Though that part in episode 8 (I think) when she gets sucked out of the ship, and uses "the force" to pull herself back in, with no training (that I xan recall) was a bit much.
I'm not sure if developers/publishers have ever done this before on console, but as we are all seeing more and more often nowadays, once one catches wind of another getting away with something (in this case, ripping off its customers) best believe the "fire" will spread eventually to other platforms.
Better to stand united as consumers, and let our voices be heard that they can't get away with this shit, than to laugh and have the "at least its not me attitude"
So many just let the million/billion dollar corporations step on them, but if we all just stood together, they would have no choice, but to listen.
Too bad most people just say "its just a few dollars more" or "yeah, inflation." and just accept it.
That's what these companies literally bank on...
The masses are larger than the few, but we would rather stuff a few extra bucks in to Netflix bank account, or spend an extra $10 bucks for a new game release, because $60 wasn't enough. How about $20 bucks in Bethesda wallet for a Santa outfit in fallout 76 a few years back, or "paying to win" in diablo immortals?!
Pretty much every micro-transaction.
May not sound like much, but every little bit, adds up.
This all has to do with, how much we all take as consumers, and how far these companies/developers/publishers/businesses ect. Keep moving up the line, to see what they can get away with.
When is enough, enough?!
I'm not even an Ark fan, I just don't like seeing people getting stepped on by a clearly greedy move.
If it was just charging for an upgrade, I'd be fine with it, but taking away an option, so you have no choice, but to pay (again) for the upgrade (if you wanna keep playing) isn't right.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments