Of course it'll sell, it's a third person Call of Doody with zombie textures over the soldiers. Crapcom finally figured out the formula for success, and it isn't originality.
I don't think anyone should be upset. I believe there are plenty of idiots out there but if they can afford a new $100 console they can afford a used $200 console. This is just an easy way for MS to make a little extra cash from a very small number of people, and it will not catch on.
If they removed all the RE references from the game and replaced it with original ideas the game would've bombed, I think Crapcom and everyone else is well aware of that. Square's been putting out half assed games with Final Fantasy in the title for years, it's surprising that other companies are just now catching on.
Game company: Hey guys, we're going to pretend we're going to be creating new content for this game over the next year instead of making a new game, just give us $30 now and you can have all this future content that is definitely NOT already created and waiting to be distributed. At least 100,000 gamers: k :)
Vote with your dollar. I've been gaming since the 90s and no longer buy games day-one. If I even hear the word DLC before the game's out I don't buy the game. I'll find another way to play it.
I don't think the Vita is competing with smartphones. I think it was designed with the hermit-slash-Sony-fanboy in mind. There's just no way any practical person could even consider taking this thing outside. It's huge, has terrible battery life, and very little features. The Vita's big selling point appears to be publishers re-releasing PS2 games like FFX and MGS2 on it, so you can finally play them on a small screen in the comfort of your own home. Yep. I'm not sure why Sony's having so many financial troubles with brilliant ideas like these.
It's sad to see what's become of Japanese game companies. These days they're too afraid to innovate, all they can do is attempt to emulate the west and bank on desperate old fanboys who will buy the umpteenth port or rehash of a stagnant series. Original ideas are now reduced to low-budget, digital-only releases, unless that "original" idea has plenty of guns or swords.
lol GS is doing these stupid infographics now? Anyway this was another very disappointing E3. I'd say I'm looking forward to TGS but I can't remember the last good TGS either
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