GAMESTOP is liars, selling used merchandise as new, giving bull shit reasons as to why it was opened, or just flat out being sneaky and just trying to put it in a bag in the back hoping you won't notice. Take it from someone that knows how they work internally... Always look at what your buying from them. I physically witness a gamestop employee take a store model white ps4 pro, wrap it back up, place it back in the retail box and stuck the sticker seal back over the tab of the box as he was probably laughing about how long it was store used and how he would hate to be the next owner... DON'T SUPPORT GAMESTOP!
@snugglebear: lol you young people are hilarious. To answer your question... No, no it won't be set in the 90s. Thats like saying the original star trek takes place in the 60s lol... more like 2160
I love how nintendo and microsoft are getting along. It gives me a little hope in the gaming industry... watch out sony because if microsoft and nintendo ever team up!!!! long shot, but still i like the cross play idea VERY much, too bad sony is too up tight, hell we've seen it with fallout 4 console mods... sony just doesn't play well.
@goku_black96666: i didn't bash playstation, i said they have the best exclusives... but, ask yourself this... Other than their exclusive library (While impressive) Name something else that playstation has or does better??? I'm sure fanboys will come to playstations defense, but seriously other than exclusives (again, while impressive and a BIG deal) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE PLAYSTATION HAS THAT MIRCOSOFT DOESN'T HAVE OR ALREADY DO BETTER. That is a fact.
@se7enxx89xx: i don't wanna say anything until i see the finished products, but judging on how well the pc MOD held up compared to what i've seen of this so far (on current GEN hardware and a remaster to boot) your probably right lol.
@habeasdata: Yeah, loved DD, can't wait for its new season either.Got a couple of my peeps hooked on it too... They were skeptical after seeing Ben Afflects horrible portrayal lol.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments