a bit of a drastic change. One day I'm Vegasing, the next day I'm tired of all the games I have, the next day I decide to FINALLY restart and beat Assassin's Creed once and for all, and the next day, TFU comes out and I'm playing it at Steve's house. I played from the first mission to the mission where you escape the medical lab. I'm fairly impressed with the game so far. I think some of the level design is much like Star Wars Bounty Hunter, where the gameplay was sweet but I couldn't bear the boring or annoying levels. TFU isn't nearly as bad as BH was, but there are definitely parts of Raxus Prime and Felucia that I don't particularly care for. One other thing is that I was playing on Steve's file, and he's already beaten it twice, so I had a huge array of powers and moves to use and I got it all too fast, so I was trying to get accustomed to everything at once and as a result couldn't do anything particularly well. Still, I love the gameplay, the moves, fighting Rancors...etc, etc, etc...

Books. Ah, books. I got Brisingr today. I'm very glad, I've only waited for it for like three years. But alas, I won't be reading it juuuuuuuuust yet. I have to finish Lone Survivor first, becuz I refuse to ever read more than one book at once. Drives me nuts. Anyways, LS is REALLY, REALLY good. Like, REALLY good. I'm loving it so far, and I'm ecstatic that he's going so in-depth about their training. I'm sorry, but my views of the Navy SEALs went from "yeah they're pretty hardcore spec ops guys" to "they have my utmost, most tremendous respect", to the point where I don't think the President of the United States could attain it if he ended world hunger and created hydrogen powered cars. Yeah. I admire them that much. Just read the book, right now, just do it. It's called Lone Survivor, it's about a Navy SEAL, and it's one of the most fascinating things I've ever read in my life. I might do a whole blog on it soon.

Until next time, I've been a trying to find time for AC and writing a secret project irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Coming to you live from his new laptop, it's irmeleeman5995!!

AHHHHHHHH wow it's been a while since I blogged. It's been a lot longer of a while since I last did so from a laptop :D

We just got it yesterday, and we have it more or less up and running fully. My dad's going on a week long business trip this week, so there might be a few things he needs to finish when he gets back. HOWEVER:

I'm pretty sure it's this one (there's a lot of similar ones)

Pros: Sweet looking, light, big, wide screen, no issues with the charger plug :| , built in webcam and mic, two headphone jacks, no problems with the USB drives :| , and long battery life

Cons: Vista :( , not a Mac :P

All in all, I've used it for like 3 hours so far. It's sweet. I'm still struggling with Vista becuz I don't exactly know it that well, but I'll get used to it. Anyway...

School's going fine. No complaints, other than it's school and I have homework and it isn't fun :roll: Nothing interesting to report here, although we are getting cl@ss rings made. The people come back to take our orders Wednesday and I haven't even given mine more than a glance, I should really "make" mine today.

Why today you ask? I have no school today! :lol: Our school's water main broke and they cancelled school. I still have soccer though.

Soccer's been going decent. We've only had 2 soccer games that I haven't covered here. They were both scrimmages against public school teams, one of which is the public school that I would go to if I did. We beat them 3-0, but I had a hurt groin and played only the last 20 minutes. I almost didn't play at all. Nothing too special happened here, but there was a funny little moment where I was chasing a guy down the sidelines and my cleat came almost all the way off my foot :lol: I managed to pop it back in on the fly, but I spent what felt like the next 5 minutes trying to find time to tie it back up :P

The other game was just last week, against Resevoir, another public school. They're a fairly new school, we beat them last year (I don't remember the game or the score, I was just told we won), and they weren't supposed to have gotten significantly better. Well...they beat us 6-0. There was a lot that went wrong. The grass on the field was long and thick, and our passes were almost all too short, with some of them getting picked off by the other team. We also came out flat and never really picked up the pace. I don't know how or why, but as soon as I came out on the field I was already tired :( At any rate, we just could not keep the ball on their side at all; we could barely even get it there. As a result, our defense got HAMMERED non stop, all game, which tired us out and made us play even worse than we already were.

One of the reasons I play defense is I'm really fast, so I can just get to the ball, remove it from my side, and then take a nice little breather becuz my endurance isn't cut out for running all over the place. Well, in a game like the one against Resevoir, where we couldn't catch a break on defense, I got ran more in one half than I usually do in one game. It was irritating. Practices have since reflected our game performance, so coach has been taking great lengths to ensure that we remain...driven. *nervous smile*

In gaming, it's reeeeeeeeeally slowing down since all the games we've been playing online are just getting sucked dry, they all need breaks. TFU comes out tomorrow, and I can't believe I'm saying this, buy by GS's review of it, it looks like it's not even a guarentee buy anymore, much less the day-1 buy. They talked about it like it wasn't the same game of the demo I've been playing, and it's seriously making me consider how much more the game could have to offer me. I'm also perplexed that they didn't even mention online play, they barely referenced upgrades to your combat, and I don't even know if they played the game or just read the novel, becuz apparently their only favorite part was the story :|

With a lot of this year's big games being bumped off to next year, the list of to buys has slowly started narrowing itself down. So far it's looking like Far Cry 2 next month for certain, TFU tomorrow after some consideration and second opinions, Dead Space probably by the end of the year, BF: BC sometime before the end of the year, H.A.W.X., and EndWar, if that's still coming out at year's end and if I decide I will enjoy it. Other than that, looks like next year will have a lot to offer :P

Airsoft has had no real developments. I haven't ordered this (black), this, or these yet, but I will very very soon and then I'll probably be satisfied with all my airsoft stuff for a long time, with the only other thing on my mind being a new barrel for my rifle to make it more accurate and shoot BBs with more power behind them. That one's in consideration, I don't know how easy or expensive it is to install one. I'm told it isn't too hard. Other than equipment, we haven't played in two weeks, both got called off. A few days ago I went to Ben's house and there, me and Steve were range testing his sniper rifle with his newest toy, the .28 gram BB, and the results were utterly ridiculous. I was maybe 300 feet away (about 100 meters for you Aussies :P), and he was consistently hitting me. Where he wanted. With an airsoft gun. In the RAIN! And to think the next day he decided he wants to buy a new rifle...a rifle that shoots BBs that weigh almost twice as much (.43 gram BBs...I didn't even know they went past .30...) and it would shoot them FASTER than his gun shoots .28s right now! Ohhhhhhhh boyy...

Last thing is reading. I just got a book called Lone Survivor. It's about the only Navy SEAL who lived through Operation Red Wing, written by said SEAL. I didn't get much time with it, but so far it's REALLY good, I'm very into it. The guy is very good at relating this sort of thing, better than one might think. I'll keep you all posted with future posts, it's looking like it's shaping up to be one to pass around to the buddies ;)

Ok, I'm sorry, but I am NOT proofreading this. So, sorry for any mistakes you may have encountered :(

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995 on a laptop, and that's a relief, and a mouthful to say!