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irmeleeman5995 Blog

I'm bored, haven't written a blog in a while...what to cover...

It's been a while, eh guys? I've officially become the 3 times a month (if not less) blogger :P I never feel like blogging anymore :lol: Don't ask me why, I have no idea...:roll:

There's a fair amount going on in meleeman (brawlman)'s life right now. Grades are mostly fine, with the ever present math issue at hand as well. I finished Black Hawk Down (I don't think I mentioned that in the last blog, did I?) and that was pretty sweet. I've been meaning to watch the movie but haven't had time...

In games, I picked Phantom Hourglass back up last week FINALLY and FINALLY got past the part I was stuck on. First try anyone? :roll:

I enjoyed it for all of maybe two hours before I went to bed that night and didn't play it anymore since :P I recently came into a few new 360 games, one of which is Far Cry Instincts Predator or whichever the heck the 360 one is, and Spinter Cell Double Agent. Both are games I've been meaning to play forever, and after playing a few hours of Far Cry, I realizes how hard and frustrating even the littlest gunfights are, due to lack of Halo's minute auto aiming. I've realized that thing which I often dreaded is actually one of the, if not the most nuanced part of all three Halo games. I never realized how much auto aiming in the little degree in Halo really helps keep beads on targets. In a game like Far Cry where it's straight up aiming, it's so easy for me to draw a bead on some guy's forehead and then end up shooting half a clip of MP5 ammo over his shoulder after he takes one step and my crosshair won't stay on his face.

Spinter Cell, on the other hand, is quite, QUITE awesome. It's the first SC game I've ever had the privelage of playing online, and I found the expereicne to be a bit rough in spots but overall, very enjoyable. It follows in Vegas's footsteps as it is prone to freezing. The match stystem is a bit odd too. You pick a map you want, and whether you want spies or mercs, and then it finds a created match for you to join that fits your specifications. Only if it doesn't find a match will you have the option of making one yourself. This is always my preference, so it's annoying to have to pray when you hit find match that it won't and you'll host one. The solution is to pick a map no one plays and then switch it once you've made a server to the map you want.

It does some things better than Vegas though. At the lobby screen, if you want to switch teams, you hit Y, and you'll switch, but if there's no room on the other side, a little symbol pops up next to your name that signifies you want to sswitch, The next person on the other team to hit Y will then switch with you, assuming someone wants to. In Vegas, if you had a full server, you couldn't switch teams unless someone left in order to keep the numbers even. This little difference really streamlines the online.

The other thing I liked was that you can switch maps at the lobby screen and THEN load the map you're playing as the game starts. In Vegas, when you're at a lobby, it loads the map while you're in the lobby, so you're constantly being interrupted when the host switches a map or gametype. SC did it very intelligently the way they chose.

Anyway, onto the game itself. I have yet to even bother with campaign, which is usually my cardinal sin, but the online is so blasted fun that I haven't gotten around to it. It's very intimate gameplay, with teams of three on three (perfect for my friends Matt and Steve, plus me). The spies are unarmed, save a remote hacking device that does things like shut off lights, disable the enemy's HUDs, and hack terminals, two of which need to be hacked and then brought to your spawn for victory.

Spies are only armed with night and thermal vision, atheletics/acrobatics, dropping on mercs from high up to knock them out, stealth, and the ability to break necks if you manage to sneak up on a merc. Mercs, on the other hand, handle much differently. The mercs play from first person and have guns, grenades, flashlights, EMF vision, spy drones, and a melee attack that knocks out spies in circle around you. They're slow moving and can't go too many places, but have spy drones to scout anywhere and self destruct when you want. You're vulnerable to getting your neck snapped while droning though, so watch out.

As I was saying, the mercs' main goal is to last the 20 minute time limit without getting two terminals hacked and captured, losing all four lives, or killing the opposing team until they're out of lives. All in all, it's awesome fun, and I realize I said a lot but didn't even cover everything I wanted to, but I'm cutting it short for your guys' sake :P

So that's my Spinter Cell experiences. Also, I've played a bit of Halo recently as I was a bit off at first but I'm more or less in mah groove now :D Sponge, this weekend we have to play Halo 3. I cannt stress this enough. When you comment on this, as I know you will, tell me when we're going to do it, as far as I know I'm totally free.

