@siarhei: lol i was going to post my own comment, then i saw this and thought i'd laugh =) but, to answer the question "Will it bring back players " and the answer is no, no it won't. Casual players that come and go will come back to see the fuss, but the hardcore player base (like myself) the fans bungie REALLY should listen to, will not return, until, well... We get Destiny 1 in Destiny 2. That ain't going to happen, so were left with their roadmap. I must say, coming from D1 beta player with 2 to 3,000 hours tied up in that game to a mere 200 hours in D2 (and haven't played since DEC 8th, 2017... Yes i do keep track) it goes to show you... THAT'S the player base that bungie lost. And yesterday they had a livestream, and its the first livestream since D1, that after 15 minutes, i had enough and didn't watch or care about the rest. Good Luck bungie, i hope you can start listening to your true fans. BRING BACK RANDOM ROLLS! BRING BACK OLD D1 PERKS AND MAKE NEW, CREATIVE PERKS. NO MORE "ONE TIME USE" SHADERS. MAKE SNIPERS WHAT THEY WERE IN D1. Just those things alone and i for one would come back. After those things are fixed, bring in some people that can tell a story, because your shit is terrible, but this should come in D3, get the gameplay solid again.
little DSR on x1x... can't wait. I wonder if it will be 60FPS on the original ps4 and x1, I've only heard of the pro, and x1x having 60FPS (no need to mention pc) this won't be a issue for me, but it may suck for people that don't have a pro or a 1x. Regardless, Amiibos might not be big anymore and i won't be getting the switch version, but that ain't stopping me from picking up solaire.. Praise the sun!!!
Lol "Just shy of a masterpiece" Why isn't there any CONs if its just shy? I swear, these reviewers are trash. It reminds me how gamespot loves to give 10s on games, just to add CONs to the review. Newsflash if there is ANYTHING negative to say... Its not perfect, thus doesn't deserve a perfect 10/10 rating.
Pointless article. I'm a x1 fan and even though how much i despise sony... ps4 anyways have better exclusives. Its funny too because if microsoft really wanted to be in the "exclusive" scene more, they would literary kill sony with that Bill Gates money, they wouldn't have a chance in hell.
I for one am hyped about this. Spyro was one of the first ps1 games i played back in the day, and i'm glad to see their doing all 3 originals. Now give me a remaster of twisted metal and i'd be even more of a happy camper. As for price i think $40 is... Ok. I will wait until its between $20-$30. The price is fair for 3 games, just kinda a hard pill to swallow for 20 year old games, remastered or not.
There shouldn't even be an article on this. The "limited time" offers are terrible too. Why would you GIVE a ps4 pro away for $240 (limited time offer) when you can go on ebay and get at least $340 all day, everyday, for at least the next 6 months... I'll tell you why, convenience. The convenience of not having to go to a post office, the convenience of not having something go wrong. I'll tell you, for an extra $70 to $100 bucks... I'll go to the post office and take my chances. Anyways i can tell you plenty of true stories about my negative experiences with gamestop, but it would take too long. DON'T SUPPORT GAMESTOP!!!!!
i think its fuuny how many people wanna rag on the x1... as a peep with both the x1x and pro, i must say, other than exclusives (which is the main reason why sony sells so many consoles) ps4 really ain't shit... again only reason why i even still have a ps4 is for their great games, but their CONs out way the "PROs" (for me) to name a few...
The XMB dashboard is terrible and hasn't been overhauled in a decade
system crashes (ALOT) its like ps4 can't multi task worth a dam
customer service is shit
warranties (unless you have a receipt from an AUTHORIZED retailer, and even then takes forever to have work done)
ps4 pro fans are loud
ps4 pro is big and bulky (its like they took a step backwards and decided to make a VCR like x1 was at launch lol)
dualshock controller sucks (not just the design but the quality of the "new" light bar models, take why 3rd parties are making ps4 controllers in the same design as a x1 controller... more comfortable on the hands)
party chat interface needs to be reworked (so much simpler to join or be invited to a party on x1)
dualshock 4 controller battery life is a shame also (even with the light bar being placed on "dim")
I've had 3 x1 (fat, slim & x) and 5 ps4 (2 fats, 2 slims & pro) again i keep going back to ps4 because of the games, but if Microsoft thru a bunch of the money at these developers, instead of trying to stick with their shitty first party exclusives, they would clearly beat sony. oh well this is just one guys opinion, again things like this don't really affect me, i have both consoles, but i really only want one.
ohhhh yay!!! i got to enjoy the fabulous march lineup for ps+, now FINALLLY the XBOX HAS COME BACK... with a nice april for us gold members. I haven't played the AC games since buggy ass unity, looking forward to downloading it. also Dead Space 2 is a BIG plus too. Thank you xbox.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments