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People have been professing Nintendo's doom for over 20 years now. It hasn't happened yet. And it's doubtful it ever will. Despite all their flaws, despite all the bumps in the road they hit, despite it all, Nintendo is one of the most resilient companies in the gaming industry and always manage to bounce back one way or the other.

I do see Zynga folding or being bought up. That's nearly a certain within the next few years unless they make some big changes.

I'm going to assume when he mentioned Microsoft, he meant their gaming division. I think they might still be around, but I'd give them another two or so generations to really see if they want to stick to it for the long haul. As far as their other divisions go, Microsoft will absolutely still exist in that aspect.

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I don't know a whole lot about the guy, to be honest. Judging from a lot of comments, he isn't exactly a saint. Either way, anyone who goes into a creative field needs to have a thick skin. Sure, the internet can be ruthless, but some of the people you will work with in any creative field can be much worse. It's up to the artist to be able to accept criticism, good or bad and digest it properly to get the most out of it without getting your feelings hurt.

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I'm digging the Lovefist shirt.

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Not surprising. It happens all the time. An expansion comes out, people return and then drift away again as it wanes. The game has been out for quite awhile and still has amazing numbers for a subscription based MMO. But a lot of their audience has moved on for various reasons. I'm going out on a limb here but guessing a lot of them are older and have more responsibilities now and WoW isn't one of them. I know once my wife and I had a child two years ago our WoW playing dropped significantly, occasionally not playing for awhile.

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After Microsoft reversed a number of their policies, I gained a lot more interest in the One. However, I don't want to pay $500 for a system when probably $100 or more goes towards a peripheral I want nothing to do with. Judging by some of the replies here, there's a fair amount of people who feel the same way. I understand Microsoft is pushing it hard and want it to be implemented, but I really don't see why it would be an issue to release two versions of the system, one with and one without.

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I'm pretty sure the Wii U will turn around once their big titles start landing. I don't think it will get anywhere near the numbers of the Wii, nor do I think it will outdo the XBox One or PS4. That aside, some of these games should have been launch titles to really give the console a boost first thing out the gate.

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If I had a Wii U, I'd totally get this. If anything to show support that there needs to be another Earthbound, at least in America. Until then I have a perfectly working cartridge.

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I haven't checked out the mod, since I tend not to use mods much. But that's an impressive amount of time and from what I've read, it's pretty good. I don't know how many people here have ever looked at Bethesda's hiring page (or Zenimax, I guess), but for many positions one of the things they prefer is experience with either the Fallout or Elder Scrolls kits. I'd say this kid has that. That said, it depends on if he has a few of the other things they're looking for. If not, he should work on those next if this is truly one thing he would love to do. I do like the fact that if I recall correctly, many of their positions aren't school-dependent, just skill.

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I'm always connected, so this isn't an issue for me. Though I do have issue with the game being released incomplete. I don't care what system it is for, that's just poor business. I don't mind popping in a game on the first day of release and then having some update that fixes something that they may have discovered after going gold. But actual content that is required to run the game? What?! If you're well aware this is going to be an issue, why not just push the release date back a little? I would rather wait another week or two than have a non-functioning game, even if it is extremely easy to update.

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@Super_Tramp This is something I've never understood. If I recall correctly, their warehouses are almost entirely automated/robotic, so it isn't as if they have a ton of personnel to pay. And over the years, I would assume the manufacturing process has gotten cheaper? Like mentioned below, it seems like you got a lot more Lego for your money back in the day.