@loco145: "The PC gaming market produced $21.5 billion in hardware sales last year" ... "which is more than double the revenues derived from console sales."
this is inaccurate.
first, 100% of console hardware sales is gaming-related. they are gaming machines. period.
second, PCs require upgrades every so often to "keep up." console... do not. $500 would last a console gamer 10 years, while the same amount of money would last a PC gamer 3.
third, unlike console hardware, PC hardware isnt 100% gaming-oriented. factoring all Pc hardware sales in the equation is like factoring in smartphone sales, lol.
lastly, this doesnt account of software sales. Pc software is by and large cheaper than console software. and the attach rate for consoles is way above the PC platform, which would account for a lot more money floating around not being mentioned.
The biggest piece of evidence of why this is ridiculous is that the PC is just one gaming platform, compared to all the other gaming platforms. We've all talked to gamers in school, work, on the street and on the internet. Half of us motherfuckers arent PC gamers. We are more evenly spread throughout the different brand ecosystems. and honestly, I am no doubt of of the source demographs for that Pc hardware sketch. I contributed to PC hardware sales in the analysis. But the PC is not my primary gaming platform. and to say a statement like "the PC platform is overtaking consoles" based on a contribution to the platform by someone like me is not a very good assumption.
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