In closing, read it :D According to the Writers' Lounge, it's fairly long and apprently ridden with typos, as I predicted, but I think it turned out well and you guys will like it if you invest the time in it. :D

Until next time, I've been an airsoft gun accessory shopping irmelee(brawl)man5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

I can't decide if this blog should be enormous or short.

So how's everyone at GS doing? It seems that editors and users alike are dropping off this website like flies. Maybe I should get a job reviewing games here? I'd be better than half the people they're bringing in now :P

Life in meleeman's world is alright. I have tons of money waiting for releases like Brawl and Vegas 2 (which, I may say will be OUTSTANDING). Until those games, I'm playing nothing new...or am I? I'm still trying to get around to Phantom Hourglass, cuz Josh took the 360 on a baseball trip this 3 day weekend and I was hoping to plow through it with no distractions...and got distracted playing Wind Waker (ironic, eh?) I picked up from a game I had started a while back and I finished up completing the sea chart and I'm hunting down items with treasure maps now. I never ever knew how useful those things are. They're all either silver rupees or pieces of heart. I slap myself for ever thinking they were all purple and red rupees...what's wrong with me?

Anyways, information on Vegas 2 is pouring out due to a rapidly approaching release. Where did THAT time go? Anyway, it's shaping up great. A few new guns, namely the M16 which we've all been BEGGING for, and a sprint feature (suck it CoD 4) and shooting through walls (they even one upped CoD 4). Shooting through walls has been taken a step further in Vegas with varying degrees of penetration depending on the gun and ammo type, as well as the surfaces themselves. In CoD it was "you could shoot through" or "you couldn't shoot through". This is good stuff, and I am officially never buying CoD. I've beaten the story and the multiplayer's two biggest strengths over Vegas 1 have been implemented (better) than CoD 4. I. Can't. Wait. Did I mention they're using the same UnrealEngine too? All they're doing is making graphics better, AI better, and hopefully eliminating all the bugs that made the first game such a hassle. I seriously say that the main, main issue with Vegas 1 was what a BUG FEST IT IS. It's embarassing at times...

But even more huge is BRAWL. BRAWL. BRAWL. IT'S FINALLY. COMING. OUT! Each update gets bigger and better, new maps are shooting out and every single one seems more appealing than Melee's overall lackluster maps (it really was my only issue with Melee...). New characters seem set, and it's all good. Shiek looks great, Samus/ Zero Suit Samus still look to be my main, with Link, Shiek, and Fox (or Falco) all bringing up the second place slot. Anyways....GAH. I WANT IT NOWWWWW

I'm almost done with Black Hawk Down. It's a fantastic book and I can't wait to see how it ends. Then, it's off to the movie :D My brother has a super special edition and I plan on watching all of its special features. Seems pretty nifty. After that, I'm looking for Catch 22 assuming I'll find time to read it with the dreaded term paper creeping up on me...

At any rate, I can't think of much more to say. Grades in school are fine I suppose, my airsoft gun is bringing forth lots of amusement, and life's just....a-ok, as always I guess. :P

Well, it's been a relatively short blog, and I didn't cover that much, but there hasn't been much to say, you know? On a final note, I'm making steady progress on my writing project, and I'll be finished with it....soon. Maybe. Hehehe...Also, to Spongemario, did you ever read anything I linked you to? Your thoughts?

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a....wait a sec...I didn't throw anything in there...ah well whatever...and that was a mouthful to say!

Another blog post. Oh wait, I forgot the long part...

Why is there no gun category for blogs? :lol:

Wait, why do you care, meleeman? says you.

I have a Jing Gong G36C airsoft rifle now, says I.

That's right, I bought the little devil. Not that it's little or a devil.

