@j3diknightdave: Pretty common with these guys. Who would have thought 15-20 years of doing enough steroids to juice up a horse wouldn’t be great for your heart.
They trade health, safety, and a long life for short term fame and women. I have to assume on some levels it’s worth it or so many people wouldn’t be lining up to take their places after they croak.
He was actually under the 15 year mark, also going by his physique, it's very doubtful he ever touched the stuff (hell his first gimmick was 'Husky Harris') and, the fact that WWE have strict testing nowadays for everything under the moon.
Furthermore, seeing on how he has a history of heart illnesses in his family, brought together with (if the current news in correct) covid, is/was a contributing factor in his unfortune passing.
Wow! Just a shocker. I'm speechless right now. So young. I wonder what happened. Can't wait to know more about this. So sorry to hear about this, so sorry for his family. Jeez, an amazing talent.
EDIT: apparently it was a mixture of a heart attack & covid.
Damn... I might have to get one of these. I've been thinking on doing a 3 monitor setup. Maybe one of these, and a single vertical 27' for stream chat.
This will be the last time I visit Gamespot because they’ve just become ridiculous with their scores. They’ve become like the contrarians of gaming journalism and reviews, not in the good way. More so the “we need to get clicks” kind of way.
Over the last year or so, whenever something big comes out and I see it getting a similar review everywhere, Ive been saying to myself “I bet any money Gamespot will review it 2-3 scores lower”, and about 80% of the time I’m right. You see how Baldurs Gate 3 has been getting 9’s and 10’s? I’ll bet any money Gamespot gives it a 7 (they already wrote an article complaining how doing an evil run is too “punishing”).
This reviewer complains “you won’t like this show if you didn’t like Rebels”….. like yea…. No shit. Why did you think otherwise? This show was LITERALLY marketed as the continuation of that story. The trailers highlighting all the Rebels characters MULTIPLE TIMES and the fact the story revolves around finding Thrawn, who is, in the current canon, an exclusively Rebels character, should have been a BIG HINT to this reviewer that this was basically going to be a live action season of Rebels mixed with “Heir to the Throne”.
The fact that this was basically the sole reason why this show got a 2 makes it absurd. Because a show doesn’t get docked down that much for cinema-fucking-tography.
So why even get the guy who clearly dislikes Rebels to review this? Because that’s where the clicks come in. Gamespot wants their reviewers to take strong critical stances while giving lower than average reviews because they know it’s a tried and true way to get clicks. And they’ll purposely pick people who dislike the concept of the content to review it because it sounds more genuine that way.
So yea, I’m just not gonna play this game. I’m out. Which is sad because I’ve been using this site since 2003, but no more. I refuse to enable a lack of journalistic integrity.
while I agree with what you said, I still gotta say... stfu, you'll be back! LOL
After watching both episodes, and not knowing much of anything about SWR, the characters, and their backstories. I must say, I personally enjoyed both episodes, and definitely wouldn't rate the show a 2.
Though I would've like to know more of who the characters are, without having to watch Rebels, and some things would of make more sense, It doesn't really take away from the 'WOW' factor for me... especially the second episode (was pretty cool)
The only pick I have at the show, is really a jab at Disney in particular, and there writers "need" to add so many 'strong female' scenes & roles to their movies & shows. Disney doesn't have to make these things so obvious, We all get why they're doing it (to get the girlfriends/wives that are being "made" to watch this shit by their boyfriends/husbands something they might think is cool to watch LOL)
All in All, If I had to rate the show, so far... I would give it a 7, maybe even an 8. And, this is coming from someone with very little knowledge of the rebels tv show. Definitely one of the better D+ SW spin offs.
on par with The Mandalorian, leaps and bounds better than The Book of Boba Fett.
It's simple. There isn't enough money in it to produce steady PVP content. Their money is in PVE.
The competitive scene sucks with all the cheats, and the majority of the people that would play not being able to go flawless in trials, tis the lighthouse and flawless weapons and armor are 'locked out' to them.
That's always been my biggest problem with playing PVP, My friends stopped playing years ago, so I'm left alone trying to gather randoms. The current 'good players' already have their teams, or won't even bother because I/We suck compared to the people that play 8 hours+ a day, so I personally don't even bother with PVP, unless I have REALLY have to. (being seasonal challenges)
Bungie needs to make the lighthouse, and flawless runs more accessible to the masses. A true 'skill based' matchmaking system, possibly lowering the flawless win requirement, They won't because than they just get the complainer from the PVP side of things, stating how they don't like 'skilled based' matchmaking, because they keep getting spanked by people on their actual level, and how they like humiliating & "t-bagging' lower level players. So you get the lower level players, just not playing the mode at all, or just enough to complete some bounties.
Hints the reason why Bungie doesn't offer newer PVP content on a regular bases, and its only after enough complaining they say "Here's some new PVP maps for free, now leave us alone about it for another few years"
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments