No game should play easy on standard setting. A game should play easy on EASY setting.
I presume HA has also an easy setting, but I cannot imagine what challenge (if any) that setting could possibly offer. Bad guys will probably fall over the moment 47 looks at them.
I think the point Kevin should have made is that point shooting and the ability to see people through walls is utterly unnecessary in this kind of game, and IO is just pandering to the noobs with useless gimmicks like that.
If they had left it unexplained it would have been a cop-out.
At least Shepard's story arc has come to an end - unlike those hordes of franchises that keep milking the one and the same character (I'm looking at you Halo).
StarChild was the only logical conclusion, a software controling hardware, since the reapers were after all machines - whether people like it or not. Maybe BW execution needed a little bit more polish.
Kalypso is slowly falling into a formula where most of their projects end up at the bottom of the barrel. Releasing buggy games and using the buyer as a beta-tester is just F-ing inexcusable. Maybe one day we'll actually see a real Battlestar Galactica 4X game.
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