I ordered it last Sunday, which was not a business day for them. It was said to take 1-2 business days to process the order for shipping. Well less than a day later on their first business day, they emailed my dad saying it processed. Less than 24 hours after that, it was in my house waiting for me to open it that Tuesday after school. I cradled it and held it dear to me, but due to unfavorable wind conditions I only just now shot it today. It's amazing, plain and simple. It packs a wallop and it's as accurate as crazy. There was not a tree in the woods next to my yard that I couldn't hit in terms of range. The issue was branches in the way, but that isn't the point. On semi-auto, one shot per trigger pull, rounds bounced off trees and echoed all over the place. On full auto, I strafed water, leaves, and the ground, and it was fantastic. My brother Josh mentioned that he thought it wasn't fun to shoot because there was no challenge getting the pellets to go where he wanted them too :P This gun is sweet, and I'm uploading pics for you guys soon.

Other than the gun, life's pretty good. I'm reading Black Hawk Down still and it's gotten even better. No real gaming news, seeing as I can't play on weekdays. Nothing new at school. Nothing interesting happening with my friends or family. And I would tell you I'm writing something but it's a tightly wrapped secret that I totally just blew and I've been trying to keep it under wraps, so SHH.

Oh and for the record Sponge, the reason I hadn't blogged was first I ordered the gun, which was news, then I got the gun, which was news, then I got the gun but couldn't shoot it, which was news, and then I got to shoot it today, so that summed everything up. Come to think of it, I'm going to Steve's house tomorrow along with Ben to slink around in the woods around his house with our guns and just pretend like we're on a mission. It should prove to be really awesome, seeing as we all have sweet guns. More on that on the weekend once it happens, okay?

Until next time, I've been a pretty boring (I guess) irmeleeman5995, and that is most certainly a mouthful to say!

Big blog. That's what I get for waiting so long to write one.

Welcome everyone! I've been commenting in your blogs and such, but haven't written one of my own in some time. I'm doing pretty well, hopefully you all are too.

So where did I leave off? I suppose I'll start with exams. I got them all back. I did, in all, very, very well. Math was the exception, despite my highest hopes, it was a 77. Which isn't so bad. But isn't so great either. Biology was a whopping 90. Class average? 74. My expectation? Somewhere in the 80s. Highest grade was a 93 and the average was a 74. I knew I didn't do that bad, but as for some of the multiple choice, I wasn't sure if I knew the subject matter for a lot of the questions (meiosis, mainly). But I scored nearly all of them right, and was quite impressed. English was a joke (though I'm ever grateful for the joke that is was) with a 99, history was a IN YOUR FACE and a glad I studied...with a 98, and spanish was actually a disappointment at an 89. Disappointing only because I honestly expected it to be higher than that. It really was easy. But anyway, that's that, and going into the third quarter strong should get me ungrounded from gaming on weekdays soon.

School other than that is going well. We started a...dare I say it...interesting unit in Spanish that I find shockingly practical. Math is a bunch of almost too-good-to-be-true easy math stuff. Nothing else special.

My birthday was saturday. It was AWESOME. I had so much fun. Good food, good time with friends, some gaming, movies, we all went to church the next day, and then my dad took me and my friend Ben flying. He flies little one engine propeller planes for Civil Air Patrol and I got to fly this bird. Very windy, but I handled it well for my first time. I also threw up. Which was strange and unexpected. And right after I threw up, I was still my spunky, sprightly self. Very odd. Anyway, the coolest part was that we were a good distance up in the air, and you could see for miles. In commercial airlines, the window is small and you see practically nothing. In this thing, it's like being in a car, only in the sky. You can see out all directions and get large views. Then there was the landing, where the plane was wobbling and twistsing everywhich way, I thought we were gonna clip our wing on the ground, yet my dad pulled off one of the smoothest landings I could possibly imagine, conditions and all.

In terms of gifts, I got a Wii t shirt, Wii lounge pants, and the Nyko Wii Charger which I might or might not keep. See, I think I want rechargeable double A batteries so that they can go in the 360 controllers or the Wiimotes, and we'd just swap them out as we needed to. But I dunno yet, we'll see. Anyways, I also got a 30 dollar gift card to Best Buy, so hello Advance Wars.

But here's the kicker. Between birthday and Xmas money, I have a whopping 410 dollars to spend on anything I see fit. I'm looking at a huge list of games, all of which I have money but not necessarily the time for. The other thing is actually an airsoft rifle of the HK G36. The link insists on linking you to the website's hompage and not the specific product listing, but I'll tell you all the run down and walk you through how to find the page if you feel like it.

Basically, there's two huge air soft companies for the hardest of hardcore. Tokyo Marui and Army Classic. Both have high end selections with high performance capabilites and super realistic modeling. The G36 from each company is priced anywhere from 250-300 bucks. That's...a lot. Now enter what's called the ECHO 1 series of rifles. Clones of the Marui guns so the parts are interchangable, this series is being called a whole new breed of air soft gun. The outsides are as much more realistic to the actual thing as you can get, more so than the Marui it's based off of, and according to the customer reviews, it performs better too. The thing has five stars across the board, from total new guys like me to total hardcore guys around the country. They say it's sturdy, reliable and compact, can take a beating, and the insides are simply flat out better than the Army Classic and Marui. Many people have gone on in their reviews to say that they sold their other models that costed a hundred dollars or more extra in favor of this ECHO 1 that's a mere 160 and super sexy. Detachable orange tip which to me is a huge deal so it doesn't look uber realistic but oh waits...the tip is has a huge 470 round magazine (it looks like the normal G36 mag though, this isn't some huge bulky thing, it just holds a lot of those tiny pellets, duh), and two rails for mounting scopes, flashlights, or laser sights. One on top, one on bottom. The stock folds in when you need it to, and the thing fires full auto or semi auto, which is cool too. Go to the page for more, and read the description. I was ready to buy it by the time I was done reading:

Go to

Look at the top for the tab that says electric guns

type in ECHO 1

and look for the X36C Version 3 rifle. It'll be there on the first or second page.

So what do you guys think? Brawl is paid off, Vegas 2 is coming, and I have the 30 or so set away for the new Advance Wars. What else should I get? Wii Zapper? Ghost Squad? RE Umbrella Chronicles? LSW TCS for 360? Assassin's Creed which I'm almost finished with? Mario Galaxy? BWii? Not to mention VC games. Oh and Orange Box, though most likely I'll borrow that from Steve and end up buying it later...anyways, I have quite a bit of cash, ideas?

Well I think that's it. Not much progress on anything writing wise, which is killing me becuz I have like three things I wanna get finished (or started, :lol: ) although I'm currently reading Black Hawk Down. Very good book, a bit slow and it takes concentration to keep up with it, but it's rewarding in the absolute flat out descriptions of what happens in modern warfare. I like it.

Ow, my wrists hurt. Worst part? I didn't even get to the achvmnt problem(s) yet. Another blog, I'm leaving.

Until next time, I've been a 15 year old irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

Beat AC6, exams :(

Hello everyone. Do you know what time it is?

Exam time. Yay.

This monday is a full day with nothing special, then the rest of the week is half days, exams all around. I have exams in Algebra II, History, Biology, Spanish II, and English. Luckily, none in Health or Bible. These exams will/could determine the future status of my grounding from stuff aside from weekends, which means even though this weekend I'm finally free, most of it will be spent studying. To make matters sort of worse but actually more neutral, I took a bunch of tests and quizzes last week. English was a test on Julius Caesar which turned out fine but could have been a bit better, Spanish was two quizzes and a speaking quiz, two of which I got hundreds on and one of which I nearly failed, History was a quiz on which I got a 75, Bio was a quiz that I got a 98 on and then a test which I got an 84 on (biggest disappointment ever), and Bible was an 87, so it wasn't too bad. That all said, none of my on edge grades improved, and I think History went back down again. Meaning, unless I get 100s on every freaking exam I have, most of my grades are cemented and that means I'll still have some straggling B's which should be A's. Maybe, MAYBE the exams will bring them up somehow...guess I'm gonna be studying a lot...

