Just downloaded this as I never got around to playing the AC games, nor the funds, really. But I'm curious, didn't they mention Halo 3 as being one of the games that was supposed to be available also? Just from initial readings (that I may have interpreted incorrectly), I was under the impression they were going to have a few games to select from and you were going to be able to choose two?
Either way, even though the games they've been giving out are older, I think it's pretty cool. I realize that the games aren't truly free, but it seems a majority of 360 owners keep an active gold account regardless and not just for "free games."
@biggest_loser I'd say games are art much in the same way music, movies, paintings, photography, etc. are art. Just because it's designed to be commercially viable doesn't take away it's artistic aspect.
From a business perspective I don't particularly mind this train of thought. Most major companies seem to follow it these days. That being said, it's one of those things you don't actually want to hear. At least not in the straight forward, honest approach. Sugar coat it and make it easier to swallow, at least then you don't feel as slighted as a fan. Kind of like Nintendo does. They rehash the same stuff over and over but when they discuss it, they kind of make you feel okay about it for the most part. They don't make you feel bad about necessarily investing in their product. Well, most of the time.
This was a classic case of stepping waaaay over boundaries. Yeah, the kid said some stupid stuff. It's a good thing that the woman reported it. However, the police should have came to this kid's house, had a chat with him, seen what was going on and then just moved on when they realized he was no threat. No need to jail him or to waste the courts time and tax payers money on dumb stuff like this.
Kind of surprising, but I think it's a good decision. I don't play LoL, but I know there's a lot of tournaments revolving around it and a lot of international players. And hey, if golfers can be considered pro athletes then I don't see a problem with this, even though I suspect some will hate it.
I love Nintendo and fully admit to being a fanboy. But sometimes they make absolutely stupid moves and this was one of them. I'm glad they backed down on this one and hopefully they actually keep their fanbase in mind next time they send their lawyers racing. This is one of those times I'd really love to see a statement in regards to why they would bother doing something like this.
I think in some cases there may be some photo realistic games within the next ten years. That's not to say they'll necessarily be good games or that other aspects of the game will be just as good. The bigger challenge is to get the great graphics and actually make it interactive.
I don't understand how anyone thinks this will be the last generation. There will probably be many more generations to come since technology is always evolving and there are always new ways of people interacting with things. Maybe once we reach full blown 4D virtual reality you can start talking about the end of console development.
The gameplay looks incredibly fun and with a lot of extra things you can do. I love the idea of three protagonists and the ability to switch between them or just sticking to one. But I can see how it may be overwhelming for some. The graphics aren't anything to write home about, but I can deal with that.
I'm really intrigued about the idea of planning your own missions. I don't know how in-depth it is, but it seems very cool. I figure at worst it's not too fleshed out and maybe could serve as building blocks for the next GTA. At best, it's awesome.
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