In the news of gaming, the only real updates happened today and yesterday. Yesterday, I breifly toyed around with online co-op with Ben on AC6, and that was pretty sweet. I also beat the campaign, which was very sweet. Then we played Halo for a few hours yesterday...and I kinda sucked. Not that I played badly, but everyone I played with beat me in kills most of the time, but not the whole time. Then, this morning, I replayed the first four missions of the campaign in AC6 again with all the fighters I have and whatnot. I'm gearing this one towards some achievements I don't have yet, such as All Medals and All Operations. I also figured out a very, very convenient way to figure out what Operations I never completed the first time and so I know which ones to focus on when I play the respective mission the second time through. Plus, I have a ton of sweet fighters to use now, so a mission that was hard in the A-10 is no sweat with the SU-47, you know? Actually, you probably don't, none of you play this game. :P Anyway, that's pretty sweet though, isn't it? :lol: Yup, this time through is gonna be very easy...

Well I think that's it. Exams...Ace Combat...hmm...yup pretty much.

Until next time, I've been the Brigadier/Ace irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

( title...)

Hey GS guys. How is everyone? Good? Bad? Will you answer me either way?

I'm alright. Grounded from games again on weekdays now that school's back. However, last Sunday I got some serious time in with Ace Combat for the first time in a week or so, and my goal was to either beat it that night or get to the point where I unlock the F-22. I went from mission 11 to mission 14. Ho. Ly. Crap that game is hard. But I got the F-22 and nearly beat mission 14, which was a blast, before Matt made me play Halo with him. Hopefully this weekend I'll finish up that campaign and get some online multiplayer in. Then...well...onto Phantom Hourglass....

Last weekend was my school's homecoming. Yup, that late. We don't have a football team so it's during basketball season. And yours truly got to film two of the three games (JV boys, Varsity Girls, and Varisty Boys played, and I filmed the two guys games). That was pretty fun, I must say. The JV team was the one with all the guys I'm friends with on it, so it was awesome to watch them win 66 to 20 something for their homecoming game. The girls' game was alright, and I got to sit in the stands for that one with some friends, and then the V boys game was the single most intense sporting event I have ever wittnessed in my life. Neck and neck, timeouts every 20 seconds it felt like, radical calls, double overtime, came down to one kid on our team blowing past three defenders with 2 seconds left to score a layup to make the, I just know we had been down by one before that and the lay up made it up by one, then the buzzer rang and the cheering was deafening. A bunch of people I talked to afterwards said they couldn't watch. I was like, "Yeah, try having to film that. I was ready to throw the camera if we lost." It was insane.

Other than all that, school sucks. I have quite a few exams coming up, and it's more or less my first year, but last year I had mid terms and what not in Spanish and Algebra which were both high school classes. Now I have exams in pretty much everything, and I'm confident but not that confident. We'll see how I do, they start next week...Oh, and in other school news, I got an afterschool detention today. Why? For being late to homeroom more than 8 times this quarter. But alas, it's not poor meleeman's fault his carpool is late 95% of the time in the morning and therefore is made late. Now two years ago, I had a similar predicament and my parents simply wrote me out of it with a note saying...."Yeah it's not his fault." So when I got it today, I passed my brother in the hall and he was like, "Oh so what did you do?" I was just like, "Well I got an afterschool for being late to homeroom too many times." Then I showed him the paper, tore it in half, and threw it in the garbage. That felt amazing.

Until next time, I've been a hot even though it's the middle of January in Maryland irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

A 2007 blog? How cliche...

Happy New Year, everyone. It's that time of year, yes...when everyone stays up late, as the new year ushers itself in. *Yawn* I'm not that interested. New Years has never been that special to me. All it means is that in school I'll be writing the wrong date on my papers for a month or two :roll: My brother and I talked about this yesterday...he thinks New Years isn't special to us becuz we're always up till past midnight, and none of us drink. Even if I was old enough, I still would never drink alcohol anyways. So there goes the specialness of New Years, right? Anyway, let's begin the look back on the past 12 months, the ups, the downs, the crazy games, the great movies, the music, the books, and the sports. Oh..and school...

Overview: 2007 was a pretty good year, I'd say. I finished out my eighth grade year and started high school. I had ups and downs in academics but all around it's been up to par with my standards. We had a sweet soccer year this fall with the best overall record and a second place overall, losing in the championships :( I also particularly didn't do so well, or rather, just didn't play that much. But next year will be a totally different story (hopefully...) Among other things, I got contacts this summer which was awesome, I went to Florida, and went to Virginia to see my friend Matt. I also had three retreats this year, one at the end of school with school, one at the beginning of school with school, and one in October with church. The first two were alright, the third was just barely good.

In gaming, a LOT of stuff happened. The Wii established itself strongly in the field with such titles as Super Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, Super Mario Galaxy, and BWii, among others, of course. The 360 got such titles as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Ace Combat 6, and FEAR, are the ones I've played, and there are some other high profile games that I personally don't care about :P The DS got a few titles worthy of note, but the best is by far Phantom Hourglass, which I still have yet to beat, or even get close. So much for doing it over the break, huh? Anyway, one heck of a year for games, with the Halo 3 Beta being awesome this summer and the just absolute avalanche of games back here in Q4.

There were some sweet movies this year too. 300, Spiderman 3, Transformers, I am Legend, and a few others were the ones I personally have seen, but there's always others that I haven't seen yet ;) Zodiac anyone? And as usual, it was the summer that had the most of 'em. There were some other movies that I have merely seen this year, such as V for Vendetta, Smokin' Aces, Children of Men, and Pirates 2 and 3. Those were the ones that came to mind, anyway.

Musically, 2007 was a pretty good year. I got into Sum 41 this year and got their albums Chuck, All Killer No Filler, and Does this look infected? Streetlight Manifesto also released their new album this year, and it's easily their best yet, and probably my favorite album ever. I also got Andiamo, an album by the band Authority Zero, a band Kyle listens to a lot and got me hooked to. Also, I got the Halo 3 soundtrack for Christmas, and it's incredible. Well that's pretty much the music highlights.

And last but not least, there was some books this year worth noting. I read Contact Harvest, the latest Halo book, and that was pretty darn awesome, and I read two of the Dexter books, which are fanTASTIC.

So there you have meleeman's year in review. He had a great time on GS with his buds, in the Writers' Lounge, IMing, and recently with Facebook, so my hat's off for another good year with all those things. Oh, and Xbox Live, which has taken more hours of my life than I would ever care to disclose with anyone :P I have an ever climbing gamerscore too, and maybe a New Year's resolution would be a Gamerscore goal? :)

Anyways, happy new year again to you all, and go ahead and post any resolutions you all have that you wish to share :D

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and I suppose I'll talk to most of you next year, and that actually wasn't a mouthful to say with all those commas.

Christmas Report.

Hey everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and such. Everyone tell me what you got and your highlights, ok? If it was giving something, that's cool too!

I didn't know what to expect for mine. I gave my mom and dad a list of like six games and movies and told them to pick one or two. One of them was the AC6 bundle with the flight yoke and throttle. I figured I wouldn't get it and I'd have to buy it with mah own $$$ But sure enough, it was my one and only present from the parents. Er sorry, I also got a pair of Stewie boxers from my mom...:roll: :P Josh got me a cooler for my Wii which at first seemed rather useless, but upon further thought I figured if it saved my Wii from destruction, I'd be happy to have it. How would I ever find another? :lol: Kyle got me the Halo 3 soundtrack, YAY! My aunt/uncle/cousins gave me a 15 dollar gift card for Gamestop, my other uncle gave me a sweet Navy t shirt, and my other aunt/uncle gave me a 25$ gift card to Sears. Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'll figure someting out.

I gave Kyle money to help pay for a cool Halo 3 bag he bought and I got Shooter for Josh. That was more or less all I gave, aside from a stuffed animal dog to a friend of mine as a joke (she wanted a puppy but wasn't allowed so I was like, "Hey I got you a dog...") :P

So AC6 is awesome. Or rather, AC6 using the Ace Edge is awesome (I had already played a lot of it before). What I heard from GS is that the Ace Edge controller makes it fun but hard. That's essentially true, but my theory is that when I finally adjust and get used to it, it'll boost my performance. It's confusing though, cuz it has all the buttons that correspond to the gamepad cousin, and certain buttons just for certain things in the game that you can't do with the set up. For example, forward and backwards on the throttle is boost or brake, and on the gamepad they're the left and right triggers. To do a High-G turn, you hold both triggers and then move, so you can't do it like that with a throttle, it's one or the other, so, you give it it's own button. However, a few of the buttons on the Ace Edge don't do the same thing as the button they correspond to on the gamepad (the buttons that correspond to bumpers don't do what the bumpers do, etc). It's confusing just to explain it, but yeah. It's fun though, and I'm juuuuust starting to get the hang of it. Meanwhile in Assassin's Creed, I'm pending my final assassination becuz I want to hunt down the Templars and Flags before I finish. It's going so-so...It's hard to find a good guide online.

Oh also, I beat CoD4 last night becuz it was Christmas Eve and I always stay up late playing games and watching movies. That game was excellent, and I totally called the ending, getting to shoot him with a pistol. Best part, All Ghillied Up was better but still, capping that guy while on the ground made my night. Ah and last, I beat Cortana's Meta Game last night with Matt, so I finally got those ten gamerpoints from that. Speaking of which, I hit 5,000 on the nose today. Pretty sweeeeet...

Speaking of Matt, I'm going to his house in VA tomorrow until the 28th, so that's pretty cool. I get to eat at the restaurant he works at and meet some people I've heard about. Unfortunately, I can't take Assassin's down there to show him cuz Kyle will need to return it, and taking the Ace Edge down there is undetermined as of yet...

Well, that's pretty much what I have to say. I feel like I'm leaving something out, but oh well.

Until next time, I've been irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!

I'm on break, let's blog!

:lol: See what I did there? :P

So yeah, I'm on Xmas break now, until Jan...something. The Wednsday after New Year's, whenever that is.

I'm so pumped. Lots of family is in town, lots of time to spend not worrying about homework, and time to game!

My dad said no about the sword for Xmas, as I figured he would, so I just gave him a list of some movies and games and told him "surprise me (with like one or two of six)" so I can't tell you with "certainty" what I'm getting instead. Hopefully he'll go for the AC6 with flight yoke bundle :D I would love that.

I also got the Halo 3 maps finally. Of course, I only played them for like an hour on the day I got them, and haven't played them since. Becuz of Assassin's Creed!!! AC is amazing, I'm so into it right now. I've been doing every side mission/view point I can and trying to do it stealthily and professionally. I'd say it's working failry well, save the main assassinations themselves. Only the second one could I do stealthily, all of the others either didn't allow for it at all or screwed themsevles up.

The gameplay is pretty sweet. I'm totally into the wall climbing, it's executed so beautifully and it really grants you the freedom to use anything as a handhold like you would in real life. None of those obvious ledges at preset hights that you can grab, you can climb (realistically speaking) every nook, cranny, corner, rock, brick, wall ornament, window sill, you name it. And when you get to the top of those view points man...ohhhhh my goodness they're fantastic.

Other than that, the controls themselves take a bit getting used to and I'm tempted to say the learning curve is even more steep than I had heard--which is usually the other way around. Either way, once you grasp the controls, you have complete mastry over Altair and slowly but surely regain your abilities and weapons until you are unbeatable. Of nine assassinations, I just finished my fifth. 2 down in Damascus, 2 down in Acre, one down in Jeruselum. The plot thickens :twisted:

The graphics are certainly a sight to behold. Gorgeous graphics are becoming a mainstay now, but they still impress me as they should. EVery single object is rendered in beautiful detail, clouds in real time move over the sun and cast shadows across the towns and slowly roll away. And the soft object physics, such as Altair's cloak, are hands down the most consistently good of any I've ever seen. Anyway, I can't wait to buy it (and I certainly will) and I'll prolly review this one shortly.

On that note, if you're all wondering why I haven't written a review in a long time, is becuz I like to play through mainly single player games once through, wait a long time, play it again, and then see how much the initial shock of "OMG Zelda on Wii!!" wears off, and review it from there when I'm more sane and ready to examine it fairly. The problem is, there's so many games coming out I haven't gotten a chance to replay games like TP and MP3 since their initial run through. But with AC, I can already tell where some people will start to get bored with it's repetition and I can certainly take that into account with a review once I've fully completed it.

Anyway, over the break I'll be around, so shoot me an invite for Halo action if anyone is interested.

Oh, I almost forgot. Meleeman=has Facebook now. I got talked into it, er rather, I've been being talked into it for a while and finally an old friend of Kyle's was the tipping point. His name is Lucas, and he is the man.

What? You don't have a Facebook? That link isn't relevant to you? :roll: :P

Until next time, I've been a IM ON BREAK irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say and is also not grammatically correct!

I have a day off, so let's blog!

Yay for days off! Although that's kind of sadistic when I think about it. See, our school is really an extension of the church Chaplegate. When the church moved into this building 16 odd years ago, they made a decision to start a school as well, so the building itself is a school--not a church. But the church meets in the gym and in a few other places around the premises. So every once in a while the church will have a funeral during a school day. Usually we just block off part of the school where the Chapel is and they have their ceremonies in there, but this time the funeral was for an important elder and they decided for numerous reasons that our days wouldn't be able to coincide, funeral and school, that is. So they just cancelled school. I'm game! 8) :? Like I said...sadistic...?

Well anyway, even though I have the day off, my dad revoked my gaming privelages for weekdays :( Yup. Yay for my grades being awful. I don't even know why. I mean, the C in math is both understandable and expected (though I'm still trying hard in that class and I unfortunately do awful in the things that matter), but a C in History? HISTORY? That's the easiest and funnest class in my schedule! All we do is take notes he writes up on the board and do really easy homeworks until test or quiz time, and I've never gotten below an 84 on a quiz or test all year, and most of them end up as A's. So I looked on Edline (a place where you can see your grades and assignments and stuff) and the only thing that stood out were two zeros on some homeworks from way back. Not only do I remember doing and turning those in, but so what?! Two zeros on tiny homeworks lowers my grade to a C? I meant to ask him why yesterday, because it's possible he hasn't given everything a point value yet (meaning a big test and a tiny homework would all be worth the same, when they shouldn't be) so that's probably why, but still. So anyway, my dad told me that this is in no way permanent, just until I get the grades up (the rest of my classes, except one A, are all B's when...well...they should be A's...). So hopefully after talking to my history teacher and taking a math quiz tomorrow, my grades might improve and/or be explained. My C in math is low, but a good grade tomorrow will easily bring it up to a B.

Gah, enough about that. Anyway, since I can't game, I might as well be studying and doing homework and such today to start to get my grades up, directly or indirectly, yeah? So I probably will end up doing that for most of today, with a tiny bit of gaming since I was technically off today, and also I want to finish my flight combat story today, since it's been far too long since I just sat down and finished it. Last, I'll end up reading the sequel to Darkly Dreaming Dexter, called Dearly Devoted Dexter. It's SO awesome :D

Anywho, that's pretty much all meleeman has to say. Oh wait, no it's not! The Halo 3 maps came out today! I'll have to snag those up. Of course, Marketplace content is age gated now, and for whatever reason I couldn't download a Halo 3 vidoc the other day, so obviously I'll have trouble getting these maps. What am I gonna need to do? Can't it go, "Wait, sacksy boy is on record having played Halo 3. That's good enough for me." -.- They look awesome though, so I don't know how but I'll figure out a way. Stupid ten dollar price tag...stupid money whoring M$...

Until next time, I've been a gameless workhorse screenshot taking irmeleeman5995, and that's a mouthful to say!